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Everything posted by NoHuddleKelly12

  1. Im sure Patsie #1 fan Rodak really enjoyed getting to write articles like this one back in the day before this team had quality on both sides of the ball... “I'm not going to be lazy the second half because I'm mad.“ https://www.espn.com/blog/nfceast/post/_/id/60146/dareus-apologizes-for-latest-benching
  2. Diggs doesn’t factor in? JA’s continued upwards trajectory is meaningless? Our D-line adds will contribute nothing? McD’s proven D will underperform? Someone else in the East like the laugh riot Jets or rebuilding Dolphins or picked over Patriots will hold us back? Sounds like a lot would have to go wrong simultaneously for a prediction of 9 wins as a cap, imho.
  3. The only hammies I’m willing to discuss at this time are moons over my hammy. I eat mine minus the hammy.
  4. But why? Our salary cap’s been cleaned up, our roster is competitively deep at almost each marquee position, our QB’s chemistry with the new ammo has the goods written all over it, and we have less opt outs than the Patsies. Just wondering why @eballshould be reined in?
  5. Surely you jest—I heard it here first that Allen was incapable of passing for 300 yds?
  6. Very sorry to hear this—the ties that bind us all are stronger than the colors of our fav football team unis, and the uplifting thoughts from you all upthread for a competitor’s starting QB are Exhibit A for that. God bless you Fitzy and your family as you try to find peace over the loss of a loved one.
  7. If Chandler was my football coach back in the day...
  8. He did turn the other cheek —it’s a Gruden world and make no mistake, this is Gruden’s way of showing he likes you!
  9. What he said. I’m glad we have you on OUR team!
  10. No worries Ridge, I’m sure it’d be some type of “Denglish” that would be easy to pick up!
  11. Megan Markle??
  12. Have to get the rest of the Jets bad habits out of his muscle memory, is all!
  13. And a poisoned well that is indeed! Enter at your own risk
  14. Agree with the sentiments upthread about bush league nature of Brownie’s canning if that’s how it went down over some WGR remarks—I’ve actually liked his info through the years and feel bad for him. Hope this resolves in his favor quickly. I mean, just how vanilla would his camp feedback have to be?? I saw the guys out there today...whoops, sorry, maybe they weren’t actually out there today...
  15. The man holds collegiate and pro comeback records that speak for themselves. One of the best backup QB’s the league ever saw, and an even better man off the field. To the OP’s hypothetical point, I would say why wouldn’t he?
  16. Well, inquiring minds would like to know your pizza of choice—cheese lovers, meat lovers, veggie lovers, or all of the above? Also what are your thoughts as to stuffed crust?
  17. Great analysis here as to how Christians since the time of Apostle Paul, are admonished to confront any wolves in sheep's clothing within their own leadership ranks--Liberty canceling Falwell Jr. was long overdue. https://theresurgent.com/2020/08/26/correct-christian-cancel-culture-falwell-jr-must-be-canceled/
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