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Everything posted by buffalobillswin

  1. Tom Coughlin is old and the game has passed him by. Let him be
  2. Tom Brady was the first to shake his hand and thank him for the extra wins
  3. Bill Polian says the Dolphins should keep Tennehill? That should be proof enough that they need to move on
  4. Ready for the 4,000 passing and 1,000 rushing season next year for YA
  5. Best news for Bills fans is that Tanehill Comes back as Dolphins QB in 2019
  6. Adam Gase officially doesn't care anymore. Hughes one-on-one against a TE
  7. So happy he got to play in a playoff game before he retired. Kyle Williams and Aaron Schobel #BuffaloForever
  8. The Bills don't have a game changer like Tarik Cohen who can take every touch to the house. They also don't have and won't get anybody close to Kalil Mack on defense. The Bears got a gift due to Gruden's incompetence.
  9. I'm always in favor of more security at football games and rapid removal of some of the trash I see present at the stadium. My worst experience was seeing a grown man berate a 10 year old in the other team's jersey and watching other Bills fans cheer him on. Absolutely disgusting.
  10. Or the tackler can have some sort of awareness and make sure the receiver touches the ground
  11. "The Patriots will need to beat the division leading Bills in Buffalo to have any shot of securing the 6th wildcard spot"
  12. Remember when Mario Williams would wear red eye contacts? I've never been afraid of a human being more
  13. I haven't seen any videos of fans falling through tables or live sex acts this year...too bad
  14. Alright then he is also a Titans dropped TD from being 4-5 again. Works both ways. Can't just look at the one score losses and say we should have won unless you look at the one score wins and say we could have lost.
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