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Everything posted by eventualchamps

  1. Whoever we get, I would like them to be a mobile QB so that if JP gets injured, we don't have to dramatically alter our play calling. You know MM is going to roll out JP all the time and it would be nice to have a backup that could somewhat replicate that.
  2. Yes - believe what you want but you typically don't draft a 1st rd. QB to have them ride the pine for a few years. Unless JP makes an absolute embarassment of himself in camps, he will be starting. I will give you this though, whether it be Drew or some other vet backup, yuo will hear all the talk about "open competition" which will be, well.....talk. It's much like the week prior to our last game with all the "talk" about playing starters in a meaningless game. You heard all the talk about it, but did it happen - no. Why not....because it just did not make any sense. Same goes with keeping JP on the pine....ain't gonna happen.
  3. That's excellent news. Drew should be paid like back-up because he plays like a back-up. I had a feeling that AZ was going to be in the Henry race. I think they will pony up a 2nd rounder for him.
  4. I would hate to see how you live accepting mediocrity as the status quo.
  5. Stability!?!?!? If stability is not making the playoffs and playing medicore or poor in most games - you can keep it. You've made some of the most ridiculous comments I have ever seen, i.e, "we could do worse". What the heck kind of statement is that. You may have decided to accept medicority in your life, but for me - no thanks. We can do a hell of a lot better!! Take your blinders off.
  6. I am going to go out on a limb and speak not only for myself, but for the rest of the guys and say that even given your eloquent arguments to keep Drew as the starter we had a conference and took a little vote......me and the guys decided that we don't want Drew starting for us. We appreciate your input and opinions but at this point our minds are made up. If anything changes, we will let you know but for now we are sticking with our decision. Even though you may not agree, we are putting JP at the helm. Even though it may appear to be a nutty move in your book, we're goin through with it. Yup, were wastin our team....the hell with it.
  7. We were ranked the third best D in the league and right near the top in terms of turnovers so you can't fault the D too much. Having said that, we could use a shut down corner or a monster DE. However, our offense needs much improvement and beyond the obvious QB difficulties we could use some linemen (pick a spot) and a stud TE.
  8. If only our WR's could catch with their feet.
  9. That's absolute genious......let's pay JP first round money and have him sit on the bench. I'm thourghly convinced that those who are still rooting for Drew Bledsoe to start next year fall into one of the following categories: 1. They are related to Drew. 2. Drew signed their chest at some function and they are still enamoured with him. 3. They are his neighbors (probably have to be next store neighbors at this point). 4. You are actually a NE, Miami or Jets fan masquerading as a Bills fan. 5. You are writing from a padded cell 6. You are a soccer mom/dad that know absolutely nothing about football. Let the JP era begin!!
  10. It looks like they are going to win. This is what it feels like to have someone stick a knife in your stomach.
  11. Rams are getting the ball back.
  12. I really don't think that we will cut Drew, but if we do, does anyone know the cap ramifictions? My opinion is that there will be an open QB competiton next year and JP will grab the reigns and Drew will be relegated to backup.
  13. If we did sneak into the playoffs chances are that even if we lost our 1st playoff game, Drew would most likely be our starting QB next season. At least now Coaches and Donahoe should be able to plainly see that Drew is washed up and unable to win. Let the JP era begin.
  14. LMAO as I'm going through this thread. This is getting my post of the year vote....I guess for 2005 now.
  15. Right now the Bills are .4, yes .4 yards allowed per game behind the Redskins.
  16. Here's my conspiracy theory: The Colts are expecting to face Buffalo in the playoffs and what better way to prepare than to pick someone up that knows our entire playbook. Brown - you bastard!!!!!
  17. This makes me like Dungy even more. Hats off to him and Peyton....that team is a class act throughout!!
  18. Bulger is playing very well.....even though he hasn't thrown a lot.
  19. That is the question that must be answered when we win next Sunday and clinch a playoff berth.
  20. Was on the Indy board and saw a post by an Indy fan...this fan said that Dungy indicated that if they were to win the game against SD that the starters would not play the whole game in Denver. Hopefully as others have said, Peyton will put up 3 TD's in the 1st Q. Indy does have some pretty good backups in terms of Offense but their D backups are horrible. Having said this, I think our best shot are the Rams in the dome with Marc Bulger back.
  21. I haven't been paying much attention to the talks but for those of you who have......are they starting to get serious about the potential of bringing in scrubs??
  22. Mark my words - The Jags will lose to the Texans. The Texans have a decent D and their offense is hot. Jacksonville is a pretender. Besides - I have already sacrificed a chicken.
  23. Chris Brown for Tenn is out for the year - THAT STINKS!!!! He is a home run hitter RB. Antowain has been playing decent - oddly enough, I'm going to be rooting my a$$ off for him for the first time in years.
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