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Everything posted by WideNine

  1. It was a fumble. The ball was clearly loose before his knee touched down. If it was one of our defenders punching the ball out we would find it an easier call to defend. Was a drive killer that hurt quite a bit as they were just getting into a good rhythm.
  2. Agree. I am all for fighting to get to the sticks, but only if you can wrap up the ball or switch it to the hand nearest the sideline. That way if it is punched out it likely goes harmlessly out of bounds. Josh had to learn how to tote the rock in traffic, remember how often he would fumble back in the day? It can be taught and Gabe has a bigger frame and should play bigger than he does at times. Davis does excel at blocking. Other than that, go down and live for the next down if it is not a 3rd or 4th down situation.
  3. I did see Poona playing will be interesting to see his snap count vs Phillips. It would be nice if he plays back to the form he had in Seattle, is disruptive and can demand the double teams like DaQuan has. You are spot on regarding how teams can and will double Oliver if they decide they can block our other DT with one. Hopefully we can get the big guy back for the stretch run.
  4. Exercise your right to not watch his pressers. Having your belief system does not mean that others cannot express their own. That, and there is another board for this kind of circular logic and intolerance.
  5. A few times they came on the delayed blitz and Cook blocks like his eyes are closed. Completely whiffed and Josh had to magic away from the free rusher. McDermott had him riding the pine after. As he should. Blocking on pass plays is an important part of being an every down back.
  6. The Giants got away with a lot of holding and tripping in the 1st half on Diggs and Davis. Weak fumble by Davis, Knox's play was uninspired. Allen hits the half-court and misses the layups. Was an ugly game by the offense with too many execution errors. It was sloppy and that is on Dorsey to correct.
  7. Well at least they will have to run now with K. Allen.
  8. He needs to trip the receivers while he goes to the ground. Apparently, that isn't a PI in this game.
  9. Dorsey does have to do a better job getting these guys ready. Sloppy offensive execution week after week points to how he is prepping that unit and practices. They need to be sharper.
  10. ...and don't forget the crappy scheduling logistics that tilted the field in favor of the Jags rested and acclimated in the UK while our Bills were working off jet lag crossing the pond just days prior. Pray for the best for our injured starters and put that game in the rear view where it belongs.
  11. Folks keep forgetting that while the Jags defense was pitching some 3 and outs our defense could not get off the field and allowed a lot of conversions that moved the chains and produced long Jaguar drives. There were reasons for that too starting with losing so many defensive starters so quickly in the game.
  12. One game played with jet lag and we suck at everything right? Fickle fans that blow with the wind each week. TEs are never downfield... Knox runs plenty of deeper routes, so our OC does know how to scheme those up. Fans complain that Allen can't take what defenses are giving up underneath, when he does they complain that the OC cannot scheme deep routes. Did they play sloppy and fail to execute, yes. Did our defense struggle to get off the field and gave up too many 3rd down conversions, yes. One game does not define this offense that has been putting up decent numbers. The Jags defense matches up well with us even when they are not given the advantage of a few weeks to acclimate to another time zone while our guys barely had time to unpack.
  13. I blame Goodell for using our Bills as an a scheduling experiment. Hard to believe he was born in Jamestown. Heck, I rode my bike there as a kid. No home town help coming from that guy.
  14. I can live with that and especially DBs having their responsibilities, were they rolling safety help over the top or playing quarters. I don't have All 22 so going off memory. I thought I saw a few single high looks with the SS in the box. Allen stays on schedule more and completes more passes from under center, not sure if anyone knows why - perhaps less to do with defensive reactions and more that he is just wired that way. We lost quite a bit in the trenches, but I thought that was more due to simulated pressures and how well the Jags diagnosed our protection schemes and could overload sides without having to send the extra rusher although they sprinkled in blitzes. Their Josh Allen is a Swiss army knife - hand on the ground bull rushing and winning vs OL, or wide with speed, or off the ball covering he came as billed. They did a good job attacking gaps forcing double teams while freeing up rushers on stunts. They did a good job of containing the edges and forcing Allen to operate in the pocket or step up. I said it in another thread they put on a clinic and our OL had their hands full.
  15. Fair enough. 8-9 times out of ten I think Diggs wins that. There were some pus comments that I thought were out of line for how many times that guy has bailed this offense out.
  16. When you consistently get more yards on average when executing under center both passing and in your running game why would you not lean into that with more reps? Most anyone knows play action is specifically intended to free up passes downfield. So I am not following your logic that because plays were made downfield there was "no impact by the fact we were under center showing some type of action" - huh? Not sure why folks get so wrapped around the axle with the fact that Allen is more effective operating under center like somehow that cripples him. Maybe not every QB, but the numbers for Allen and this offense jump when he does operate under center. They should do it more no drooling needed.
  17. re: -He says more play action passes wouldn't have worked with the way the Jaguars were loading the box and showing heavy pressure looks. I've seen a lot of people criticize Dorsey for a low play action percentage in this game so I thought that was an interesting point. I took something different away from the clips. In the second video around the 9:00 mark he actually stressed that play action runs from under center needed to happen a lot more, and kept talking about Dorsey needing to lean into play action under center more. We all know that Allen has a much higher percentage of completions and yards with play action under center, but he mentioned that it has a positive impact on our runs as well when Allen executes from under center. He brings up some stats - that we average 5.8 yards with runs from under center, but only 3.7 yards when we run from out of shotgun. A couple long completions throughout the second video he says, "Surprise, surprise with Allen under center..." Aside from that, some obvious confusion with those mesh routes and receivers all ending up in the same area and I swear that whenever Allen set protection and pointed to the LB where he wanted our OL to slide the protection the Jags would cue off that and have that LB loop to the other side away from how our OL was sliding/setting protection. They did this a lot to overload our protection with just 4-5 rushers. Credit where credit is due, the Jags put on a master class in how to simulate pressure looks and overload protection.
  18. Really? So how many games has Diggs been the only receiver to step up? He lost a jump ball and not even a 50/50 one as I think the defender made a great play to have the better leverage at the catch point. Barking up the wrong tree if you think Diggs is not a competitor.
  19. Jacksonville sat back protecting their lead and even Allen said the offense woke up a bit so probably a combination. I think folks have the wrong idea with these supposed handcuffs on Allen. I don't think they have that much of a leash on Allen, he changes plays at the line often, but to negate an effective rush a QB has to get rid of it quickly and hit the quicker routes underneath. The Jags did a good job of overloading protection and using a variety of blitzes and stunts to get a free rusher in Allen's face. It was a big test of pass pro and they were able to sniff out our running plays pretty well too. There are a dozen ways I am thinking we could have run the ball better, but hindsight is 20/20. My advice, let it go... on to the next opponent.
  20. If Allen plays smart we will win more than we lose. Unless folks enjoyed that Jets game. We need some luck too and our starters to be able to stay healthy. Less flag-happy crews would be welcomed. Hope they leave those guys in England. Other players have to step up on offense too, make a guy miss, get to the marker and move the chains, win contested throws, or block if you are a RB and have to pick up the blitz. Allen may be playing a bit too conservative. I am just thinking he could pick up a few more 1st downs with his legs if scrambling and there is 5 yards of green in front of him. I think he will find that sweet spot of when he should take chances and will be better for it. I don't want to see him getting the crap beat out of him every game like last year either. Ask yourself how much you want to see Kyle Allen starting?
  21. They did blitz quite a bit and on 3rd down, but I was not counting. Those often left Elam and/or Hyde singled up in coverage and they got burnt enough times to extend drives. The rush was often just a step from getting home on those, so I am not sure I would get too wrapped around the axle on those being mistakes. There are some things technique-wise I think the Bills DBs and Safeties need to get better at when playing man and part of that I think is jamming and disrupting receivers and their timing at the line. Lawrence looked like he was just throwing to spots on timing routes as blitz beaters. Today the backups to our backups got beat and just barely, so I don't think it is time to panic or get too down on coaching or our players. I don't think Dorsey had the best plan, but it was not a terrible one and we were close to breaking out on a few drives that stalled out. I was not a fan of the officiating - way to introduce the Brits to the worst aspect of the sport. Ticky-tacky penalties like holding on an interior G negating exciting plays. Meh, got up too damn early to watch that. Defense created some turnovers and stopped the Jags on the doorstep plenty of times, but the Jags were able to keep Allen and the offense on the sideline and eat a lot of clock and our offense did not have a lot of opportunities to try to cash in. Every possession felt like the offense had to press and Allen did not take the bait so for what it is worth it could have been worse with negative plays and turnovers.
  22. As much as I think the Brits are welcoming hosts, these "home" games are such a disadvantage for our team with travel and time adjustments. This team has more than enough injuries. Tough this year with Tre and then Milano both gone for the year, but it is still early in the season and a chance for others to step up. Poona was brought in to rotate with Jones so we will see what he has left in the tank. Elam looked shakey in coverage and Hyde is sufficient as a safety, but should not be playing man against speedsters. Deep breath and curse the NFL schedule-makers and life goes on folks. I thought Josh played a decent game, but the penalties were ridiculously slanted and not in our favor during the game snuffing so many of our drives. Hard to get anything going when the hankies fly like that.
  23. Agreed. I am really looking forward to that Groot, Floyd, Von rotation. Groot really knows how to set the edge, is disciplined with his rush lanes, uses his long reach and violent-hands to both keep blockers off him and shed when he needs to close on the QB or RB. He is effective playing inside and out. The kid is a great pickup and keeps trending in the right direction that it makes it really exciting when you think about the elite player he can become.
  24. Yup. Those folks can drink. I have worked with plenty of folks from Ireland (company had sites there) and with Germans from Leverkusen. Thought I could hold my own 😅. Not so much, they can drink beer (and wine) like it is water.
  25. I hope they have been chilling in British pubs all week.
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