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    Sanborn, NY

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  1. That makes perfect sense.
  2. We'll probably never know the answer, as with so many questions...
  3. Except that ISN'T the play they ran. @ 2:20 in the video. Empty backfield with Zach Davidson in motion. smfh
  4. My God I can't stand Brady doing the broadcast...he just sounds so condescending.
  5. QB Stetson Bennett CB Emmanuel Forbes Jr. RB Cody Schrader OLB Brennan Jackson OL Dylan McMahon OL Warren McClendon Jr. https://www.therams.com/news/rams-bills-inactives-week-14-2024-emmanuel-forbes-jr-warren-mcclendon-jr
  6. Coleman inactive again...F#*** Poyer
  7. The hot takes at the start of this thread are epic, even for TBD standards!🤣 Thank God McBeane are running this team!
  8. I have none, and will never get one. No regrets. I feel like a Sailor with tats must have felt back in the 30's, society has done a complete flip. Now your weird and a 'rebel' if you don't have one.
  9. Pray Josh never misses any games
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