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Everything posted by NoHuddleKelly12

  1. Thanks for posting Shady—this basically right here makes my morning!!
  2. And showed nerves of ice, laser focus—what a baller. Redraft news flash—we should all want the Bills to not change a thing about how this team has been constructed, including Josh.
  3. This team has an intangible quality about it that gives hope/confidence even on 3rd/long or 4th and going for it that I’ve not felt since our 90’s run—I think Josh feels more comfortable in 3rd & long than 2nd & short, lol
  4. This is right up there with the Kelly fumble, recovery and TD to Lofton in the 90 afc championship game, imho—in terms of what not giving up on a play looks like with an aggressive mindset—that’s my quarterback!!!
  5. Thankful I will not have to avoid the national media this week —should be plenty of bandwagon Bills love coming our way
  6. Had Sean kept the pedal to the metal with 10+min left in the 4th, I have little doubt Allen has 300. First world problems baby!
  7. What say the negative nellies now? This is one of those wins for the ages since we weren’t supposed to even come close to sniffing a W in jerrahs world!!!!!!
  8. I can get behind this hot take
  9. Post of the day! You sir, get an extra embossed genuine imitation gold ribbon seal on your certificate suitable for framing!
  10. Kissing cousins with Dengue? Potato, Po...you get it. Either will work for what’s necessary in Foxboro! Brady’s bad attitude trickling down? One can only hope!
  11. Unreal. Even when I couldn’t stand some of our regimes, I don’t think I’ve ever rooted for the Bills to lose a game. But it is surprising how long Jerruh has stuck with JG, unless all he’s wanted for awhile is having a dutiful yes man that won’t push back on the personnel decisions along the way?
  12. I admit that was my first thought as well
  13. ...the Bills getting to play on Thanksgiving this year with playoff implications on the line. More importantly, I'm thankful for my internet Bills friends on this forum who help make me feel a part of a shared fan community each day, even outside of Buffalo. Most importantly, I'm thankful for the blessings I've received from above in the form of my actual family--I hope you all share that as well. Happy early Thanksgiving fellow TBDers!
  14. Kyle and Stephen A. are my new go-to NFL authorities. Carry on.
  15. And, I can also pick my nose just as good as the rest of you fine folks out there. Almost...almost got it...
  16. It's new--good writeup here on what to expect: https://buffalonews.com/2019/11/26/documentary-on-bruce-smith-is-poignant-includes-details-fans-might-not-know/
  17. Remember when Thurm would start his runs from the shotgun formation the majority of the time? It's actually incredibly versatile and can help keep defenses guessing as to what you are going to do: https://buffalonews.com/1990/12/28/bills-receiving-corps-thin-for-season-finale-beebes-injury-causes-shuffling/
  18. It’s sad—used to be appointment viewing when I was younger including even the awesome opening theme music, and now it’s an afterthought of hot mess, qualitatively speaking. ABC seemed to do it right.
  19. The only feasting for the Cowboys will be the Johnnie Walker Blue dousing poor Mr. Jones' much maligned liver ca. 8pm EST...
  20. Really tough question actually, as that seems to change by the week to whoever we're playing at that moment . However, I voted the Pats as it's been such a long time in the making for us to hand them (Brady), some much anticipated comeuppance!
  21. I will cop to getting the Christmas tree up and outside decorations going this past weekend...in my defense (a) a bunch of other people already had their stuff going too, and (b) we lose a whole week due to a calendaring quirk, between Thanksgiving & Christmas, and (c) I have little kids who live for this time of year (which is my fav excuse as I'm all about it too).
  22. All-time fav regular season year--highlighted by the Bills smacking the Steelers in the mouth early on, scoring 50+ points where they ran out of plays to run and basically resorted to playground ball to an always wide-open Don Beebe...yes indeed, those were the days!
  23. Suddenly my estimation of Stephen A's football smarts has rebounded nicely. How did this happen??
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