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Everything posted by NoHuddleKelly12

  1. What I wouldn’t give to be at the stadium today.
  2. I remember not that long ago when we Bills fans looked forward to nasty weather at home, as we were able to score seemingly at will no matter the elements while the opposition crumbled...let’s get back to that today!
  3. My home or away jersey choices would beg to differ with you. The fate of the franchise rests on decisions such as these for the 12th man. Forgive me, I honestly didn’t know we’d pinned even that many losses on him! 🤔
  4. After this game, hopefully, you’ll be posting “who is Bill Belichick?” 😜
  5. Good instincts, carry on!
  6. This topic as a Bills fan makes me feel a little like Michael Bolton forced to fess up to the Bobs which song he likes best...(start at 1:15 mark)
  7. Just to clarify Donuts, I lump myself in with the glass half full as well as 3/8ths filled groups—I firmly believe Pittsburgh was a signature win last year, for the reasons stated in my original post. For those harping on the Duck, a good team takes what’s given and drives the point home, which the Bills did emphatically. Did anyone else pick him off 4 x in one game? Just asking, haven’t bothered to look that up myself.
  8. The concept of a “signature win” is inherently subjective with constantly-moving goalposts imho—for the naysayers there will always be qualifiers available, and for the glass half full types, there will always be ways to spin a win into signature the same way. For example, Pittsburgh in Primetime last year was the win that sealed our playoffs, represented the first win for the Bills in the reg season in Pittsburgh since the Juice was starting for us, and was had against the #3 overall D in the league; but bc we picked off the Duck 4 times, well, you get it.
  9. Lol Greggo covering his mouth with play call sheet even though he already has a face mask on
  10. What do you have to say for yourself @Roger Goodell? 🧐
  11. The absence of John Brown makes for tougher sledding in the passing game for Diggs—maybe our backs will be featured more today in pass-catching?
  12. What’s Pete Metzelaars up to these days? 🤔
  13. The problem is he’s always so distracted by more important employment opportunities that overload his inbox! https://sports.yahoo.com/gregg-williams-said-four-teams-offered-coaching-job-didnt-interview-214819006.html
  14. No we def get a home game with the division crown; the big difference from pre-covid is that there is only one team who gets a 1st round bye this year per conference... https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/nfl-owners-approve-playoff-expansion-for-2020-season-adding-one-team-per-conference/
  15. Croom's departure may indicate they're not?
  16. All day everyday--I'll say it and it's been said to me plenty of times also. The only thing that gets awkward is if I apparently didn't say it loud enough and the fellow fan doesn't respond at first--then my wife & or kids look at me funny like why did you just say that to us....
  17. Then it's prolly still been a good day, and Josh's yardage & points all came in the first half, and we never had to pass again in the 2nd .
  18. A 1000 x this ^^^^^^^. Post of the day, imho. Tear a page out of Andy Reid's Iggle days playbook where Staley & McCoy earned their pass-catching stripes and basically used a West-Coast style short passing game as his primary running attack that was difficult to contain. If our oppo keys on that, voila, deep lanes back open with a QB who can hit them. Why can't we do this? Motor & Moss both have decent hands and think of how deadly Thurman was back in the day while leading the league in combined yards from scrimmage because he was a beast both ways. Back to Reid's model--here's a 2012 article from Barnwell reviewing his time in Philly, with some salient points: "But, oh, that passing game. It eventually became the subject of derision in Philly, as fans and media members alike groused that the Eagles simply didn’t run the ball enough. Graphics departments churned out misleading cause-and-effect charts noting that the Eagles were 373-1 if they would just run the ball 35 times per game (without realizing that the Eagles would exclusively run the ball that frequently in games where they were ahead and killing clock). In reality, though, Reid’s Eagles didn’t fail because they weren’t running the ball frequently enough. If anything, throwing the ball that frequently contributed to their success! Reid’s pass-heavy attack anticipated the coming shift to pass-happy offenses and shotgun-reliant attacks that showed up toward the end of the last decade. The league is throwing passes on 56.4 percent of their offensive plays this year, which represents the highest rate that’s shown up during Reid’s tenure in Philadelphia. That’s actually just below Reid’s average pass rate of 57.0 percent, but it’s not a sign that Reid threw too much. The simple facts are that passes produce more yardage than run plays do: The average first-and-10 pass in a 14-point-or-fewer game last year produced 8.0 yards per attempt, even after you consider all the incompletions. Run plays averaged a mere 4.5 yards per attempt. You don’t want to throw the ball on every single first down because the first figure is larger than the second one, but it’s also clear that the equilibrium between the two figures — the point at which both figures are maximized for the largest possible gain on first down by your team — has yet to be reached.3 In addition to creating more big plays, that allowed the Eagles to build their offense around an undervalued asset class, specifically the undersized pass-catching running back." (emphasis supplied). https://grantland.com/features/bill-barnwell-takes-all-andy-reid-haters/
  19. So did this guy, still shoveling $$ his way too, IIRC...
  20. This thread has PPP potential.
  21. This belongs in the TBD wall of fame, safely archived for periodic reference & review. All well stated, OP.
  22. Not to pile on, but here’s a YouTube of the last playoff game we ever won... (12/30/95)
  23. The Jets are the healing aloe vera we need right now for all of the piping hot takes around here.
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