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Everything posted by NoHuddleKelly12

  1. The cardinals beg to differ, despite better talent than Buff across the offensive board.
  2. I’m not disagreeing with you about the lack of good QB play, I’m just saying it’s a combination of problems offensively that contributes overall however to where we are at right now.
  3. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy! Begs the question of why Gruden can’t guru Carr but now will be able to guru Bortles? Give me Carr any day of the week over Bortles.
  4. What you are overlooking however, is that virtually every team that is putting up points has a complementary run game that keeps pass rushers honest and from just pinning their ears back, as would be for a team playing catch up and being in a pass only mode. Name a top 5 team that gets no production from their backs? If you think you don’t need competence at the RB position and a line that can open gashing holes for said RB’s then you are sorely mistaken. Buffalo has some competence at the RB spots but is still a work in progress. But the adage that a strong running game opens up the pass is still true. The bills have struggled to be consistent with the run and their WR’s struggle to do anything given their overall deficits, and the line struggles to pass block long enough for deeper patterns to develop.
  5. Unconditional love doesn’t expect anything in return. So I guess that’s what I have towards them since I can’t rely on them to give me squat. That and I always make things harder on myself than they should be so why would it be any different with who I root for? Grew up in Steeler country, yet am a Bills fan, go figure. Ironically, I do root for the Pirates and the Pens, but just had to miss out on all those Super Bowl wins lol.
  6. Bills 22–19. Brady takes a safety right before the half. In other news, I love underdog movies like Rudy, so can’t help myself!
  7. Go back and check out the posts going into the Minnesota game—a total write-off, why are we even bothering, Bills are a pathetic joke, and oh yeah, that Vontae dude decides he’s too cool for this hot mess and bounces at the half the week before. Guys I know you don’t want to hear this, but I for one won’t be betting 5K against the Bills in this one. I think we can shock the world this week, with a monster stand by the D and an opportunistic few drives against a soft Patsy D, that came this close to letting a Hail Mary through. Here’s to hoping and why we have to play the game out on the field and not on these boards!
  8. Most logical, rational fans would have to admit the same reality, and also hope for the same thing for down the road. Yesterday was a perfect storm waiting to happen but not unpredictable given all the problems going in. Need this team to show heart and fight rest of the way though too. Went for a walk breathing in the beautiful fall air with my kid who was distracted by every leaf and I felt so much better almost immediately.
  9. I said to the wifey, no, surely their WR’s are better than that, so I signed
  10. Too me it looked like a lot of missed tackles, poor reaction time and overall a lack of heart—and that’s what was discouraging to see. Clays fumble was the turning point and that should not have been the case. They’re better than that, and McD better figure out how to motivate them this week before NE rolls in.
  11. If next week doesn’t turn into a trap game against NE, don’t know what ever will. That in turn might keep it closer than we think right now
  12. NP has grounds to ask for his job back, unfortunately.
  13. Capt. Luck is marching off after having pillaged his way through the Big Tree Inn and the sleepy bison men who failed to heed their morning wake up reveille and has his sights set on an Adirondacks bed & breakfast next.
  14. Bingo. Just give me JA learning the ropes and giving us enough flashes to keep me on the hook.
  15. Rather have JA’s lack of a bakers dozen picks though too
  16. Somebody needs to start a caption this thread with a pic of DA staring vacantly while sipping on his Gatorade...
  17. So...Anything to lose by putting in NP now?
  18. Really needed the bye week to be this week
  19. Is anyone going to show some heart besides the RB’s in this game with the time left?
  20. Glad we could help right Reich’s ship this year...guess we did owe him after that Oilers game
  21. The pressure of the Bison men so close is getting to Vinateiri
  22. Hard to believe DA is 6 yrs younger than TB12
  23. DA looks like a statue back there and lack of mobility directly caused this one
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