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Everything posted by NoHuddleKelly12

  1. Does Leslie survive the week? Coordinators always on the chopping block 1st
  2. I was going to let stand a post that this team could rally around JA, show us some pride and pull off an epic upset, but that would be too much nonsense to keep in print, so instead I’ll say I just want to see some semblance of self respect in the 2nd half from these guys, or is that too much to ask too?
  3. That was a great game—he outdueled Young who had a fantastic game himself.
  4. #14 was about as effective as the “lookout here they come” blocking scheme employed by Juan Castillo last week (debuted during the Cinci Bungles preseason tilt orig); I hear that the best part about it is the OLine suffers less hammy pulls over the course of a season
  5. Nervous optimism—shoutout for the Gifs thread started by YoloinOhio which about summed it up nicely.
  6. Would love this outcome, esp. no picks to go along with yardage that TT could only dream of
  7. Maybe a desperate gambit to generate something, anything in the way of defensive improvement to help the team be more competitive overall by taking some pressure off of the offense, and thus you know, help Allen—oh shoot, I tried but looking back on my effort here I’ve got nothing in the way of a good explanation for their practice squad pickup...you are all dumber now for having read this ?
  8. Kyle Williams
  9. It always starts up front in the trenches—no hogs that can play = no sustainable success over the course of a season. When the Bills were actually good they also had all-pros up front. If Jerry Rice were out there last week I doubt there would’ve been enough time in letting a play develop, to feed him more than once or twice, at least that’s how it seemed.
  10. I wonder how much of that the AstroTurf contributed? Do you think the same injury happens on a grass field?
  11. From shotgun deep no less, and he says he never doubted what he was going to do—everyone else expecting a pass, classic Marv definitely seemed to be a bit more “hands off” with that group? Of course the talent differential was night and day from the current roster construction too
  12. We are all hoping that JA is at least the next coming of JK for our beloved franchise, if not even better; so if you are old enough to remember watching Jim play during the glory years, what play or plays do you remember most fondly from those games? In the words of one of the “Bobs” from Office Space when asked to pick which Michael Bolton song he likes best, and answers something along the lines of, “I can’t pick just one, I celebrate his entire collection,” I have to give you more than one too. As a lonely Bills fan growing up in ‘Burgh country where anything outside of rooting for the “Stillers” was considered blasphemy, the absolute highlight for me was getting on that super quiet school bus the day after JK and the Bills absolutely pounded the Steelers on 9/8/91 to the tune of 52-34 (6 tds for JK, 4 to Beebe alone, earning him the moniker of Steeler Killer) and no one said squat to me including the usual loudmouths who thought Bubby Brister was all that. Listening to the Steelers play by play team during the game was priceless—Myron Cope could barely string together intelligible sentences (I know, a low bar) his “ooomp—haas” catchphrase going crazy, and complaining about Kelly basically just playing throw and catch all over the Steeler backfield with no one seemingly offering any resistance...even Rod Woodson their defensive All-Pro had no answers that day. TD highlights from this game start at the 0:33 mark here: The other memory that stands out, well, I found a replay of it here...the dude could’ve played both ways is all I can say about that. But an example of how he always took his picks personally and tried to dish it out as good as he got whenever he had the chance:
  13. Being a man of faith and having NFL chops are not mutually exclusive. As with anything else in life, everyone’s been given different skill sets and talent levels no matter what they do, and their spiritual side to the extent they have one or not, has nothing to do with that. See, e.g., Wentz, Reich, Rodgers, Cousins, Brees, the list goes on, for examples of men of faith also being winners between the hash marks. All I’m saying is it’s a mistake to jump on NP’s or Tebow’s faith as somehow “proving” that’s why they are not cut out for the NFL or that they have no “edge.” Instead, it’s probably what helps them deal internally much better in moving past setbacks as they happen and keep perspective.
  14. Less competition is better for the development of the WR’s remaining on the roster? Find that hard to believe. I’m a “process” guy as much as the next, but a headscratcher for sure.
  15. Say what you will about Peterman’s on field performance, and it certainly has been epically beaten into the ground worse than Hue Jackson’s winning percentage in Cleveland here on these forums, I think everyone who’s really been paying attention to the type of character that NP has, has to agree that not even he would try to defend this caricature of an ignoramus who probably wrote the comments with the goal of just trying to get a rise out of the female authors. And no, there is almost nothing that can be said to try to defend NP’s play. No doubt why it was filled with personal insults in lieu of facts.
  16. As Kelly went, so too usually the Bills. He was without a doubt the cog that made those gears turn and unquestioned leader on the field. Bruce was that role for the D, although have to give Talley an honorable mention here
  17. Then can’t we apply your logic to Brady in discounting his AFC East dominance? Since the Bills and pretty much the rest of the division have been so deplorable the last 17 years, does that count against his GOAT status? Again, I’m not saying JK best ever, just saying I loved his style and bring it attitude. Packed his hard hat and lunch pail each and every year
  18. Yes, for sure; one of the reasons they loved running no huddle was it often helped them build decent leads and bury their AFC competition during the SB years
  19. So just throwing this out there as a Kelly homer—NONE of the other class of ‘83 greats playing in the AFC (Elway, Marino) EVER were able to get past Kelly in the playoffs; Jim won each time head to head (and let’s not forget also took care of Montana in ‘93 AFC title game) while acting as his own OC at the line. That little publicized fact lost in the 4 SB run was one of the reasons Vic Carucci, who I believe made his case to the voters, mentions that Jim went in the HOF on the 1st ballot. Also for what it’s worth, the Bills beat each of their SB rivals the same season or immediately after, each of the SB losses. Unfortunately while I think Brady is probably the GOAT and JK is not in the top 5, I still prefer JK’s tough nosed playing style and attitude as my #1 all time. Talk amongst yourselves...
  20. That is sad indeed—somehow I never felt this optimistic prior to JP Losman’s 1st start...like many of the other posters here, will be happy to see JA keep it together mentally, make some plays showing flashes of his great potential and overall stay upright regardless of how many points our D gives up.
  21. Would love to see that kind of stick it to you aggressiveness and am a big believer in how it presents opportunities to dictate pace to the defense and puts them on their heels when run competently, but somehow I doubt a conservative McD will let that happen this early? Kelly’s Bills didn’t even start running the no-huddle as their primary system until sometime during the 1990 season (against Randall Cunningham & the Eagles) so 4 seasons in
  22. I never felt like Tyrod could put the team on his shoulders and “will” them to a victory when his supporting cast wasn’t up to par (don’t mean to imply Peterman could), so long term he was never going to be a franchise answer—for that matter after the Steelers gifted him with +5 turnover margin he still couldn’t force the Bud Light lockers to open last week...
  23. ...for 11 yards...but could’ve been sideline dash for 75 more and a score if KB hadn’t been jogging his go route and gotten out ofJA’s way in time
  24. Not to mention the rules of the game in Kelly’s era allowed the defense to pretty much get away with murder when compared to today, making Kelly’s toughness stand out even more—Joe Pa really knew what he was doing when he told Kelly he wanted him to come to Penn State—as a linebacker! Loved watching that man play ball. 10 years was not nearly long enough for me as a Kelly fanatic growing up.
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