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Sen. John Blutarsky

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Everything posted by Sen. John Blutarsky

  1. What the Bills replaced an 84 (Posey) with a 76 (Crowell)? How are they ever going to win doing that? What will that do to their D rating? Oh wait...it's a game... I especially like that Tim Euhus is on the squad, they need to release a free roster update after week 1, Cripes, it's not like the game is cheap.
  2. Which will also keep the ball from going out of bounds so much, I see a 10 on 10 scrum coming out of this. What will be interesting will be how the kickers modify their techniques to cope with the new rules. I don't think the traditional skip then big hop will work anymore as the ball will go 10 yards too fast, the kickers that can kick the ball straight down and get it to immediately pop up may have a terrific advantage though. If they can get it high enough you could outrun the ball and have the ball fall behind the kicking team after 10 yards. The receivers will still try to run up and field the ball rather than let it bounce if the kicker can bounce the ball high enough to get 1.5 seconds of hang time the guy who catches it will get slaughtered. The ball will really only have to go 10 yards as opposed to now where it really goes about 23 yards, give or take.
  3. That's like saying if TO had never played for the 49ers before I bet they'd have wanted him this year. Price actually WAS all three of those things when he left Buffalo, it's not causing a quandary for me at all, once a scumbag always a scumbag. Peerless revealed his character or lack of therein in a game vs. Pittsburgh. Ballw as fumbled, a Steeler picked it up, Price gave chase and was gaining on the man until the 35 yard line when Price stopped running and allowed the Steeler to score unchalleneged. He gave up on the play, as opposed to Moulds who ran 105 yards to catch a Raven 2 years ago. Moulds wasn't an a-hole, loser or lazy when he left here, he was just too expensive for what we would have gotten in return, it was time to move on, thanks Eric and good luck. Price was a very different story. I want Price to succeed because it makes my team win, personally I hope another WR outplays him and takes his job because I know there will be a ball he short arms and/or flat out drops, or a DB he doesn't chase or a fumble he doesn't dive for or a jump ball he doesn't sell out to get because that's the kinda guy he is.
  4. Somehow Dennis Shaw was the NFL rookie of the year in 1970, so he either had one halfway decent year on a crap team or there weren't any rookies of consequence in 1970 and they picked his name out of a hat. Either way, the Bills haven't had too many ROYs in their history so I think that gets him off the hook as the worst QB we ever had. It doesn't mean he was good, but Ferragamo, Mathison, Dufek, Kofler, Marangi, Darragh...these men weren't even close towinning any kind of award.
  5. Ferragamo was so bad he was acquired and discarded in about half a season, for anyone who said Mathison was the worst, Mathison actually REPLACED Ferragamo. He was actually improvement, at least he could run (he was an option QB in college so he ran alot), but he threw like crap. Ferragamo couldn't do either one.
  6. Mike-Mayer's kickin for Chuck Knox's Super Bowl team? That one? My parents have 8mm film of me singing that GD song when I was 3. I came home from the hospital in Bills stuff. I fully plan on brainwashing my son as well, though he came home from the hospital in a Sabres onesie because he was born May 30th at 5:48 (17:48 on the hospital record) Who scored that night? Dumont (17) and Briere (48). The first game I remember watching was in '83 when the Bills finally beat the Fish in the Orange Bowl. It was also Marino's first game. Ferguson and Marino threw the ball up and down the field and Uwe Von Schaman missed 2 field goals late in the game, one in OT that would have won it for Miami and I think Joe Danelo kicked in the game winner with his gigantic nose.
  7. I'd much rather go 4-12 with Losman, we know the mediocrity that is Kelly Holcomb, an 8-8 year will just prolong the inevitable. Jauron will be tempted to play older players longer rather than put in people like Whitner and Simpson. We will screw ourselves in draft position for no reason at all and leave ourselves picking in the 20's again when we really need at least one more top 10 pick in the fold. We need to know if we have a QB or not, the question will be answered by Losman or Nall not by Holcomb, we know what Holcomb is but the other two are question marks. I guess the better question is how does going 8-8 help us? I'd have reather gone 4-12 last year, we would have D'Brickashaw Ferguson now, but we won a silly game that ended up meaning very little, even to the ppl who played in it and dropped ourselves from the 4th pick to the 8th.
  8. right, but the way these things work is your money is slotted. #7 and #9 have signed, there really isn't that much to talk about anymore except length of the deal and since the BIlls can only ask for 6 years and #7 and #9 have gotten 5 it doesn't really seem like there's a big void to cross here. If the agent isn't making contact, or avoiding contact he's the one screwing it up. It has to be weird for Levy to come out and say in a PC that they have no working numbers to contact the player. The Bills really can't be at fault, they know the slotting as well as everyone else, it usually a stupid agent who thinks he can get more bank for the player in the form of a bonus, little does the player know that the agent's cut comes right off the top of any signing bonus so it's in the AGENTS interest to get as much cash up front as possible whether it's good for the player or not. Anyone who thkns agents really work for their client is crazy, agents work for themselves in the guise of helping the players.
  9. Damien Covington was very underrated. His injury de-railed what was about to be a terrific career. Unfortuantely it apparently sidetracked him off the field as well as he was shot to death by people who had come to his home in Lindenwold, NJ to buy weed.
  10. agreed Jake Arians was MUCH worse...
  11. At least Byron Franklin turned into Pete Metzelaars after we dealt him to Seattle.
  12. Barry Sims NFL.com profile He played tackle last year but he got bumped out from guard and he is now back at guard.
  13. I said degrees of above average, as in some are further above average than others. My point with those two is that they, IMO, don't make enough of an impact on their teams to justify their huge salaries. In fact, the size of Pace's contract prevents the Rams from having a better line in general which allows their QB to get pummeled which defeats the purpose of paying Pace that much money to start with. LT is VERY important, I'm certainly not ignoring that. But if you have someone, ESPECIALLY at this stage for Buffalo, who doesn't kill you, doesn't make much money, and is reasonably young why would you spend 6 million per season or more to acquire someone who likely isn't going to impact your blocking as much as you'd like him to, and is older. We need several lineman, not just one and you can't spend 30 million on an O-Line. Example Todd Wade, signed to big dollars by Houston to "fix" thier protection problems. He didn't perform like he was paid and their line still stunk. How many of these tackles that get big contracts and change teams really pan out like people hope? The problem is in order to buy a line you either have to go completely insane a la Minnesota for Hutchinson or try to pick an up and coming player who will make a little less (but still a lot) a la Wade. Mike Gandy is no worse than John Fina and he was good enough for us for a long time, was he dominant? No, but really, think about it, who is "dominant". Not as many people as get PAID to be dominant.
  14. Maybe he sacked Aaron Brooks. BTW: nice move giving Simpson #32. :-)
  15. I'd argue with Jennings, Petitgout, McKinnie, Hicks, Sims, and Davis on merit. Jennings is frequently broken and the others aren't anything special. Artis Hicks was a guard for Philly and Barry Sims has usually been a guard as well. I'd probably add Tra Thomas as better than Gandy. Ogden is better by reputation but he's not what he was, Schobel ate him up 2 years ago. What Gandy is that these other guys aren't is cheaper and don't underestimate the value of that. If he's the 13th best LT in the NFL and getting paid less than the 16th best tackle we're getting a good value. I'm not exactly sure where Gandy falls into this list but I know for absolute sure that he makes less than Ogden, Levi Jones, Glenn, Tra Thomas, Walter Jones, Roaf, Jennings, Petitgout, McKinnie, Backus, Pace, Samuels, Smith, Tait, and Davis. I'm not sure about Wharton, Lepsis, or Hicks. So at worst he's the 16th highest paid LT in the NFL and it's very likely that he's around the low 20's. He also makes less than Mike Williams and Robert Gallery who are RT's but were drafted to be LT's. he also makes less than D'Brickashaw Ferguson. When you pine for a "top" LT ask yourself if they are that good why did McNabb, Boller, Kurt Warner, Marc Bulger (and every other Rams QB for that matter), Jeff Garcia, Mark Brunell, Patrick Ramsey etc. all get hurt playing behind at least one of these men? The elite of LT's is maybe 2 deep Tarik Glenn and Walter Jones, noone gets to Manning or Hasselbeck from that side. everyone else is a degree of above average yet still get paid more than 5mil per. Is it worth it?
  16. Given that OJ Simpson is still in the Hall of Fame and on our Wall of Fame I seriously doubt that anyone will really consider Gary Glitter's off-stage activities when they pick music. Does the NFL want anything with Pete Townsend banned as well?
  17. Check out the taxes though. i did a similar thing when I was house shopping. Ryan Homes built developments in B-Lo and Philly at the same time with the same models of homes, in Chester Co. PA the homes were around 250-300k and in Grand Island NY they were between 150and 200k. The taxes in NY were literally double those of the exact same house on the exact same lot in PA. That's just real estate taxes, not including the additional sales tax in NY, higher wage taxes, etc.
  18. Well, as long as you are Catholic, white and not gay he's the man for you. If you're anything else he's basically of the opinion that you're going to burn in hell and he's just about said as much. If you're not in the religious right wing of the republican party Rick Santorum is the face of the enemy. He's the kind of Republican/Conservative that make other Republican/Conservatives look bad. He's the Teddy Kennedy of that side of the aisle.
  19. PA's a blue state too, democratic governor and went against W twice, but I'll bet you money right now that not only does Santorum win this fall, but that he runs for at least VP in 2008. The religious right (i.e. the entire state except Philly and Pittsburgh) loves him.
  20. Yeah, but all most people do is complain to themselves or people they know. even the ones who actually show up to vote. There aren't really THAT many people who take the time to contact their representatives or the leadership of their particular party or anything like that. They show up, complain that both people are the same, pull a lever then put their head back in the sand until the following November. The politicians WILL listen to you, they don't get any kickbacks, graft or PAC money if they lose the election. You just have to convince them that there are a lot of you. It's embarassing that Giambra has been allowed to stay on as a lame duck. Why haven't the people risen up and DEMANDED that he resign? Take advantage of your gov't/union status. You're really hard to fire and I'll bet that if all those workers went on strike (I know that's illegal in NY, be creative...rotating blue flus etc.) until he quit he'd leave pretty fast, where are the picketers in front of the Rath Bldg? How about in front of his house? Nope, can't have that we'll just sit around with our thumbs in our dark places and complain that there isn't anything that can be done...clearly that's better.
  21. This thread is funny...it's written by a bunch of people who are capable of changing their government yet don't. Stop complaining about your government and do something about it. It takes more than complaining to make change, get involved in a real way not just in a coffee clotch. Go organize people yourself, don't wait for others to do it. If your state senator and state rep suck, find a better candidate or run yourself. If you've read this far and are shaking your head and/or scoffing at why what I wrote is impossible you have just confirmed that you are part of the problem. Apathy gets you nothing. Pennsylvania is in the process of voting out almost every incumbent in the legislature. We've had lots of incumbents not even run for re-election because they were dead in the water. If you wait for the system to give you change you will wait a long time, you must change the system from within. get involved or stop whining.
  22. Is throwing a 1 yard pass on 4th and 10 a good decision or a bad one? If it's bad we're used to that. Who would have thought that he ball would have enough velocity to be tipped that far...either that or Greer was velcroed to Stamer's back, or already lying on the ground
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