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Sen. John Blutarsky

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Everything posted by Sen. John Blutarsky

  1. I'm being about 60% literal. It isn't a secret where the ideas that work are coming from. It had to be known within the organization. We could have made the move last year but we didn't and LeBeau took a promotion and left, as he should have. If I were him i wouldn't want to be JG's lackey either.
  2. Clearly...we the 12th man only sold out 8 home games this year.... wait a minute....
  3. Why do I shiver when I read the words "up and coming coach" ??
  4. Hey...the Raiders still need a coach....or maybe you can go to Miami to help Nick Saban in his quest to hire literally every coach in the universe both good and bad just so you can't have them....
  5. Dick LeBeau and his halftime adjustments wizardry left...where did that LeBeau guy end up??? Oh yeah he's in the Super Bowl with a defense that just stopped Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Denver in a row on the road....maybe we kept the wrong guy ya think?
  6. Before or after we trade for TO??
  7. Youth factor, I like that...he IS 2 years younger than Marv.... hahaha
  8. Here the fatal flaw in your arguement, and this is my last time even reading this thread... Nobody...let me repeat...nobody...once again...NOBODY will trade for TO. Why? because the entire Western hemispere knows that the Eagles will release him before March 1st. There hasn't ever been anything in my life that I have ever been more sure of including my own name and gender. NFL teams will not trade for a player who they can acquire for nothing, hence we didn't trade Bledsoe last year and hence AZ had to cut LJ Shelton. Nobody would give up ANYTHING for someone they knew they could sign for free. Setting all the other things aside for a brief moment, this reality debunks your theory Mr. Rosenhaus. Washington and Dallas may very well get To becuase Philly won't be able to stop them. one would think sanity would stop them, but I doubt it will. I actually HOPE he comes to the AFC East, we won't win next year any way and he'll do so much damage in that 1 year that it will totally blow whichever team signs him out of the water in 2007...go for it Miami...or New England...
  9. It's funny...I still have a weird suspicion that you might be right. Ralph said win now, Dick V wins now and runs the ball. Veriel has also shown the ability to work with experienced and or former HCs (Gunther Cunningham, Al Saunders) Nothing says we couldn't get Vermiel along some of the other former HCs we've been discussing...except Ralph doesn't spend money...or does he?
  10. even better...he went to IUP (Indiana University of PA) Donahoe went to IUP...Modrak went to IUP...I went to IUP...the mass conspiracy grows
  11. I say the jury is out until we hire replacements. Mularkey wasn't fired he resigned, which is different. If Wilson had his way Mularkey would have stayed. By resigning he had to either forfeit his remining years or come to a settlement. Since he is available starting Monday AM one of those things happened. If he'd been fired Wilson'd be on the hook for the last 3 years and couldn't prevent him from working... If we bring in some decent people and spend some money I'll say he's not cheap. If we hire Brett Maxie as DC on the other hand...or James Lofton as OC....
  12. well on our way to Mongolian Cluster...
  13. OK, try this on....I know Owens would be a train wreck and I know I don't want him here because I would crucify the Bills for making that move and I've supported them since conception. TO has won exactly NOTHING in his career and that will be the way it shall remain. He is a tremendous individual talent at a dependent position with a cancerous, self-absorbed attitude that extends beyond all reasonable bounds. We have lost w/o TO and I would rather lose w/o him than lose with him because at least I won't hate the team. make no mistake, it's lose lose because TO is NEVER going to win a championship...ever. I assure you there is a reason why such a talented man did not go to a D-I school, and there is a reason why he fell so far in the draft. It is because they interview people and all the people in charge of those programs were smart enough ot say no thank you. Well, no thank you. Moulds is a cupcake of an attitude problem compared to TO and trading one for the other to solve a locker room problem is so beyond asinine that I'm shocked that I'm replying to this. The Bills very well MAY deal Moulds to Philly, but it WILL NOT be in exchange for TO....ever....
  14. Not to mention the fact that TO has already thrown 2 PRO-BOWL quarterbacks under the bus in Jeff Garcia and Donovan McNabb. We don't have anyone on the roster even CLOSE to Garcia in his prime or McNabb. TO would be unhappy in week ONE and it would get worse from there... Can you imagine the tantrums he would throw with Losman/Holcomb if he killed McNabb???
  15. If Terrell Owens plays for the Bills I'm picking a new team immediately and permanently. I REFUSE to support a team who VOLUNTARILY acquires this individual.
  16. I know this has already been said before... ...one Marv Levy had a career NFL record of 31-34 in his first coaching stint. He went 4-12, 7-9, then 9-7, in 1982 the NFL went on strike, the Chiefs finished 3-6 and Marv was let go. he never made the playoffs and never finished higher than 3rd in his division. Up until this season Haslett was only the 2nd coach in team history to have a winning record. Jim Mora was the other, but I don't think we'd have taken him either, he was 103-74 in NO but he never won a playoff game. He ended up 0-6 in the playoffs including the 2 he lost in Indy. The truth is that NOBODY has won in New Orleans and the fact he won as much as he did was an accomplishment unto itself. If you don't want Haslett OK, but don't use his record alone as the deciding factor. I'd use the fact that his teams had an unsettling habit of quitting on him instead.
  17. Wade was HC in Denver before he was DC here, he's on Dan Reeves tree not Marv's. And Cottrell hasn't been hired yet. I think he'd be the first.
  18. I'd love Haslett and Wyche as coordinators...I dn't think it will happen, but I'd love to see it... For the record, i think our success in 1st quarters smacks of Sam Wyche, even as QB coach he'd be involved in the intial gameplanning. Not necessarily in gameday adjustments but certainly in the original plan. Haslett's a great DC...not so much with the HC...kicks A with the defense. I don;t know if we can afford him...the mess in NO may actually help bring his price tag down considerably. We'll know a lot about Wilson's committment to winning short term by how much he'll shell out for new coaches. The moves he's making scream "win right f'ing now" to me. These new hires will be a good litmus test of that. YA CAN"T BRING IT WITH YOU RALPH GO FOR BROKE AND BUY ME SOME COACHES AND A LINE!
  19. They don't do most of the grunt work. They are administrators. Marv won't be scouting most of the talent, Modrak will do that...in an increased capacity. Marv is the grand vision guy, he'll make the final call along with Wilson apparently. I trust Marv's ability to evaluate talent for the most part. The one thing I'm a little shaky about with Marv is his ability to delegate. Has there been even one HC to come off the Marv Levy tree? (I don't count Marchibroda as he had already been a HC before he was our OC.) HC's that delegate end up with long coaching trees because they end up hiring quality assistants who grow under the HCs supervision. One thing Marv will do well is handle the media...he did it for so long that he knows all the pitfalls. Sure he won't tell you anything and he'll sound like the Werther's Original spokeman but he won't call the fans jerks either. Overall I'd be OK with Marv in that capacity, the problem is where do you go from there. He's what 80? Maybe we get 5 years out of him, we need to be grooming the next Marv almost from day one...
  20. At least they are replacing you with another IUP guy, and maybe two if they bring in Haslett.... You made some good moves, some bad, in the end we ran out of patience and you started getting a little facist on us. A little revolution every now and then is a healthy thing...
  21. My personal favorite is the Shaud Williams package on 3rd and less than 7. Particularly with Holcomb at QB. There's at least a 75% chance that a pass equal to half the yardgae required will be thrown on the play. 3rd and 4, we throw for 2, 3rd and 6 we throw for 3. It's completely frustrating. BTW, though this isn't the thread for it, what would Holcomb's rating be if we eliminated all his completions on 3rd down that were short of the line to gain that led to punts. Not to mention all the other 2 yard completions we make. Holcomb is the WCO taken to extreme levels. Sometimes you HAVE TO THROW IT INTO COVERAGE TO MAKE THE FIRST DOWN KELLY... What did he have last week, something like 22 completions for 175 yards...8 yards per completion? Good QBs average 8 yards an ATTEMPT.
  22. I concur...senior advisor/face of the franchise....
  23. How many is that now? 7 or 8 with Mularkey still pending....
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