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Sen. John Blutarsky

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Everything posted by Sen. John Blutarsky

  1. I hafta believe the #1 is going to be a corner or a move down now. Unless an Ellis falls in our laps. DRC round 1, WR (Hardy or the ilk) in rd 2, Flowers in rd 3 since he ran for crap as well. After that I dunno who I want. if Kelly drops like a rock ( which I suspect he might) I'd be interested in 3rd round or later.
  2. You gotta give the kid credit for owning up to his mistakes at the very least. There are plenty of guys who wold throw someone under the bus or just flat deny everything.
  3. That's my "Sign someone like Shaq as a goalline TE theory." I stand by my theory, shaq - or at least someone shaped like him, would be a red zone animal.
  4. Bruce Bowen - Bruce Bowen kicking Wally Sczerbiak in the face Plus there isn't an entire NBA team in existance who could all pass an NFL drug test all at the same time.
  5. I'm tired of caring about that. They can't all be boy scouts. Name me the last team full of good guys that won anything
  6. Mr. Burns just hit the trap door that Malcolm was standing on top of. 4.75 is slow for a linebacker these days. People had major concerns about him already now I see him in the 3rd round at best. Watch his agent spin that he wasn't healthy but ran anyway.
  7. I dunno. I've read more than once about his lack of flexibility. At his position that's important. Chiseled guys tend to ahve less range of motion and pull muscles more frequently as a result. Anyone remember Monty Brown? He was ripped but he was constantly pulling muscles because he was too ripped for football. It's not bodybuilding, you've gotta bend. If he can't bend at his hips he'll get devoured in the NFL as do all DEs who play standing stright up.
  8. It's hard to hate Cox and Marino because it feels like we always beat them when it mattered. My hatred for Brady is 20 fold of my hatred for Marino. I'm too young to remember but I suspect that my current feelign toward New England are similar to you older fellas feelings toward the 70's fish.
  9. That was the only game my father left early and he's still pissed. I credit that for allowing me to stay at the Comeback game though because I know he was itching to go home. If the Roland Hooks catch isn't gnawing at him he would have made us leave.
  10. The Hail Mary game was ealry in the year. nice weather.
  11. It was the guy next to you. There really were only about the 3 of us. Listed attendance was 50,474 but that's bupkis. There's no way that many people were there.
  12. I was one of the very few people at that game and it certainly wasn't on TV so if you remember this you are a true fan. Personally, I was 7. I remember that we were winning early, Lucious Sanford did something stupid which prolonged a drive and we blew it in the end. The weather was gray and rainy. The guy next to us was hammered by Q2. and there was a HUUUGE "Squish the Fish" sign hanging from the upper deck.
  13. It's not really saved money either, it's just differently spent money. They didn't reduce payroll. it went up this year despite those losses. The question boils down to, in 2 years would you rather have Briere, Drury and Campbell for 24 million at least (with a roughly 50 million cap - and I flat don't believe they would have signed for 5 million.) or would you rather have Roy, Vanek, Pominville, and Miller with some money left over more help. It also gets to the point with the younger guys that they either have to play them in Buffalo, trade them or put them on waivers. They got lucky with Pominville when they sent him down - they could have lost him for nothing. They did lose Chris Thorburn for nothing because he was out of options and had no roster spot. The same thing was about to happen with Novotny before he was dealt. I'm not saying it was a primary cause but it's a problem when you discuss giving away developed players for nothing. Rochester was barren this year, next year they'll restock with more college kids who will go pro (Gerbe, Kennedy, etc.) and have some more room for some kids to come up from jr and over from europe (Enroth, etc). The AAA club was bad but we've got guys in AA and A ball who are ready to make the jump. It's all a cyclical thing.
  14. the only player they lost out of the system so far is campbell and thye got bernier and a #1 for him. I wouldn't say we made Briere or Drury -edit- they dealt away biron and novotny but got something back in each case.
  15. How did they play this year? They were streaky and inconsistent. Just like I'd expect a young team to be. This is a retooling year. They happen. If they had a fire sale and blew up the young nucleus that'd be concerning. They didn't do that. They turned over the reigns and there are bound to be some hiccups with that. For the record, the Sabres had the most points in the league last year but were definetly not the best team.
  16. I dunno. Spring up there is horrible. It's not that it can snow in April. It's that it's cold and wet until mid-May. Philly isn't that far away and the Forsythia are blooming and it's in the mid 50's almost every day. I know Buffalo can have weather like that too, it's just that it ALWAYS does that here this time of year. Spring really does start March 1 and By April 1 winter is gone entirely and it won't come back. The lake makes B-Lo great in the summer and fall but spring absolutley refuses to come and it makes it feel like winter is longer than it really is.
  17. Crash Davis Roy Hobbs The Monty Python Guys as British officers in the tiger stectch in "The Meaning of Life"
  18. Happened last year Chicago vs. Philly. bears botched the exchange but QB didn't touch the ball, eagles recovered. False start Bears and they got the ball back.
  19. Result, fumblerooskie now legal! I wonder if the center can just pick up the ball and run now since the QB doesn't have to touch it and it's not a forward pass. Tough to stop 4th and an inch if the center just has to move the ball. One would hope they addressed that with language in the rule.
  20. Jim Jensen. That SOB would do nothing for an entire season and he'd catch 8 passes against us all for critical first downs. God I hated him.
  21. "When I first came here, this was all swamp. Everyone said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built in all the same, just to show them. It sank into the swamp. So I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp. But the fourth one stayed up. And that's what you're going to get, Lad, the strongest castle in all of England. "
  22. San Jose made big noise about doing what it took to lock him up before free agency too. Deal hasn't gotten done yet though. There's no way they're offering less money than Buffalo is, length of the deal is unknown. My guess is, however, that unless they offered him a 6 year max contract he would refuse any offer they made and hit the free market. That whole thing with not negotiating and then not finalizing agreements that had been made is what it is. A story generated by the players and their agents. It may be entirely true, but I take those sorts of things with a huge grain of salt. I recognize that this year was disappointing. However, I'm glad that we don't have the long commitment to players over 30 that NY and Philly now have. Is it better to make the playoffs? Definetly, but lets be honest with that. The team we have blew two multi-goal 3rd period leads in the last week of the season. They were abysmal in shootouts. They had two rookies in the top 6 defensemen for the last month. Afinogenov was terrible, Vanek took a step backwards and Stafford has a disappointing sophomore campaign. IConnolly was broken the whole year again. 'm pretty sure they had the youngest team in the league. With all of that plus the loss of Drury, Briere, etc. they're going to miss the playoffs by what 3 points? That's not cause for huge alaarm bells. That's a tweak here and there and growth from the players that are here away from being back in the mix. I think most of us beleive that the team 2 years ago was better than the President's Cup team and they were 4th in the conference.
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