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Everything posted by NoHuddleKelly12

  1. Keeping hope alive for a return to the 24/7 “No Huddle” attack 🤷🏼‍♂️…we have the horses once again to make it happen!
  2. A-Aron says get Kumerow back or bust! 😜
  3. Glad it worked out OP, and extra special to be able to share some R & R time with your Pops—hope he’s a Bills fan too! 👍🏻
  4. Something more like the Thurminator who was a big part of the passing game too?
  5. My initial thought would be, whoa, we need you healthy against Mahomes in the playoffs! So prolly would yell out, “slow down, the best ability is availability!!!” 😅🤷🏼‍♂️
  6. Vontae said that’s what it would take for him to come back after halftime of the Jets game. 🫣
  7. The ghosts of Jests past demand to see this play run again this Sunday…
  8. Was it just me or did the wings being shaken around in sauce coming out of fryer shot never happen on the national broadcast last night?? What an oversight for the frazzled production staff flying in from who knows where to cover the game—maybe they spent too much time prepping the cliche Niagara Falls cutaway or substituted the table smash sequence? 🤷🏼‍♂️
  9. Don’t we want the MRI to come back “negative” not “positive,” Alaina? 🤷🏼‍♂️
  10. First world problems.
  11. Love the vacant stares into space by AR…more tea mein Herr? 😅
  12. Obligtatory Niagara Falls shot couldn’t even wait til halftime!
  13. Your missing wallet was a real beaut!🤓
  14. You’re officially back on the “good” poster list. Well played. 😂👏🏻 In all seriousness, very cool stuff!
  15. Thanks for posting about this-the “wrong” number 2 on throwback jerseys for Kelly in particular are very irritating.
  16. …of fruitcake. Ultimately, why would we even need to reach for this guy? We’re the best team in the league somehow without his services already.
  17. “I’ll look around” after he offers the jersey for half price lol 😂. Poor guy, kinda felt bad for him 🙈.
  18. Mad respect for your swashbuckling ancestor’s escapades on the high seas!
  19. Any team that has a SB era win in their history, no matter how far back, can take a seat and wait for anything else behind those franchises that haven’t. I’m looking at you Jets or Bears, etc. Being able to buy a tshirt that says “SB Champs” on it, no matter the tagline year, is disqualifying for this exercise, imho. 🧐
  20. Allen said on KB’s Basement this week, that his 1st ever hurdle was already in juco! So that would’ve been Reedley. But I don’t remember any pre-draft discussion on that?
  21. Wow…that was 4 scrolling minutes I really wish you hadn’t taken from me today 🫣
  22. All the perks, none of the coaching hassle…well played Matt, well played 🫡
  23. How about this Rookie Josh game for a rewatch instead OP? 😅 https://youtu.be/RQVqViCqBYA
  24. “LeBald” in the comments to that Twitter thread—“It’s a Shame Chargers Winning AFC” 🤣🤣
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