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Everything posted by NoHuddleKelly12

  1. So many to choose from...a veritable smorgasbord of cretins we will spend the next generation trying to forget in the rear view mirror of our much deserved current success!
  2. Merriman, Maybin, Marcell, and Mario. Wait, is there some kind of a pattern here?
  3. Kyle Brandt is pretty much the man. Yes, his shameless pandering to all things a Buffalo fan holds dear is basically working for me. Keep up the good work and can’t wait to check this out tomorrow...
  4. I'd like to thank everyone who contributed to this now-50 spot thread today, it's an unprecedent award of "post of the day" equally split amongst all of you.
  5. A great avatar name such as yours, faintly reminiscent of say, a low level yet lovable mob boss, needs to be posting more than you do. That is all.
  6. Aren’t you missing tiger blood and granulated essence of shark fin soup in that organic mix? Although on further reflection, I guess getting a permit for big cats would be tougher these days than normal thanks to that Netflix show that shall not be named...🧐
  7. It’s almost unheard of in today’s internet for a free site as comprehensive as this one is, to run with as little ad presence as there is—OP, count your blessings today, that’s all I’m saying.
  8. True story—I clicked on the fin link and was immediately bombarded with an ad loudly proclaiming to be the “shoe that Gronk wears” on the Dolphins forum threads page. I can’t unsee that. Where do I sign up for a platinum TBD membership to ensure this never happens here?
  9. Wat?? This thread still hasn’t hit 50 pages yet? Bump on principle.
  10. Happy Easter Sunday to All—hope it’s a great one for you and yours!
  11. Done! https://www.playpennsylvania.com/veterans-stadium-secret-apartment-memoir/
  12. Yessir!! We’re talking about some smart sophisticated types who should be able to make it happen! 🧐 Maybe Josh’s family farm needs a new tractor or two?
  13. As awesome as this parallel universe would be, I can only imagine the players union reps needing some smelling salts after that news . The Bills need to get creative a la TB12 in NE, who had multiple side business revenue streams enabled by the Pats...
  14. Even the hype statements by Jeter were embarrassingly over the top nonsense for that deal, imho
  15. Well, it does still beat this name... https://www.si.com/extra-mustard/2021/03/31/miami-marlins-stadium-name-change-loandepot-park
  16. Underwhelming, but such is the way of the modern stadium monikers everywhere.
  17. My kids think it’s odd if I ever wear something that doesn’t have the charging Buffalo on it...
  18. Is it sad that my Siri home screen widget recommends TBD to me anytime I wake my phone up? 🧐
  19. The twitterverse will be about as helpful with this as prognosticating when the Ertz to Buffalo trade is happening.
  20. -Rudy -Dead Poets Society
  21. Same here, arm much better and my fatigue from yesterday also seems to be better—all in all thumbs up.
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