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Sen. John Blutarsky

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Everything posted by Sen. John Blutarsky

  1. Honestly, this evolves a little more every year. I was born in 78 so I remember a little of Miami beating us like red headed step children and I was at some pretty vicious Buffalo/Miami games and the game where Cox flipped us all off. So my public enemy #1 is still Miami. BUT Every year I hate the Patriots a little more than the prevous year. Some of it is because they've killed us recently, but more of it is the nauseating media coverage they get. Tedy Bruschi makes me phsyically ill and every time I see Marcia get breathed on and a 15 yard flag is thrown I get a little more pissed. Here's the differnce. I EXPECT to beat Miami, at this point I don't EXPECT to beat the Patriots so losing to Miami is always a little worse. These rivalry things always die down a little when both teams are mediocre, they fire up when either both teams are good or one team spanks the other for an extended period of time. Right now Buffalo/New England is on the upswing and Miami is steady.
  2. OMG: I forgot another reason to hate Miami. JIM JENSEN That useless SOB wouldn't do anything for entire seasons but be damned if he didn't catch balls on 3rd down against the Bills. I hated that piece of poo (swearing protocol?)
  3. How we we make a list of reasons to hate the Dolphins and not include Don Shula and Dan Marino anywhere on the list? I agree with #1 though. I loathe Bryan Cox. Anyone else remember this? (I forget exactly which year) the Bills were trying to ice the clock, went for it on 4th and 1, Cox met Thurman in the hole and Thurman carried him for the first down, game over, drive home safely. Best T-shirt ever seen at the Ralph. Big letters. Bryan Sucks Cox. 2nd Best T-shirt, simple, to the point, and I still want one. F@%K MIAMI
  4. My biggest problem with yesterday was yet again the play calling. We went turtle mode in the 2nd half. We had a nice ko return after a New England score we were around the 40 and what did we do? run run throw punt. It was the worst sequence of plays I've seen since last year @ Miami. New England KNEW we were going to sit on the ball and we did. That was a PERFECT opportunity to flash some play action and take a shot deep and show some of that "chunkability" we've heard so much about. We waited to throw until we HAD to throw and that's a recipie for disaster. For me this game wasn't much different than last year, we did a few things right, a lot of things wrong, and screwed up in the clutch.
  5. Taking the field goal doesn't give a momentum swing in the way that stuffing someone on 4th and 1 does. That play turned the tide of the entire game. Take the points, keep the momentum.
  6. I don't care if Miami is playing Iran...they must lose.
  7. Yeah, that crushes in Madden.
  8. I agree. As long as WE know what we're doing it's cool. Last year I don't think that WE knew what we were doing so what looked like subterfuge was really just idiocy. BTW: Thank you
  9. No see, that's when they bring in Tedy to lay hands on Tom and heal the lame, ya know right after he walks on water, turns it into wine, and makes the blind see.
  10. I've read lots of happy posts from optimistic people re: this season. In all seriousness, good for you. I can't bring myself to be positive about this team anymore. I can't do it. I've been sold too many bills of goods over the years. My response to the Bills late season winning streak in 2004 was to declare for a month and a half that not only would the BIlls win every week up until week 17, but that all the other chips would fall into place (which at the time was a momumental feat) only to have the Bills lose the last game. We all know what happened. I don't WANT to be a Bills fan anymore. I've tried on several occasions to boycott them. They respond by sucking me back in and breaking my heart even worse. I boycotted the Rams game in '04 and that lasted a quarter. They won and started that whole chain of events that ended in heartbreak. The next boycott was last year @ Miami. Again, it lasted a quarter...I had the flu...I put the game on to feel better and ended up wanting to hurl myself off the roof. Buffalo sports are an addiction; a very unhealthy addiciton. Every year in February I swear I'm done and then every year in August I'm hungering for Bills football. Sure I watch the draft and casually look at OTAs but the true withdrawal pain starts in July...I need a fix...and no other team gives me the same high. Why do I (and I suspect many of you) put myself through this torture? This is not a new revelation. It became clear to me during the Red Sox World Series run. I made a series of predictions based on the Red Sox ability to rip the hearts out of their fans. Up to that point the Red Sox didn't just lose, they lost in the most excruciating way possible. I realized that this insight wasn't born from baseball, it was from watching the Bills and Sabres. They don't just lose, they find ways to make it extra painful. In the last 20 years I have watched Ronnie Harmon drop a game winning pass in the playoffs, Scott Norwood (I can't even say it), Thurman lose his helmet and Andre Reed go ballistic, they took a 7-0 lead and turned it into a 52-17 debacle, they took a 13-6 halftime lead and turned it into a 30-13 loss (blowing a touchdown halftime lead for only the 2nd time in SB history). Then I watched "No Goal". Then I watched The Music City Fraud. Then I watched the team tear itself apart. Then I watched the Bills win 7 in a row, only to lose the last one and miss the playoffs, then the Sabres got me again. Now what? How can this possible turn out well? Our sports karma is complete crap. And yet, against my better judgment I will forget about all of this on Sunday, put on my #51, and believe in my heart that we can win. The high of victory is just that strong and man do I need a hit....
  11. Of course, I don't care how many points we're getting. I'm still taking the Pats this weekend. If Jauron wins game #1 AT New England, he needs a statue in front of the stadium. Forget that, we go all Michigan State and plant a flag at the 50 in Foxboro. Of course...we all know that the Pats TE's are going to go insane. Cover 2's weakness is deep middle and Watson and Graham are going to be all over that; over Fletch and in front of Whitner/Vincent
  12. True dat. KC's defense stinks out loud. Of course Cincy's isn't that great either. I'd like a Cincy plus the over teaser there.
  13. It took you THAT LONG??!! My moment was on a cold January night in 1991 at the age of 12.
  14. Rob Petitti and Micheal Haynes would be quality signings. haynes can sub in for Schobel in a rotationm, and slide down to DT as part of that rotation as well. Petitti gives us tackle depth thast we sorely need right now.
  15. Well...we're married, we have a kid...it's pretty well confirmed that she's at least bi right? Since I'm one of those two life is good.
  16. You all realize of course that when TO retires he WILL be on a network...maybe MNF. He won't go away, he'll be like Irvin and Deion
  17. He has an interesting point...but if those secretaries had that level of income and the ability to do nothing but re-hab their carpal tunnel 24/7 I think they'd get better pretty quick too.
  18. Maybe we should come up with a secret handshake.
  19. No, not really. It's possible to make a point w/o filling up an entire 3 screen scroll fest. Observe. This isn't a blog, it's a message board, posts end up being more conversational in nature. If you have a point to make that's cool, but at least try to be concise about it. Over the past 1,000+ posts (550+ on this user name, 500+ on my old one) I have put up some ridiculously long LAMPs as well, but for the most part they're short and to the point. My comment was based upon my observation that nearly every post this person makes is of the ridiculously long variety. Personally, I would rather read 3 short to mid-length posts from the same person on the same topic, with additional comments offered in by others, than read one long post that takes up 3/4 of a page (not screen, page) that requires scrolling all over the place and clicking back and forth to follow the flow of the conversation. I'd rather have a discussion with someone re: their topic rather than listen to their entire POV all at once. When you talk to someone I assume you don't present your entire 20 minute thesis on every topic w/o allowing a response, right? I ask that you don't do it here either. It gets tedious. If you have to scroll your own text box to read your whole post before you submit it getting long.
  20. Mod dudes...pin this
  21. No way, that's really tough to do, especially at NFL speed. The ball is on you really quickly and making it move in an unexpected direction even a little can make it hit the side of your hands or your shoulder pad. When the ball starts to flutter it's even worse, it's very tough to re-adjust yourself that quickly and make a clean catch. Think of a bad hop in baseball, you're fielding a grounder, you're set to pick it up, in good position. The ball hits a rock and jumps to the side w/o losing speed. You have to stop your current motion, move in the new direction, plus have your brain process where the new position of your glove should be AND have your brain communicate it to your arms that then have to move your hand there in about half a second or less. It's hard to do and impossible to do consistently. I really dislike Price but I'll give him props for that, it was a tough grab and he got it cleanly,w/o bouncing off his hands, chest, shoulder pads, or facemask.
  22. Once or twice. I'm really not trying to be mean, it's just really hard to read that much in this kind of format. It stops being a conversation and turns into a soliloquy.
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