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Everything posted by ChronicAndKnuckles

  1. I have always been a bit of a homer, but I just feel something special really brewing with this defense. If the Bills don't stupidly trade McCoy and Daboll keeps leaning on the running backs then I think we can sneak in just like last year. I still voted for 2019-2020 though...
  2. This guy had one good year in Cleveland and has been hot garbage ever since. We should've went with Matt Moore.
  3. Do project quarterbacks work out? I mean you can add any QB drafted after the 3rd round with moderate-great success or QBs from small schools/run oriented college offenses to this list. That would take all night. Are we just talking about top 10 guys? Ryan Tannehill was drafted I think at 12 and he was a converted wide receiver. That's as raw as you can get. Cam Newton was another highly rated guy and a bit of a project.
  4. Hughes is our best defensive player right now as far as production goes. He's a phenomenal athlete so why not use him in different ways? We used Kyle Williams as a running back last season and that worked out pretty well. The defense is on fire so I guess it's been working.
  5. If you don't want the Bills to make the playoffs then you are NOT a real fan. Point blank period.
  6. It would really help if the Bills receivers could make routine catches and didn't have the highest drop rate in the NFL.
  7. We all knew there would be growing pains with Allen. Are you really that shocked? And like I said before when you have 48 runs versus 19 passes then it's pretty hard for the quarterback to amass gaudy stats. What did you draft Allen on your fantasy team?
  8. He didn't have a bad game "for a rookie." He gained valuable experience and made some crucial throws. I just think you are being tough on him. Did he or did he not get the win? Is it or is it not his 4th game starting? What other QBs are you talking about? Fitzpatrick who's been in the league for 20 years? I don't care about stats, I care about wins. That's the bottom line.
  9. Allens worst game? He made 2 critical passes on a game winning drive. The short dump offs that he's always been inaccurate with. The running game was working so Allen didn't have to put the last drive on his shoulders, but whos to say he wouldn't of made a long pass and got them into field goal range? It wasn't his best game, but most certaintly wasn't his worst. Come on, man. He managed the game well and won. Stats aren't everything.
  10. How about a winning culture? Perennial playoff teams can attract free agents and at cheaper prices too
  11. Exactly. People want to be pessimists, but why not be optimistic? We are coming off a playoff season with an upgraded defense and slightly downgraded offense, but with an improving talented QB. The whole AFC is tight right now and it's still early into the season. As I remember we got blown out a couple times last year too. Why can't I be excited? Why does it HAVE to be a rebuild?
  12. We're 2-3 and only 1 game away from the top of the AFC East. Technically speaking. Edit: Sorry 2 games I guesss, but we've yet to play any division rivals. My point is we are competing.
  13. I have no idea what the Eagles could offer because I don't have the knowledge of them like I do with the Bills. Maybe someone not on par with McCoy talent wise, but maybe someone younger and above average?
  14. Terrell Owens build, hands of glue, could run the full route tree. We gave him Flutie, Holcomb, Jp Losman & company. What a waste.
  15. Dude, McDermott got the Bills into the playoffs. What more do you want from him? And he did it with Tyrod Taylor as a QB. He could very well do it this year again if teams keep beating each other up. The defense is looking ferocious and that's the unit he decided to focus on first, he's a defensive minded coach. Give him a draft or 2, okay? Sheesh. Everyone keeps hating on a guy that broke an 18 year curse. I can't stand people like you.
  16. In all honesty I think Moulds was the most talented of all, but that's a whole different topic and I don't want to derail this thread. FYI, I was being sarcastic about Josh Reed. He made some nice 3rd down catches in his day, but he's no where near the greatest nor the worst. As far as McCoy goes...If I was the Bills I would only do a player for player exchange unless they can somehow net a 2nd round pick (which they won't get for a 30 yr old RB unless they're truly that desperate) As many others have stated McCoy and Allen have a good relationship and you're taking away one of his few offensive threats and safety valves.
  17. I would do it for an offensive lineman, but nothing more. Not even a Wide Receiver. Trading Shady would be a tremendous blow to this team leadership wise.
  18. hmmm and I wonder what the common denominator always is? Figure it out.
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