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Everything posted by WideNine

  1. I start mixing myself cocktails at halftime, that way I am ready for either outcome. Used to be in a bad mood after a loss for a few days, now a bit of commiserating and venting here and I am good to go. The wife never wanted to hear it, but think having an outlet when you are a displaced WNY sports fan is the best therapy.
  2. What? No one has ever heard of a guy wearing a "Manpon" to stay dry?
  3. Same guy who lit up our kicker away from the play last year...you don't get off the ground and take a 3 yard dive into the back of a QBs knees when the ball is gone - accidentally. I have no words, guys like this I would tell my boys to send a message - if the league does not do enough a crack back block or two may help clarify the boundaries.
  4. The Pats ran the ball down our throats last year, don't think that will work as well this year against this "D". I am thinking those games with NE are going to get UGLY...especially all the "roughing the Brady" calls we are going to get if any of our d-linemen lay a glove on him. Allen is the "X" factor, it is his athleticism that Belichick can't predict - his ability to make people miss and extend plays or pick up a 1st with his legs. Teams will continue to scheme some zone underneath to take away the quick plays against the cushion and man at the sticks to force Allen to hold it, and expect a LB or Safety to spy Allen to prevent him from taking off. NE would be pretty vulnerable to screens if we could execute them, would like to see how they cover the jet sweep if their corners are playing off, some of those counters and plays where we pulled Morse to help seal the edge would give Singletary room to make plays. Should stop, as I am getting ahead of myself G-men are next up, and we just need to win that game.
  5. It is just one game in, but Hock looks like the real deal, in that first game he broke the rookie TE receiving record. I think Jax Oliver had a bad hamstring pull in camp or preseason...have to look, but don't think he will be ready to go full out for a week or two. I know Beane really wanted Ed Oliver, but if Hock had fallen to us it would not have been "the End" as some felt. If he stays healthy he is going to post some pretty good numbers. I like our Oliver too...draft was a win/win scenario in my book the way it fell in the 1st. Knox is not Hockenson, but he did not get the coaching at Ol' Miss that TJ received at Iowa and although his measurables were close at the combine his ceiling is still a big ? Sweeney has made the most of his chances and seems to have built some rapport with Allen. He throws some good blocks and does not play like the game is too big for him. Both our later round TE's may not end up game changers, but I can settle for solid contributors.
  6. That is my mindset too, but I have to admit this team under McBeane mgmt has me glued to each game. Just feels different than the meh I had for most if the drought years....knowing they would either get blown out, or find a way to cave in. They are a tough group, have no sh*ts to give about the past, and are going to go out there and work to make their own mark. 1 and 0 and the only thing on the to-do list is game plan and execute to beat the G-men. Taking it one game at a time.
  7. I don't blame either guy too much. Josh had too much heat on it, but was trying to put it where only Beasley could make a play on it. Beasley knows better than to do a tip-drill in that area of the field, but it hit his knee - it happens. I think what I thunk before and that is that Josh is a competitor and needs to do something to level out the adrenaline at the beginning of games. That is why I think Daboll should just have a bunch of designed roll outs and such early to help him settle down and take some of the sauce off those early throws.
  8. Reporters will love Gase because reporting on dumpster fires and drama is what sells the news. I am absolutely positive that they want him to speak his mind.
  9. Just wow. Failure starts at the top Gase - talk about leaving bodies on the hwy....what a tool. This is not the way that a 1st year head coach wins over the locker room. You CAN critique players or even other coaches, but there is a right and a wrong way and Gase certainly has not been with the team long enough to earn the right to do it the wrong way. I did not see a Jets team that was lying down yesterday - go figure. Some coaches have a way of critiquing with a sense of humor - Wade could do it, ol' McKay from the Bucs was classic with his quips, and us older fans can remember: "What do you think of the team's execution coach?" - "I am in favor of it", or when asked if there was a strategy for throwing so many short passes instead of long ones, "Yeah, the strategy was that if he held the ball any longer he would have been killed", or "We didn't tackle well today, but we made up for it by not blocking" the guy was pure gold and entertaining to listen to. Gase just comes off as kind of a wet blanket whiner, small wonder Miami just crumbled under him... I was a bit worried about the Jests building some kind of a team, but thankfully we kept Gase in the AFC East and he should keep their success in check. Now with Miami tanking and the process starting to get traction... this year is getting interesting.
  10. Yep this. How the hell does the NFL have a bad goal line camera angle - WTF. It is only the spot other than the uprights where teams score. Not enough evidence my backside.
  11. Lamar is a good fit for Roman's offense. Not ditching his skill set just that Roman will get the most out of them. They should not get too full of themselves, there are plenty of teams better than Miami and many of them can do a better job against the read option.
  12. This. The bounces were not kind to Allen's stat lines, but good teams find a way to win, bad teams find a way to lose. He hung in there, and Daboll figured out ways to negate the Jets inside rush and run blitz by pulling linemen and sealing the perimeter for some nice gains. Once they got the run moving and honestly having Mosley sidelined helped, our run game started to get traction and Josh was able to hit some downfield plays. Almost feel like Allen has heard that he needs to hit the underneath routes so much that we failed to really test the Jets deep when I felt we had some good mismatches with their corners. I'll take the win and my Bills being undefeated for now.
  13. Allen is still a bit amped early in the games and we saw some communication challenges with Morse who drew a tough assignment without a lot of game action till today. Defense was solid, Allen made some good decisions with the ball and a few bad ones, but more often I saw the maturation to throw it away when needed. Mosley is a stud and it hurt the Jets losing him. The Jets have some talent...was a slug fest with a lot of batted balls and Allen had the lion's share of bad bounces. There were a few by Darnold that could have gone poorly for a pick six but he got the better bounces. Tough win and more work to do, but I will take it.
  14. Mistake free solid game where we pull far enough ahead that we can give the Jets a steady dose of Singletary to close it out. I want to see a defense that can shut down Bell, and special teams play that is an asset rather than what we had last year. A good team win, that is not a flag fest.
  15. Not that there is any shame in moving on from players - just part of football. I am just surprised the Buffalo Bills news site still has so much legacy content that comes up as related articles when you hit their current news links. Articles about how Peterman has grown from adversity year one to two, or the special bond between Dion Dawkins and McCoy. Prob should tag those as "archive" rather than related content. Just my take , but IMO they are a bit awkward at this stage.
  16. Perhaps it just reminds me of the success the team had in the 90's, but I still like the blue and white with the red helmets. Just thought it was one of our more balanced uni's. Not a fan of buffalo slugs ala Sabres of yore, and though I tip my cap to the legacy standing buffalo, it is pretty boring charging is a better look. Now if they wanted to go A bit metalic with those base colors I would not be opposed.
  17. With the investment they make in players, giving time for injuries to fully heal is the smart move. That being said, the games are not on the line yet. Players will play through more dings during the regular season, and there is likely more pressure to do so.
  18. Not sure what folks are expecting if we are down to our 3rd stringer. Will be handoff, handoff, jet sweep, handoff... You get the picture.
  19. He is pretty good at beating the jam, boxing out DBs and Safeties, has good hands, and can highpoint the ball. Will be interesting to see how those new PI rules affect players with his skill set.
  20. https://www.miamiherald.com/sports/spt-columns-blogs/armando-salguero/article234601137.html Not sure if this was posted elsewhere, I did not see it. But if so, mods feel free to merge. Miami is stocking up on 2021 draft picks - is Lawrence in their cross-hairs? Either way, it is going to be a rough ride for anyone behind center down there this year.
  21. Nope. I did not like the kid as a prospect after digging behind the numbers and reviewing his predraft interviews and his approach to those that tried to prepare him. I was not surprised by the combine results and combine interview results. I loved that the Jests wasted a pick on him, and am not surprised he couldn't stick. Raw attitude and skills are great when they are coachable. We have enough guys on the bubble working their tails off getting cut I would take any day over this headache. If he could not make it under Greggo what chance would he have in the accountability culture that McDermott is so keen to maintain?
  22. It is hard to protect your kids if they play any kind of contact sport - just the way it is. You can't wrap them in bubble wrap, but folks can approach it sensibly. Let the kids play the contact sports if they want, and if your kid gets a concussion even HS level staff are better about following protocols to allow for recovery. That being said, if they get a second one I would not fault a parent for pulling their kid and directing them away from contact sports. Kids have lots of energy and sports are a great way to keep them out of trouble and giving that energy an outlet so I would still make sure they were involved in something - just a sport with minimal contact - there are options.
  23. There's a thing that is somewhat pervasive in our culture; where it is right/wrong, left/right, polar choices with nothing in between. Not saying eball is doing that as I generally like his posts, just that it is a thing. Maybe there was a minority saying the kid would never make it, but all I can remember is folks seeing how talented he was covering the field, how fast, but he was lost reading his gap fits stopping the run and needed to improve. There was some talk that with his height, bend, and speed he could be an impact DE...he probably could pull that off if that is what the coaches wanted from him - he is that physically gifted. Folks that say a first year rookie will never learn this or that, I generally think are a bit foolish or impatient or both - that goes for Allen too. Wondering last year if that was the right way to use his skill set should be something we can bat around. Same with saying a player has to improve in areas of their game at the position they are in.
  24. I kind of like how organic the conversations get when they were just structured around pre, 1st half, 2nd half, post game. The only thing that I think is annoying is when 2 posters just get locked into several pages of exhaustive circular arguments... Almost always devolves into pointless mud slinging. As long as there is a way to encourage folks to take those offline. Although it can be entertaining at times ?
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