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Everything posted by NoHuddleKelly12

  1. James Brolin?
  2. You are correct sir!
  3. No, more on the entertainment side—mostly big screen
  4. Maybe, maybe not. But sure wasn’t the missing piece on O for the Brown this year either?
  5. Addition by subtraction for the Bills as far as not landing either AB or OBJ this past offseason.
  6. The ignominy of having the only QB to lose an NFL game in 3 different countries/continents?
  7. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a clinic on how to right properly one-up a fellow poster!
  8. How about the reg season records without cheating since 1988 through 1994, and the chicken becomes a turkey leg? 1988: 12-4 1989: 9-7 1990: 13-3 1991: 13-3 1992: 11-5 1993: 12-4 1994: 7-9 bonus round: 1995: were we 11-5?? 1996: 10-6??
  9. With all due respect, this is something much different. When I pledged my frat in the mid to late 90’s, we were sleep deprived and had to do calisthenics at odd hours, recite chapter history and eat crappy food. I promise you anything close to what is alleged here would still have been criminal back then. Knowing my pledge brothers at the time, we would have gone to war to blow up the place figuratively speaking had something like that happened to any of us. My point is, no matter the generation, there are certain lines that have never been considered cool/harmless to cross.
  10. Just flat out sick if true, and shows that more rot needs to be excised from that program—this is the exact opposite of ‘team building’ or high character development to point out the obvious. Responsibility for program oversight all flows from the top, imho, and that’s where ultimately this should end, with the HC being shown the door and whatever admin hack(s) enabled turning a blind eye to red flags along the way.
  11. Heartbreaking. RIP little buddy!
  12. Can I just briefly go off topic here and say that our boards here are a whole lot easier on the eyes and contain a whole lot less annoying ad pop ups along the way! It’s like every post there is followed by another ad and really messes with the readability, overall flow. But hey, that’s a Pats board, so to the admins over there, forget I said anything!
  13. Say it ain’t so Tommy. We want to send you on your way properly next season, at the bottom of a sandwich sack while watching your fumble be returned for a cool 6...
  14. My comeback is always an immediate, “well honey, what do you think about [insert impossible question topic you were asked about here]?”
  15. Well now I know you are a real salt of the earth type!
  16. Lunch pail. Who uses one anymore, and yet it’s used to describe the character of every new roster build in the NFL, amirite? E.g., now the new Giants are hardscrabble just like the NYC area they represent, ROFL.
  17. What a great read—it really resonates that the locker room after Houston felt all the same emotions that we has a fan base did—and that they were flat out angry about it—this team is destined for something special, sooner than later imho.
  18. Ah, so in other words, infiltrate the zebras and Jedi mind trick them into seeing Bills unis every time they see Pats?
  19. What is my Kobayashi Maru way out of this no-win impossible scenario?? (Look it up kids)
  20. The only fair resolution here, imho, would be for the Patriots to be awarded not less than 3 compensatory draft picks from the Bills.@Ridgewaycynic2013, I just need some backup here—does that also strike you as equitable, or should it be 5?
  21. If you’re looking to engage Allen fans in conversation that doesn’t involve any stupidity, might I suggest that remarking on said fans’ intelligence is actually a sure fire way of injecting stupidity that you say you don’t want in your conversation in the first place? If we can leave personal shots at the door, I’m sure there’s plenty of substance we can actually debate like reasonable folk. Fair enough?
  22. Next year’s identity—pedal to the metal on O? I anticipate at least a couple splash signings to bolster that side of the ball in addition to what should be another good draft day haul.
  23. Good to have you back—that was a rough one but we are Bills fans, so we are well versed in getting back up off the mat, as you’re also now demonstrating.
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