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Everything posted by billsblood

  1. Sounds like you need to be sharing this story with your therapist.
  2. If you could trade Josh Allen (23) for Tom Brady (42) would you?
  3. I agree with this rant...... is it time for the KAP?
  4. I agree.... no one wants to be a back up. But can you think of anyone else who can scramble around to make up for a horrific o line..... that doesn't play starting QB for the Browns.
  5. Do I dare say it...... it may be time for Colin Kaepernick to come in for a work out. The media circus it would bring may be just what this team needs, It would divert attention away from this sad roster and give Allen a back up who has played it this league. If you put aside his politics: there is no way he is not a better QB than Pickerman. Ill be the first one to buy a pair of nikes with a bills logo on it.
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