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Everything posted by NoHuddleKelly12

  1. I respect that's your opinion. Others including me may disagree, which was my point upthread concerning the subjective nature of what in that context would have been an "acceptable" answer. I'm glad all of us get the chance to go back and forth over it though.
  2. Being "religious" means nothing without putting something into actual practice, which is what I took Fromm's point to be in his answer. Loving others does not follow just by defining oneself as "religious." I would agree with your take if all he actually said was "I'm religious."
  3. I interpreted what Fromm was saying to mean what the point behind 'loving your neighbor as you would like to be treated' is--namely, if all of us no matter what race or status we have in this world, are still equal before God, then those same differences of race/status could/should not be the basis for unequal treatment by each of us of one another.
  4. But "a better answer" would be purely subjective to the ears of whoever is listening, no? That may be the problem ultimately, that no answer would make all equally happy in that context?
  5. When Jesus gave the parable of "The Good Samaritan" (starts at Luke 10:30), it was the embodiment of the golden rule. A man who by rights was the sworn enemy of another in a different tribe, stops to help and rescues his enemy from certain death, and pays for his recovery care--all while getting nothing back in return. If those who say they cling to the Bible were to put it into actual practice, then your take would hopefully be different as well. edit: this would be like me stopping on a 5-lane interstate to fix Bill Belichick's flat tire--I can hardly think of a more detestable thing to have to do!
  6. I get it eball, I really do. Just want to say that this type of person doesn't automatically equate to "authentic Christ follower"--you can be a loud Bible thumper and not truly understand its core message as taught by Jesus--in fact, being someone who wants to beat others over the head with it in a condemning manner probably makes it more likely that you're missing the forest for the trees.
  7. Mark 12:30-31. Racism/white supremacy find no refuge in Jesus' words here.
  8. "Now, more than ever, is the time for support and togetherness and I stand against racism 100%. I promise to commit myself to being a part of the solution in this country." I take that to mean that he's in solidarity with the themes driving the national re-examination of racial issues. I understand you may disagree that he's still not being specific enough, but if the place that you start from as a worldview isn't built on the right foundation (we are all born equal under the sun and should be treated as such), then all the rest is just window-dressing as far as I'm concerned. I do think that Fromm's acceptance by his teammates (if that's what's been happening) will speak very loudly on that point of whether or not he's being authentic. Again, just imo.
  9. But didn't he do that before already? https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/bills-jake-fromm-apologizes-for-leaked-text-theres-no-excuse-for-that-word-choice-and-sentiment/ From the article: "I am extremely sorry that I chose to use the words 'elite white people' in a text message conversation," Fromm wrote in his statement. "Although I never meant to imply that I am an 'elite white person,' as stated later in the conversation, there's no excuse for that word choice and sentiment. While it was poor, my heart is not. Now, more than ever, is the time for support and togetherness and I stand against racism 100%. I promise to commit myself to being a part of the solution in this country. I addressed my teammates and coaches in a team meeting today and I hope they see this incident is not representative of the person I am. Again, I'm truly sorry for my words and actions and humbly ask for forgiveness."
  10. Exactly right. Like a Pharisee--making it all about outward show/appearances rather than meaningful substance. Jesus specifically called them out on that.
  11. That's anyone's prerogative of course! But if you do, and truly follow His teachings, then the loving people part is indivisible from that. I don't mean that it's not possible to love other people if you don't believe in Jesus--but if you do, then the 2nd part should always be there too, is all.
  12. Respectfully @eball, I have to point you to this--to love God first, also means that, "The second [greatest commdment] is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." Mark 12:31 (NIV). You can't observe the 1st without the 2nd, which is I believe what Fromm was driving at (imperfectly as Fromm may have practiced this before). How this would not be "acceptable" strikes me as intellectually missing the boat, imho.
  13. Most of our guys just seem to be plain hungry, to learn and win, and you can’t buy that as a front office. Testament to our scouts and player evaluation for picking up on those types of intangibles along the way.
  14. That's what I thought at first, but I think that part of the list is for the Covid castaways? You'll settle in just fine around here, @Mcg
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