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Everything posted by NoHuddleKelly12

  1. Take it back Hap! https://raiderramble.com/2020/07/02/fans-not-happy-with-job-mark-davis-has-done-as-raiders-owner/
  2. He will be able to take a shower, or 2 or 3, with all of that money. ---Sincerely, Captain Obvious.
  3. Would there even be a Bills brand to tarnish but for Ralph? Say what you will, but RW also did more than his fair share of positives for both the club as well as the Buffalo community at large, imho.
  4. Mayhaps she gets a "Sound of Music" pass?
  5. Haven't gone through the entire upthread since yesterday to see if this has been posted anywhere, but you've gotta feel for Rivera at the moment, who seems tasked with the unenviable role of divining as Snyder whisperer what the boss will want, as well as accommodating incoming fire as graciously as possible on a "rudderless" boat. I wonder if he regrets taking the job yet? https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2020/07/05/dan-snyders-been-out-of-country-with-a-small-circle-at-trying-time/
  6. This was prep for his cameo roommate role he played in “Embedded: Behind the scenes with Rob Ryan sleeping on the office couch.” In side note retrospect, perhaps it was a red flag that it wasn’t enough time for Rob to decode Rex’s defense for the players during regular business hours? ?
  7. Will this also void the results of Super Bowl XXVI and force a do-over? Pretty sure we know where Thurman’s helmet ended up, so game on!!
  8. It would be practically shocking if they didn’t take this most basic step under the circumstances. That said, if a fan could actually prove causation + negligence (poss. gross needed, and that’s a very high burden to prove) on the part of the venue, the waiver may not be worth anything (individual state laws will differ on this point) as far as protecting the league/venue per occurrence, imho. Instructive here would be looking at MLB’s experiences with foul ball injuries in the stands/protective netting/injury waivers printed on tix.
  9. I am still incredulous we lost that game—but I thought that 04 year was Mularkey? It all runs together in a hazy smog of drought years
  10. I guess I could take the time to look stuff up and debate your ranking of Greggo over Chan, but that would be like debating whether I’d prefer seeing a fruit fly snacking on my dessert or a gnat in a holding pattern around my forehead today. I am however very optimistic that McD will win the division this year FWIW.
  11. Hey, mental acumen of the type required to come up with Shawne Merriman to Buffalo takes it out of ya!
  12. Off topic sorry OP, but wanted to share this nonetheless...
  13. I had the benefit of making that drive down I-79 from the ‘Burgh to destinations south many a time and would see that sign and know right away to fill up in Morgantown so that there would be no issue in finding a decent station before ending up 4+ hours later with some signs of civilization around Beckley, close to the VA border—no doubt much of the state was (is) quite “wild” lol.
  14. Wild and yet...wonderful! That was what just a "sniff" from one of these baddies looks like I think?
  15. The Miami Marlins would like to raise and call this hand please
  16. I caught one of the first Bundesliga matches last month on FS1 and there was no artificial crowd noise, so you could hear the players calling out signals/cues to each other which was kind of a cool extra—seeing how much communication there is at that level
  17. I think the force of the blow lodged the ball somewhere between L3 to tailbone?
  18. Per usual on this topic, yes. This hit alone should get him in: Anyone who actually was able to watch the man play and see how he singlehandedly many times was able to swing a game’s momentum to the Bills when needed most will attest to this. As others upthread have said already, also a stellar WR in his own right.
  19. Best wishes for a full/quick recovery!
  20. I’m so glad to be a Bills fan. Carry on.
  21. Clearly the back’s fault for not diving to get the easy completion
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