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Everything posted by WideNine

  1. They threw us a bone, but will be interesting watching "the experts" try to walk back all their nonsense regarding Allen. Allen isn't there yet, but he came into the league as a talented, but raw project. He is what we thought he was. You can ruin guys like that if you do not give them the time and the resources to grow into the role. The patience of this coaching staff, and Allen's commitment to self-improvement is a good sign that he is in the right system. Everyone is a bit high now, but there will be some bumps along the way. It will be interesting to see if this is a more mature team that takes care of business against struggling teams like good teams do, or if they play down to the level of those teams as I have seen so often in the past. Good litmus test coming up.
  2. Zay makes routine catches look hard because he always leaves his feet and is either leaping or diving to trap the ball. I think he just does not trust his hands and that's a problem with a qb who is going to throw passes on a rope in front of his receiver and away from the defender trailing him.
  3. Are you Dan Snyder trolling us? I think I have seen this play out. All you need is star power baby, don't need discipline, ef drafting well or developing from within.
  4. So how much has he improved the Jags pass d? And NE makes every team look silly defending all their dinks and dunks, and rub plays. Doubt Ramsey suddenly makes them beatable.
  5. and still no... We have a #1 pass defense sans this clown. Honestly do not care if a player is confident and feels strong in their game, or if they diss every QB in the league, but the attention-craving divas get under my skin.
  6. Well you got to start somewhere to establish your baseline for perf evals and improvement. We will see where this goes, but I think NFL orgs that have success have to have owners that let their head coaches coach and their GMs manage - check. And having your head coach and GM on the same page certainly does not hurt - check. Draft well - check. A capable QB to build around - really want to say check here too, but a bit too soon. Certainly hoping Allen is our guy, as he is pretty entertaining and likeable on and off the field. Been a while since the Bills org was run professionally.
  7. I think this regime is better about doing a full e v a l of the coaching staff too. Rarely have I seen a front office so willing to part ways with a coach that does not grade out well or simply where they feel the coaching position could be upgraded; players yes, but coaches not-so-much. It is hard to sell the concept of accountability and improvement to players if the coaching staff is exempt. They are building something here....not sure where it is going, but at least it feels different.
  8. I am usually chill with mispellings, just think that pointing them out can be overused as a tool to discredit sound debate. Heck most of us are on our phones where typos easily happen and auto correct can have unforeseen consequences. Like a friend of mine that sent out a mass corporate email that ended with "Sorry for the incontinence".
  9. Lamar is in the right system for his skills - Roman will get the most out of him and although his first two games were against the weakest opponents I do not see Baltimore collapsing. That being said, if Lamar gets dinged and has to throw from the pocket, he loses the read-option running threat and he could struggle. Kind of the same fear I had with Allen relying too much on his legs last year - you have to develop good pocket skills to last in this league. I am not a big fan of rating these QBs, just because they are in different systems, with different supporting casts, and different skill sets. They all bring something unique to the table and it is something to have that many starters come out of one class. I don't know that last time that has happened - I will leave it to our history buffs to find out. I have been a bit surprised at how well Darnold has played for the Jets, he is solid, and I think he has the tools to stick in the league for a while if he can stay healthy.
  10. But it is fun to think of all the new names for "idiot" that we come up with for the national media pundits. That, and if we started getting too much love and respect the world as we know it would come to an end. Well - they do. In all fairness "the Saints" have taken over the top spot on the secret list of teams they maintain to poop on each season that we KNOW exists. Ralph is cheap. We have a process to help cure you of this process-mentioning intolerance. Not disagreeing, the few times we have beaten NE it has been with someone else under center - Brady is like having another OC on the field. I still want my Bills to punch him in his 42 year old va-j-j and cannot wait for him to retire already.
  11. Folks that correct grammar (incorrectly) that has nothing to do with the topic *************************************************** you're [yo͝or, yôr] CONTRACTION you are. "you're an angel, Deb!" or "you're not a true fan..." as in a contraction of "You are" not a true fan....
  12. I actually feel kind of bad for Rosen - went from a bad situation in Zona to a raging dumpster fire in Miami. Would not wish that on any QB. He is going to get smoked down there if he starts in place of Fitz. At least Fitz gets rid of the ball more quickly, even if it was to the wrong team:)
  13. There is that stubborn few that will not be happy till Allen fails and they can say "I was right". Don't get it myself. Allen succeeding, means this team has finally found someone they can put under center to be competitive, and my pride can take a backseat to that any day. Also, I don't feel that most of us here have moved any goal posts as some claim. My stance on Allen and having patience has not changed one iota since last year. I am pretty pleased that he is showing progress in the areas that he needs to - not perfect, but getting it done and getting better the more time he spends under center and in the film room. Hope he continues to trend in the right direction, but expect to hit some speed bumps along the way.
  14. I thought that was Singletary too, but it was McKenzie on a fake and misdirection. Singletary did get his first NFL rushing TD so kudos, but unfortunately it was obvious that he injured his hammy when untouched his leg gave out and he hopped out of bounds clutching the back of it. Hope he gets well soon as we are a bit thin right now...expect the Bills to make some roster moves if he is going to be out a few weeks.
  15. We can all bend the truth... a bit......can't we? 4 TOVs by Allen with no qualifying info? - I will put one of those squarely on Allen and 3 as bad bounces and execution around him (1 ball popped up by Beasley, 1 ball tipped at line directly to defender, 1 Tackle cleanly beat and ball stripped from behind). The "strip sack" you mention today was Allen clearly in the grasp (they almost ripped his jersey off), a very, very slow whistle, and a Giants defender that while down on the ground brought his foot up to kick at Allen and ended up kicking the ball out. But a "should have been strip sack" of a reckless Allen supports a better negative narrative right?
  16. The point is that it is just a stat, without understanding or watching film it does not tell the whole story. It didn't last year, and it doesn't now. Most of the voices of reason here simply said that when Josh started reading defenses better, and taking some of the easy throws underneath with anticipation, and with a better supporting cast the % would naturally increase. There were a few stubborn individuals that acted like he had a bent barrel and would be lucky to break 60%. He is just talented kid with a big arm that many accepted would need time and patience to develop into an NFL QB. Some here rushed to early judgement and they may end up having to be ok with the Bills having a talented QB who has yet to reach his full potential, but one that is getting better each game as he sees how teams scheme against him.
  17. Yep. That one caught my eye. Would like to see Josh master the pump fake, but the few times he has done that or patted the ball I don't think it has turned out well - usually too much mustard or he has telegraphed the play to a defender playing the deep ball. Savvy veteran QBs learn over time how to fake enough to get defenders to mistime their leaps. Allen will get there, but I like that he is learning to find ways to create throwing lanes this early in his growth. I felt that going to that QB draw again was Daboll getting a bit too cute, but the first one worked fine and the holding on Morse was bogus. That being said I thought the penalty on the Giants for "touching" our long snapper that gave us a fresh set of downs was pretty ticky-tacky too. Would have preferred less flags all around, but I think the mess sort of played out evenly.
  18. Allen is going to see his share of tipped balls as most defensive lines are being coached to keep him hemmed in the pocket because he can take off on them, and to follow his eyes. You see this especially from the edge guys. If their first move does not create a path to Allen they drop back a bit and follow his eyes. Its those times that our o-linemen have to be a bit aggressive and get their hands into their body so they cannot time their leap or focus on Allen. That is a lot to ask from Ford who considering how far I feel he had to come with his foot speed as a rookie to be where he needed to be to beat speed rushers when playing RT, he has done a decent job ( with a few hiccups) of taking away the outside rush leverage. That being said, he has to give up more than a bit of cushion to the rusher to recover from any moves they throw at him. He is no where near his ceiling and I think we have a good one - I loved the way they flocked to Allen's aid. Sending a message about protecting their QB - we needed that more last year.
  19. Good all around game, one where towards the end of the 1st and in the 2nd the Bills jumped to a comfy lead and yet managed to NOT give the game away in the 2nd half. There were a few throws that Allen wanted back, but if you listen to the QBs that are now commentators to a man they are saying he is a young QB with a huge arm that will learn more touch as he gains more time under center and as he recognizes more quickly and trusts where he needs to go with the ball. What I liked is that Allen did not feel that he had to carry this team to win the game. The Giants got good pressure on a lot of throws (often bringing 5), more often than not Allen would buy space and either find some yards on his own, roll out and find an open man, or throw it away when needed. The Giants took some things away from Allen in the passing game in the 2nd half - he will learn from that. Allen certainly has the personality that probably wanted to take more shots down field, BUT I am sure that the coaching staff with the lead and the way the defense was playing pulled on the reigns and it was a mature approach by Allen to hand off and take time off the clock. That is something Allen has rarely if ever had to do. It was a step away from hero-ball and a steady march towards maturity. You do what you need to do to win, not pad stats. I felt our o-line struggled, both protecting and with sloppy penalties. They have work to do, not sure if Ty Nsekhe was still in there in the second half I know he was a bit dinged early, but I did not focus to see if he was still in there. Our defense did not get a lot of pressure on Eli, but I also understand that they were committed to being disciplined in regards to their rush lanes, kept to the 4-man rush primarily, and were pretty conservative as part of respecting what Barkley can do. They came up with some key stops when needed and kept Barkley hemmed in after making adjustments from the 1st drive. I think the Giants o-line did a good job of buying Eli time. There were more than a few floaters tossed up by Eli, that I would have liked to see our secondary make a play on. I think Poyer is going to get fined for the helmet to helmet hit although I think he was just trying to stick a shoulder into the ball and the receiver happened to duck down at the same time to protect the ball. Whether it was intentional or not will probably not matter. Opening 2-0 on the road folks with almost a completely revamped offense. Not sure why folks want to be negative, sure we left some points on the field, Josh overthrew a couple and so did just about every other QB in the league, Zay continues his streak of 0 YAC - he does tend to leave his feet and go down to the turf on plays where he could keep running through the catch and I think he just does not trust his hands and prefers to cradle the ball with his body.... dunno, its a theory. Knox let one go through his hands, but the kid threw a textbook block that sealed the edge for McKenzie to rush it in for the score. The Special Teams has been solid - with one guy not being disciplined in his lane that allowed one long return, but otherwise the punting and kickoffs have been good and Siran Neal had a good all around game both for the defense and for Special Teams (would get my game ball as I felt he made the key plays at key times that kept the game out of reach for the Giants).
  20. Yep. Would cost those players more. Just saw this fine update at the end of the other Anderson cheapshot thread... Moderators feel free to merge delete - its all good.
  21. Looks like Jets scumbag Henry Anderson was fined $10,527 by the league. Does a fine like that for a guy making millions actually curb the behavior? Should be exponential then forfeiting games for repeat cheapshot artists. https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/fines-suspensions/
  22. I think the turnovers were the biggest issue. Turning it over deep in our own zone, or turning it over deep in your opponents red zone. We had both and you are right, against a well-coached team that would have been it for the game. The only consolation I take is that the majority of the turnovers were flukes, ball being popped up by receiver, ball being tipped at line right to a defender, and Morse who was arguably rusty hiking the ball into his thigh anticipating the rush of Williams. Outside of those I saw Allen march the team down the field and make some good reads on the defense and Singletary in his rookie debut made yards and did not put the ball on the carpet. As a work in progress I think it was a step forward, but we will see if they have ironed out the flukes against the G-men.
  23. Great question Promo, I think many of the better offenses in the league mask pretty poor defenses, or one dimensional defenses that only perform well with a lead where they can just focus on pinning their ears back and rushing the passer. One of the main reasons Daboll has been working with Allen on his short game is not just that it forces him to make pre-snap reads of the defense, but also that working your way down the field eats clock and rests your defense. A good mix of run and short pass with a solid defense can win just as much as an explosive offense IMO because you limit the other teams offensive snaps and keep your defense fresh.
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