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Everything posted by NoHuddleKelly12

  1. <sigh> Uncle Jessie is going to have his work cut out for him explaining to the twins why they will be transferring out to the local community college from Stanford. This really stinks people!
  2. Unfortunately, so does the joke of your trolling what is clearly a decent FA period for the Bills right now.
  3. I know you're doing you're best to rocket up the troll standings today, but in the meantime we have actual football to discuss, of which our FO clearly knows more than the level of insight being brought to the table in your offerings. Try again.
  4. Both a blessing and a curse. Kind of like McDonald's in my personal experience
  5. Congrats on scooping Yolo with this! At last I can enjoy my evening cup of Earl Grey without tossing it over my backyard fence, you know, resistance and all that.
  6. Keep flying under that radar and quietly go about cashing your not-insignificant checks, right?
  7. ^^^^^This. I know I know, I didn't have to open the thread. But TBD is definitely a place I like to go to as part of getting away from the daily noise, including politics. Isn't there a subforum somewhere way away from the main page where this can go?
  8. KB was already worth 2 Panthers slots. I think we're even with Buffalo South now.
  9. THIS^^^^^^ Will never get old But what's not to love about having your team coached by this guy? Amirite?
  10. Exactly. This little nugget by Monsieur Biddle could just as easily have been produced by a simple lookup of which teams have the most cap $$ to spend this offseason, and voila! A twitterific tweet oozing with journalistic chops is born.
  11. Also wanted to give an honorable mention to the "Yes, Minister" and its sequel "Yes, Prime Minister" series that showed the behind the scenes political machinations at No. 10 Downing Street during what was contemporary 80's Britain--very humorous but also probably spot on in terms of how the sausage gets made politically in ruling circles. The premise of a newbie PM who tries to shake things up and is shut down at every opportunity by the learned establishment types that creates the inherent tension in the show is definitely worth a watch, imho.
  12. This is the kind of moment we can have now with our embarrassment’s worth of cash rich deals, since McBeane forced us to take our Whaley medicine all in one gulp of dead money 2018...dare we say it’s a process with an upwards trajectory?
  13. But wait! I left dejected a few hours ago since I was told by a not insignificant amount of posters on here that we were doomed and all is lost because Beane broke the bank for 2 mill on Gore...you mean the hot takes are not spot on after all??
  14. That's why you're such a true journalist. I doff my cap.
  15. Why do you have to be such a voice of reason right now?
  16. Scanning TBD is almost as vital as drinking enough water throughout the work day. Makes me more productive! Plus it gives me something to look forward to in between all of the TPS Report Memos that circulate around my version of "Office Space." Nominated for Post of the Day! Update your resume accordingly.
  17. Which is nice... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X48G7Y0VWW4
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