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Everything posted by bobinaz

  1. It isn't going to matter who is behind center if the line sucks! One person a team does not make!
  2. You all have good comments on this! Yes, to have rookies impact on the get-go, you need to talent around them to help them transition. But that Bills haven't had that. Every decent veteran they've had, they've released because of the almight dollar or they didn't fit in the next HC mold for a team. Hell Spiller isn't even really making an impact. The players they did draft over the past few years are gone and so are the free agents they picked up. It's all been bandaides to stop the leak in the dike. How long has Nix been with this team? The writing was on the wall at the end of last season, and he had the knoledge and change to make a difference. But he choose to go into 2010 sleeping during the FA period and draft and stood pat with the same piss poor players, hoping Chan Gailey would revive their career.....Thanks for playing Johnny, what do we have for the losers? As for George Edwards, I'm sure he had a lot to say on the defensive talent he had to help transition to the 3-4. He's in way over his head. He was a linebackser coach; he isn't even near coordiator qualily. If he can't see Kelsay justing standing there next to the pile and being outrun, then he needs to be handed his walking papers. He doesn't make the necessary adjustments. The week in and week out excuses that they need to try every possible package is getting worse that Trent's comments that they need to execute better. Gailey had all last spring and summer to tinker and tweak, and look at where they are. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but this excuse week in and week out, "We need to make adjustments to see every possible combination" is BS!!! Gailey had all frigging spring and summer to tweak, and look at where the team is. Why doesn't he and Nix just admit they screwed up, and let's write this year off and see what happens in 2011. This isn't going to get better boys and girls before the season is over. I'll be really shocked if their record is 2-14. And until either RW passes or brings in someone like another Polian, we're going to keep seeing the same lousy crap next year and the year after. Look at the other teams; they brought in coaches and coordinators who weren't one of the good ole boys. Ralph brought Marv in to make him feel comfortable because he felt TD wasn't getting it done and he thought the second coming of Marv would make the fans feel better and sell tickets. Everyone clamoured for DJ's head on a platter, but look at where we are. I don't blame Schobel for retiring. There's no way they'll win tomorrow. And rag all you want on those who start these threads of how bad they're going to get their butts whooped tomorrow. But we all need to vent. And this team, the coaches, the front office, and Ralph himself can sit there and ponder why they are playing so bad and fielding crap all they want, but we the fans need to step up and say FU and the horse you road in on!!!! Enough is enough and we are tired of being lied to, the slight of hand tricks, all the smoke and mirrors, and rabbits being pulled out of a hat. Ralph has no one to blame but himself. His comment that a QB is #1 priority in the draft next year is hogwash. If you don't have a line that can protect, it isn't going to matter who the hell the QB is!!!! Seriously Ralph, get a clue or quit messing around and let someone else run the show. Just collect your checks.
  3. It is, hands down!!! George Edwards stands on the side lines and looks as lost as half of his players do!! They did nothing really to address the defensive scheme except move some bodies around. Pathetic!!!!!
  4. You're absolutely right Billsfan_34. I refuse to get upset anymore watching these games, becasue after today, that's it. The only other thing I wish I could do is cancel my NFL Ticket. I've wasted enough money watching incompetence.
  5. As long as the Bills front office (Ralph included) continues to bring in re-treads (Gailey), and allow them to bring in their buddies to run the game (Edwards), they will continue to be a disgrace and the lauhging stock of the NFL. During today's game, the announcer stated that Gailey told them in an interview yesterday that the O-Line lacks talent. Then why in the hell did they not draft someone instead of going after a luxury pick? The defense is void of any talent for this 3-4 scheme. They didn't address it enough during the offseason to plug in the right people. But yet they extend Kelsay's contract. WTF???? Edwards looks as freaking lost as the defensive players do! No adjustments, same defensive looks play after play. The game has passed Gailey by. He's had all offseason to figure out what the hell he has for talent. And yet he's still reshuffeling the deck. This is ludicrous. I'll laugh my ass off if the Jags come in next week and totally destroy the Bills offense. And they should. This team is pathetic and the players should be ashamed of themselves. How dare they call themselves "professionals"? I'm tired of the post game excuses as to why they lost. BTW Donte, get used to the other teams laughing at you. The unfortunate thing is that the fans continue to put up with the medicore teams that have been fielded for the past 11 years. But we continue to support them because that's our team. There is no excitement anymore. We do nothing to upgrade this team and yet we as fans sit and watch our opponents year in and year out, upgrade and make themselves contenders. Face it, the Bills are "has beens" and never will amount to anythng again as long as Ralph continues to meddle and hire incompetence. But by then, it'll be too late and they will be gone. At this rate, they'll be lucky to win a game this year. And if we get the first pick of the draft next year, I guarentee the FO will screw that up. I say play the new guys for the remainder of the season to get the experience and let Brohm QB. What does the team have to lose, they sure aren't winning any games. I know I'm preaching to the choir, but this is so frustrating. We as fans need to send a message loud and clear that enough is enough. I think we have endured enough. The remaining games should be boycotted. I'm sorry for those who have season tickets. The games are no longer any fun to watch. Yes, I'll probably be told by some to go find another team to support, that I'm not loyal. I'm just as diehard of a fan as the rest of you, but the BS way this teams plays week in and week out needs to stop!!!!!
  6. You don't think we did it when Lawyer Millow was brought in a week before the season opener with the Patriots? With the way the Jags are struggling, I'm sure they have Edwards head under a microscope.
  7. I just listened the CG's press conference, and towards the end there was a question that resembled something to the effect of the progress of the game overall and his ability to make the necessary changes, but I can't be for certain. His answer basically was that he didn't have the answer. But here's my question; How long has Gailey been out of the NFL? I know he was fired from KC last year before the season started. I'm just curious as to if the game has progressed to the point where he isn't capable of calling plays and making adjustments on the fly?
  8. How about a class action law suit for reimbursement of the NFL Ticket?
  9. I agree. Until the front office does its job, we the fans will continue to see a disgustingly, inept team fielded every year. It doesn't matter who is behind center if you don't have an O-line to protect you. The front office has ignored that position for too long. Wood is the only bright spot. The defense today refused to blitz. They showed blizt how many times and backed off, only to get burned. How many LBs have been taken in the draft that Buffalo has chosen to ignore? I read an article in the paper today that suggested that Ralph refuses to spend the money, but yet blames the WNY economy on the team's financial woes and that a small market area can't support the team. Well after this season (if it continues to digress), season ticket sales will be down even more next year. Then where will you be Ralph? You have such a loyal fan base, and for so many years you've chosen to ignore them.
  10. Appreciate the optimism, but the Bill's O-line couldn't stop the four down lineman that Miami rushed. Maybe Chan put something in the water this week to make the O-line more stout?
  11. With all the predictions for this coming game tomorrow, we as Bills fans have come to the conclusion (sickening as it may be) it's a loss for the team. But I wonder what it's like anymore to be the fan of a team that know's your team is going to win? Chan said the team is getting back to basics for this week's game. Hmmm, is his offense too complicated? "IF" they win, it'll be becuase of the defense and special teams doing some magic. The offense will sputter, just like they did last week.
  12. I'd like to see the offense come out firing on all cylinders and go for broke on the opening possession. Run the no huddle if you have to, but make a statement damn it!!!!! Take the shots downfield; maybe get lucky with some pass interference calls, but loosen up the Packers defense and make them respect the offense. If they go out and play it safe, and not make the adjustments, the the Packers D will eat them alive and we can crawl into Foxboro next week 0-2. My prediction is a close one, but we still lose: Packers 24, Bills 17.
  13. Trying to be the optimist here, but that pit in my stomach just keeps getting bigger and bigger as Sunday approaches! I made the mistake of watching the Dolphins game again last night and was still in shock of the dismal play of the offense. Towards the end, the Dolphins defense was rushing just four down lineman and they still got through; bullrushed the Bills O-line. No adjustments made to the offense except giving up on the running game. I think the count was 37 pass plays vs. 14 running plays? Geeze!!!! And here I thought the defense and special teams was going to be the achilles heel that game. I can only hope that the offense played the way the did was because: A. New offensive system B. No game tape to study of the Dolphins defense (although CG said they would watch tapes of Nolan in Denver) C. O-line still not cohesive enough. But hope will only get you so far as a fan. I'm not giving up on the team or CG, but there has got to be something better on the horizon for this team this season. Just thinking about how they played last week and picturing it all again this weekend, makes me sick. The constant three and outs, the drive killing penalties, the check downs, you name it. If the running game can get going like the Eagles did last week against the Packers, then the team stands a chance and the passing game will open up as well. I know, same old song and dance, and wishful thinking. But something has got to give and go the Bills way. Where were the plays we saw during the preseason? I know no one game plans or tips their hand, but the offense looked so crisp. Reading all the posts this week and seeing all the talk about Edwards getting hurt or trading Lynch is getting crazy. I think it would be crazy to trade Lynch. He has experience. We all saw how Spiller played last week. The NFL is going to take some adjusting to for him. So we trade Lynch and bring up Bell from the practice squad. Now you have two RBs that need to adjust and one with experience. As for Trentative (as you all have so kindly dubbed him), I don't see CG giving up on him. He'll have to be knocked out with an injury first. I don't see the other two being really all that much better. Maybe for Brohm, he'd get the NFL experience he needs. So hopefully Sunday I'll have the Pepto Bismol in hand because I ate too much and not from watching a pathetic offensive performance. GO BILLS!!!!
  14. I think the Felons will be getting a heavy dose of CJ!!!
  15. Reading his pro bio, Ayodele looks like a good pick up. Michell was good, but he sometimes seemed to be out of place or over pursued on a given play. Good luck KM!!!
  16. I for one am totally stoked about this year and full of optimism. I read the article today about how the secondary has set the bar high, and that Florence handed out T-shirts to the secondary that read, "Then prove it". I think deep inside, the players know what the media is saying, but they're not letting it get to them nor are they making public statements about it. I feel they are going to prove it on the field and let their actions speak volumes this season. Since the beginning of OTAs, there has been continuity and that hasn't been there in the past 4 seasons. Yeah, it's a new coach, coordinators, etc, etc. But the atmosphere has got to be so much better at OBD, that the guys are actually enjoying themselves and the game they love to play. I feel we the fans are going to be in for a treat this year.
  17. Or they'll say, "It was a road game for the Fins", "They didn't really have game film to watch and prepare for", "Long and Marshall were nursing injuries and Crowder wasn't playing". I was watching the NFL channel the other night and they were reviewing the AFC East. Not one mention about the Bills; like it was a three team division. Marriuchi, Dukes, Green, and Warner will be eating crow boys and girls.
  18. Thanks for the scoop PTR!!! Ok, you convinced me, I'll pick the Bills!!!!! WOOHOO, 1-0 baby!
  19. Holy Crap!!! I didn't realize he was that fast. I was watching the game clock to make sure it wasn't fast forwarding! UNBILLEIVABLE!!!!!
  20. The flip side could be them hoping he's back so they would have a better chance against the Bills. Not like that's going to matter much any how if he's there or not. Bills WIN!!!
  21. The adjusments in the Bengals game was very obvious after the first series. Chan adjusted the play calling just like Trent said, to soften the defense with passing plays. Jauron would go all game with the same plan. Also something else I noticed that wasn't there last year was multiple WR sets. Not just two, but 3 and 4 WR, whether it was a RB or TE with the WRs, it was a great sight. There were a few times when AVP would have 3 WR sets, but that was about it. The offense will be much more dynamic this year. GO BILLS!!!!!
  22. Spot on! I watched how they line up on the ball, and it looked the same almost every time; four down linemen. A few times in the 3rd quarter they mixed it up a bit. Maybin is improving on his pass rush; he just needs to use a few more moves to get around the tackle because I saw on a number of plays he was pushed all the way around to the back of the QB. I'm not sold on Green either. Maybe Chambers should start or put Merideth at RT. Is Green still recovering from his injury?
  23. This may be premature, but I think overall this team is going to be so much better than last year. Just by the play calling alone and finally using the talent the way it should be, ie Roscoe.
  24. Another nice screen. Spiller is the man!!
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