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Everything posted by NoHuddleKelly12

  1. If you have small kids, you already know that not squishing the roll tube first into anything other than a smooth circular sphere, will result in many yards of wasted TP, regardless of whether it's placed to roll out from the top or from the bottom.
  2. Otherwise entitled, a 90's idea of a great party. We've shoveled some grief Blockbuster's way for passing up on buying Netflix for 50M, but I have to give it to them, Blockbuster's sole remaining brick/mortar store is doing what it can to tap into what is now a nostalgia type market only. Who's signing up? https://www.wsbtv.com/news/trending/craving-90s-last-remaining-blockbuster-video-store-hosting-sleepover/JLR4IPZD2JFCDG74BD2DBKSEGY/
  3. In the running for post of the day—Cam just doesn’t scare me like he used to regardless. But yes, I have every confidence we have the right staff in place to handle the RPO if that’s what NE goes to heavy.
  4. A lot of good choices here for the McMansion—but I settled on Niles from The Nanny, because I feel like at the same time that he’s fetching my slippers and evening tea, he’ll always be able to say something just snarky and pithy enough to keep me grounded and from getting too snobbish!
  5. I believe this gentleman has left the building...
  6. For "conduct detrimental to the league," this post has earned NE a 5th round compensatory draft pick in addition to the injured vet rehabilitation comp pick program they are entitled to. Waiting for @Roger Goodell to decide upon additional appropriate sanctions. Keep it up Ridgeway!
  7. Arians is prolly one of the few HC’s who has the street cred and offensive bona fides to tell even Tommy what’s what. Besides, wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if TB was itching to try something new system-wise to go along with his new uni threads, jmo.
  8. Bill Gates gave a TED talk in 2015 practically begging for national govt's to pay attention to the risks associated with emerging global pandemic threats, which BTW, have been a point of discussion every time something threatening comes along, such as ebola, SARS, etc. To assign some kind of nefarious global takeover motivation to the machinations of this former wunderkind, is I'm afraid, a bridge too far. Event 201 honestly sounds like it didn't go far enough in its real world application/adoption! But this is starting to infringe on the domain of @Hapless Bills Fan, who's much more knowledgeable on this subject matter overall than probably most everyone else here. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/03/26/fact-check-bill-gates-backed-pandemic-exercise-didnt-predict-covid-19/5081854002/
  9. Sarcasm duly noted. Calling you a festivus curmudgeon in your decorating tastes is in the same spirit--you should know that, as I have nothing but love for my Bills brethren here, you included. As to your specific holiday points, what you or I choose to celebrate on whichever day it happens to fall is what we individually make of it--the calendar day itself has nothing inherently to do with the underlying events being celebrated--all stripes agree that Jesus was almost certainly not born on Dec. 25th, FWIW. Also, not trying to make anything a contest, especially when discussions here aren't going to really change what you or I think at the end of the day--other than provide food for further thought.
  10. Merry Christmas @Chandler#81! I'm still going to wish you peace on Earth, goodwill towards men, as that is extended to all by the good news of the season, and despite your poor taste in curmudgeonly decor. Everyone knows Festivus involves an unadorned aluminum pole as its main draw, and I'm betting your extended family expects to see some twinkling lights when they pull up at casa del Chandler in the way too hot Floridian winter sun.
  11. If nothing else, our example (for the most part) on this thread is at least some semblance of sticking to a debate versus ad hominem attacks of the sort you're probably referring to--so it's possible if both sides of an argument are willing to draw the line so civility can keep its oxygen. Maybe because we know we're also mutual Bills fans? ?
  12. I doff my cap in your general direction if this is based on personal experience!
  13. Why indeed? Plant the flag and make it happen! What will be on the menu & playlist?
  14. And but for bountygate running rampant that game, the Vikes might have pulled that one out too with an upright Favre for the whole game?
  15. His own opinion, to be sure. I only included his article due to the summary of citations, not his editorializing. That said, I would say it would have been irrational for the early church fathers to include an account of an "insider's betrayal" of Jesus in the form of Judas Iscariot, as that would present an unneeded embarrassment conjured out of thin air, than to promote only a 'hall of fame' take with additional life detail for them all.
  16. Or just a hint of Carolina Reaper? https://www.pepperscale.com/carolina-reaper-vs-ghost-pepper/ You might make post of the day consideration on the bacon addition alone--I never considered that, but what's worse when bacon is added in any form? Still waiting...
  17. The mystique of the Duke has far outsized his actual contributions to the team, in part because his name just screams, "The Man"
  18. While I realize the point of the OP has been long taken off the rails in this thread, and I fully expect the mods will prolly not like us getting this deep in the woods as the historical record for the existence of basic tenets of Christianity, I have to point out that the historical record of the Bible as well as outside of it, shows evidence for agreement that a group of 12 actually existed alongside Jesus during His earthly ministry. These sources include many of the world's earliest historians A.D. known to us who carried information through to us for preservation to the present day. John Oakes, PhD in summarizing the historical record: "We have the evidence from Josephus who tells us about the martyrdom of James, the brother of Jesus, who was the leader of the Jerusalem church. Josephus also relates the execution of the apostle James. We also have the evidence of the early church writers. The first important church historian, Eusebius, wrote in the early fourth century. He tells about all twelve of the apostles, plus Paul, relating where each ministered and how they died. Eusebius quotes his sources, such as second century historian Papias and Irenaeus and other Christian writers. The reliability of Eusebius varies somewhat, but he was a careful scholar and he quoted his sources. Some of the things he tells us about what happened to the twelve may be inaccurate, but what cannot be wrong is that there were twelve apostles. There is no way someone like Eusebius could have gotten the number of apostles wrong. Irenaeus, writing in the second century, tells us that he learned under Polycarp who knew the apostle John personally. Is it possible that Irenaeus got this wrong? I do not think so. If we go back to such books as the Didache and the Letter of Clement to the Romans, both written around the turn of the first century, that there were twelve apostles was assumed. This had been the tradition of the Christian church from the beginning of its existence. Is there any possible motivation for the church to make up the existence of twelve apostles? I cannot think of any. The Didache, a very early Christian catechism dates from the very late first century. When it was written, some who had known the apostles were still alive, although they would have been quite old. The Didache is also known as “The Lord’s Teaching Through the Twelve Apostles.” The unknown writer of the Didache assumes that there were twelve apostles because it was common knowledge that there were twelve apostles. The people who knew Jesus personally would have known how many apostles there were. It is irrational to believe that there were not twelve apostles of Jesus because every account of Christianity is unanimous on this account, including even Josephus who was not a friend of Christianity." https://evidenceforchristianity.org/is-there-any-evidence-other-than-the-bible-that-shows-that-the-twelve-apostles-existed/ Additional summary citations contained within Sean McDowell's PhD Dissertation: https://digital.library.sbts.edu/bitstream/handle/10392/4857/McDowell_sbts_0207D_10221.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y (see p.39, "The Historicity of the Twelve") The Apostle Paul in his letters to the early church, discusses meeting some of the 12 personally such as Peter, James & John (Galatians 1:11-2:10), each of which separately also confirmed their membership in the 12. I could go on, but this is probably not the thread for diving so deep. Ok, well, maybe this is the right thread then! . Guess we should start debating the merits of how to pronounce "GIF" in here next?
  19. This sounds spectacular—and can bring the heat, clearly. If cooking for additional folk who can’t take the heat (better half), would you change out the Bush’s hot chili beans or just leave off the Frank’s?
  20. So while I realize it’s still in the meat of the Summer (Tre’s sweatpants in practice this week notwithstanding) and many folks would raise an eyebrow at thinking about all things chili at the moment, I happen to be in the camp that good food, much like ice cream, deserves to be enjoyed year-round. And this is one of my favorites no matter the season. That said, what’s your go-to family chili recipe & or tips? Slow cooker or cook pot stovetop? Fire for flavor or subtlety? Specific on beans or whatever you have laying around in the pantry? Sour cream, shredded cheese on top or does that take away from the finished product too much? I’d like to try a new recipe the next time I make it, and was curious what you all do for yours?
  21. Maybe you should’ve started off with the moon landings OP?
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