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Sen. John Blutarsky

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Everything posted by Sen. John Blutarsky

  1. Uhm...this was literally the first sentence of my post... "I know that there are bigger problems overall with the club but how can anyone justify that TO continues to start for this team." and FWIW, I wouldn't be benching him for not playing well. I'd be benching him for the obvious lack of effort. Will they? Absolutely not. This whole thread is an off-shoot of the "5,000 reasons why Jauron is a moron" threads. Legitimate football coaches don't tolerate what TO has been doing for the past several weeks (not just Sunday). This was piece of evidence #5,001 that we don't have a legitimate football coach. I'm actually disappointed that so many people listed "he scored our only TD" as a reason to keep playing. I'll give credit where it's do, he ran welll and scored. But be honest with yourselves, what about that play could ONLY TO have brought? Evans wouldn't have housed that too? God forbid it was actually run fairly well.
  2. You know at some level I agree. The problem is that Moulds game was in 2004. After that game the Bills were 1-5 and Moulds and others like him let it be known that it wasn't acceptable via words and actions on the field such as chasing down a guy after a 4th quarter 94 yard INT return to tackle him on the Buffalo 6. After THAT game the Bills went 8-2 the rest of the way to finish 9-7. I'm not saying this team is any good but effort and leadership mean something. If TO is allowed to float on the field, drop balls and miss practice on Friday but still play what message does that send to everyone else? Particularly when you chain Parrish to the bench for making a stupid play, not a lack of effort play. Situations like this are a reason why Jauron is a clown and the players know it too. Zero accountability. None.
  3. a microcosm of the organ-EYE-zation as a whole.
  4. I'll wager that RW spends less on scouting, coaches, and front office personnel than any other team in the NFL except for MAYBE the Raiders. He spends what he spends on players because he is obligated by the CBA to do so. Anyone think Russ Brandon makes what Bill Polian or Scott Pioli make? Anyone think that RW will pony up and pay for a top coach this off-season? How about assistants? RW hires cheap coaches but he goes bottom basement for assistants. That's where Ralph's cheapness kills us. Sometimes it's in player bidding, more often it's in player EVALUATION which leads to misuse of the money he does spend.
  5. At least Golisano is a little more up front about the fact that he's a charlatan. I wouldn't expect that a guy who made his fortune doing payroll would be an extravagant spender.
  6. and that was the first time I've seen him run in 4 weeks.
  7. I know that there are bigger problems overall with the club but how can anyone justify that TO continues to start for this team? I haven't seen a player consistently give less effort on the field and continue to get playing time. He was an absolute embarassment after the late F-patrick INT. He literally stopped moving. No pursuit, no attempt to tackle. I remember a play some years ago where the Bills were getting shellacked in Baltimore where Eric Moulds ran down a guy froma million miles away on an INT return. When asked why he said something to the effect of "It's how we play here and what we do and nothing less is acceptable". Eric Moulds wasn't considered the highest motor give it all on every down guy either so the huge gap in that effort to what To is putting out there is a joke. On a team with a bad offense how can a player who leads the league in drops still start? Particularly when he's dropped at least 2 TDs. I realize that the ball today had too much air. You think Andre Johnson would have caught it? I haven't seen him FIGHT for a ball all year long. Anything in the remotest of traffic is dropped. I'm also aware that, if benched, he would become a nightmare and that there's no chance on Earth that Jauron has the sack to bench TO. So at this point why is he still on the team? IMO they should just release him now and let Johnson and Hardy when healthy get more snaps. TO is a complete waste of a uniform at this point and his presence is pointless.
  8. Well...next year when he's a 3-4 rush backer he'll look better. Or when we cut/trade him down the road and he ends up doing that role for someone else....
  9. Talk is the cheapest thing there is and RW and his band of misfit toys are full of it.
  10. Hey, what can I say, another team handed us a game on a plate. Will i turn it down? No, but it doesn't mean I think the Bills are any better than I thought they were yesterday. Carolina's gameplan was ridiculous, way way way too much passing which game Delhomme too much room to screw up. Which he did. The Bills did catch the INTs, I'll give them credit for that. But two of the picks were horrible, unpressured throws to very open receivers. Delhomme is ungodly and I don't know how he still has a job.
  11. Well, I took the terrible offense as a given. Given the sheer number of rushing yards we have allowed over the last month it's very difficult to imagine that we can win many games without having the other team turn the ball over. Mark Sanchez threw 5 INTs last week and the Jets botched a FG and it STILL took OT to win the game. That's not going to happen every week. Any team that's smart will run the ball just about every down, move to at least mid field and then even if they have to punt they keep our offense pinned back all day long. It's basically how Cleveland beat us. They punted from midfield all day long and our offense was too inept to flip the field position around. If I have to make bets on whose offense will make more catastrophic errors to surrender field position/points in a game I'd pick ours every time. The ONLY way we win today's game is if Delhomme throws 4 INTs and we score at least once on defense. I'd be shocked if he throws more than 15 passes today.
  12. That's impossible, no team can have less sack than this one...
  13. I now apply the same theory I used to apply to the Red Sox. Think of the worst thing that can possibly happen. That's what will occur. The worst thing is NOT getting beaten by Carolina. It's not even getting hammered by Carolina. It's beating Carolina while showing way way way more offense than has been shown all year long. Why is that bad? We still have a suck team, but now we're a suck team with a quarterback controversy. The absolute worst case scenario is that the Bills somehow rally and finish like 9-7 or a miraculous 10-6 but barely miss the playoffs (likely on Conference record due to that Cleveland debacle) and not only that but that Fitzpatrick looks like Drew Brees while they are doing it. That scenario would keep Jauron here another year at least and fool management into thinking they have a real QB. Sort of like when Bledsoe went on a tear at the end of the 2004 season only to come up one game short because they couldn't beat the 3rd string Steelers at home. Before that tear, the Bills were 3-6 and coming off a 29-6 drubbing at the hands of the Patriots in the "Tedy Bruschi" game. Had they gone on to finish 5-11 Mularkey might not have survived.
  14. Here's my most optimistic asssessment. That's 3-4 through that stretch which makes us what...5-8? Since we know the Pats will clobber this sorry band that makes 9 losses and means the Bills either have to beat Indianapolis' back-ups in week 17 or win in Atlanta in a game that will probably mean something to the ATL to avoid a 10 loss season. Micheal Turner is already salivating... I said 5-11 before the year and I stick to it. 5-8 on 12/13 and then lose out.
  15. Well, that and he's slower so he can't overshoot by so much... Given that he's starting after one week on the roster it sort of begs the question how the team didn't feel he was worthy of a pick up 6 weeks ago.
  16. I'd dig that idea, sort of like the Sparano/Parcells deal. Tony's technically in charge but Bill's there for oversight/mentoring. Now who would the DC be? I want a pressure 3-4 so who could bring that? The only choice I'd like better than that would be Jeff Fisher. It sounds insane that it could happen but if they completely tank (they're 75% of the way there now) ownership could bail. They thought they had a Super Bowl team and have been downright awful out of the gate.
  17. Most gutless thing I've ever seen. At least have someone accept it on his behalf because it's cold and windy and he's an old fart. At least have the stones to announce you bailed on it before the game and be willing to take a day of heat for killing it in advance. Further proof that all decisions in Buffalo are made by the marketing department. We don't want video of RW or anyone associated with RW getting booed on TV so we won't even give you the chance. Have a nice day and drive home safely.
  18. This is ridiculous. We have entire threads where we discuss the merits of internet petitions and then the guy you want to complain to is standing right in front of you and we get the "classy" lecture? You don't wanna boo Wilson on merit fine, but at least voice your displeasure about Jauron or the FO or the o-line or SOMETHING. Don't come B word in here and then clam up in person. Classy is highly overrated. Dick Jauron is classy. Are Yankee fans classy? Are Eagle fans? Are Pats/Red Sox fans? Does anyone really care? This team sucks, has sucked, and will continue to suck and it's HIS fault and I intend to tell him so on Sunday. The question is how? Do we go after Jauron or bigger fish?
  19. well, she's big enough now that she beeps when she backs up so she might need her own spot...and yes I get the archane reference to "parking"
  20. Yeah, the question is whether or not to allow him to follow the ways of his father or to let him become an Eagles or Steelers fan. It's already too late for his older brother. Maybe this one will be the one to break the cycle of torture.
  21. Pissed though I am with the team this guy did a good job of helping find a solution to a problem I was going to have on Sunday with parking for my pregnant wife. Called me personally in response to an e-mail, which I appreciated. Just want to give some props since I kill people regularly on here. That is all.
  22. Timmah, make sure your boys at ESPN are getting tape of RW's halftime HoF ring ceremony. If the Bills are looking terrible again it won't be a pretty sight.
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