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Everything posted by stosh64

  1. I tried to find a way to leave my 'thoughts' on this joke of an article but no responses allowed, shocking. Just when you think sports writing couldn't get any lower along comes a pats*** writer to smash that barrier.
  2. Love it, Faker fumbled to clinch the loss.
  3. Or NOT. Faker with the fumble...
  4. I think Kyler had a flare up of Affluenza Entitlementisis at the end there. He has been known to suffer from this in the past but it was hoped it was one of those conditions he would outgrow.
  5. Works for me still, only on YT though.
  6. Please let Marsha lose so bad he cries, or at minimum has a foot stomping helmet throwing tantrum. Let's go Detroit!!
  7. Read the replies on youtube. I read 10 or so, all positive, mostly other teams fans. They love us!
  8. WOW 5 rushing Td's. The only shot we have at that is with Josh. No offense, I love our team, but our pair is not made for dominating a game like Kamara is. I would still rather have our offense.
  9. Love the dark theme SDS! Thank You and all involved in the new option.
  10. Hey Josh, wait until after you lead us to victory in Super Bowl LV to prove it please.
  11. There was a thread after last season ended asking what would Josh have to do to prove he is our franchise QB. 4000 passing yds, 30 passing Td's, 8 int's (not counting BS Rams call), 5-300+ yd games, 2-400+ yd games, 68% completions, 8 rushing Td's, 1 receiving Td- with 2 games to go. Merry Christmas TBD. .
  12. I never heard of Mina, so I searched a little. ESPN wonders why they have to lay off hundreds of employees and why their ratings are in the basement. With COVID rules does anyone know when Rosen will be eligible to play?
  13. BWAHAHA That was classic Cam.
  14. F# refs are finding a way to ruin this landmark Bills game! WTF??
  15. Did I just see a bomb with a 22 point lead????????????
  16. HUGHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OUR D IS BACK BOYS!!!!!!!!
  17. That was a lame call. Come TF on refs...
  18. Beating 2 opponents, good job so far!
  19. Bummer, can't get too upset our PB returner made a RARE mistake.
  20. Our Defense is BACK boys...n girls
  21. Ponies D losing it on sideline.
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