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Everything posted by NoHuddleKelly12

  1. This run D is giving Belichick visions of no-pass Mac attack incoming!
  2. Great way to encapsulate what so many of us are feeling on a day like today, OP. I was in my 2L year of lawschool and had popped on CNN to grab a quick news fix before leaving my apartment for a 10am evidence class—needless to say, seeing one of the Towers smoking and reports of an airplane accident made me take notice, and saw the 2nd impact live. From then it was chaos with my butt rooted to the seat glued to the coverage the rest of the day and frantic attempted calls to family and friends located in Pa and NY…my roommate who’d left for an earlier class came back at some point, openly crying as his brother worked in the City near there and could not be reached, all phones jammed. Fortunately he wound up being ok, had to escape on foot over one of the bridges out. My experience of course was nothing compared to those of you who wound up losing people or were directly involved in responding to the day's events…They say time heals all wounds, but this is one that should mark us for a lifetime of remembrance.
  3. I need to see how our new pieces will be utilized by Dorsey and McD, whether all of the off-season changes are to our benefit or detriment…so yeah, I’ll probably be overreacting either way to the results tonight lol. Talk to me after say, Week 4 and let’s see how it’s going! 😅
  4. Happy birthday to our fearless leader, here’s to many many more!
  5. Just bring the TBD threads about Daboll along as a cut paste out of the archives and save the Gmen fans some typing time! 😅 But they are still pros, and I wouldn’t bet against them next week…if they have any pride whatsoever, they will come out swinging their best shots against the Cards.
  6. Bet they also featured a rushing stat line filled with tuddies and stiff arming through linebackers which we will never see Burrows do lol 😂
  7. Collinsworth trying to say that was all about Jones making a statement of “I got us into this mess now I’ll stay to get us out” or some such claptrap was the laugher of the day…
  8. That’s a great comp actually, and that will help ensure the Chefs continue to dominate in the West unfortunately.
  9. I really dislike the Dolphins. I mean, like really really really. That is all.
  10. Pretty sure this is what insurance is for…that’s a much deeper pocket than whoever the named defendant is, I’d wager. Imho, our society at large is too litigious (sometimes unavoidable), and many times disputes could be handled more cheaply and quickly by pre-lit dispute resolution means.
  11. Now I can’t get puff pastries out of my mind, thanks for that! 😬
  12. I can live with you trolling the Broncos instead. Keep up the good work! 😅
  13. Bulletin board chip on shoulder type stuff suits us much better I think.
  14. What’s funny are the sheer number of tweets by Filthy that start with the line “I’m a Bills fan…” as if it needs to be said every time because the tweets themselves are always so Phin loving/Bills hating…methinks he doth protest too much! 😂 https://twitter.com/Filthybeast79
  15. Wretched. Not quite at the all reds level, but close enough for government work, imho.
  16. Odd that all of the numerous requests cited by you from TBDers to post your Phins predictions would be solely contained within private messages and confidential emails…🤔
  17. Agreed—he was basically uncuttable for at least this go round given the PR at stake. However, Rapp should be fantastic back there.
  18. I guess you have Tom Brady pegged to come back out of retirement and suit up for the Phins, yes? Because otherwise I would love to know who’s QB’ing them to 15 wins…here’s a hot take—Tua has little hope of lasting the season given his concussion history. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  19. Man, I really hope this happens!!
  20. Another poster on here let the board know about this gem of an app “myTuner radio” that hands down beats Audacy any day of the week: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mytuner-radio-live-stations/id520502858 not sure about on demand type features but it’s seamless listening otherwise for WGR for us out of towners, imho.
  21. Anything that Thurman caught out of the backfield…he was such a dual threat, and I can totally envision Cook taking that on as well. Check all the tapes of Thurm against Miami, Dorsey!!!
  22. It’s ok to give it a rest now and then.
  23. Why do you hate the Bills and our boy Josh so much? 🤷🏼‍♂️
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