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Everything posted by VABills

  1. I know the truth can hurt.
  2. No he isn't. he is one of the worst for the level that he was drafted at.
  3. Actually this admin is very close to a lot of Nazi tactics pre-1939. Of course you were too busy equating Bush to Nazism, to realize how far off you were.
  4. But if you heard her talk, you'd be turned off. She is seriously, every stereotype that you hear about dumb blonds (except she ain't blond). But she is dumber than a box of rocks. I am not sure I could do it, just because she might actually speak and that will make your dick go limper than Depo-Provera.
  5. Would we even be having the idiots in this thread complaining about the revote if it wasn't a Bill who finished second? You homer idiots who can't look at anything objectively need to just STFU.
  6. Abe and Louies in Boston is easily the best steak house around. Delmonicos in LV is pretty damn good.
  7. Don't talk about our savior of the day that way. We'll throw him under the bus soon enough, don't hurry the process along, no matter how bad he has looked everytime he has a chance.
  8. Shows how much you've actually watched Brohm in the pros or even in college. He has a weaker arm than Fitz.
  9. And if they did fine them 10B, 100B or more, it wouldn't matter. They'd pass the costs on to us. So in effect we get fined in higher petroleum product prices, all so this communist government can fund more programs.
  10. You know what gets me, is these sports player who get all upset when they get in trouble and they get called out being role models. But when they want to make a statement such as this they then want to act the role model. Turn it on, turn it off. Typical look at me society but only when it benefits them.
  11. Do you really think I listen or even care what a Canuck has to say?
  12. It is also the district that you live near. Dumbass.
  13. How hard is it. Say Ay alot, get drunk on piss beer, and get run over by thug running backs.
  14. Damn I thought you were going to post he's moving to Canada, becoming a citizen there and playing clipboard holder in the CFL. I guess that would be moving up for him at this point.
  15. Wasn't that a scene from the old stargate, when they'd stick some kind of an eel thing in you and it would control your mind. Then they'd tatoo your forehead.
  16. Irregardless that wasn't the original issue.
  17. They don't make anything. And if you and others don't like it, don't buy it. But if you can get a pack of garbage bags at Walmart for 5 bucks and the same pack at the grocery store for 7, why would you spend 2 dollars more?
  18. It is pronounced like core though
  19. How'd that Saban dude do in the NFL?
  20. I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy too.
  21. It works. Trust me. They'll eventually migrate to those wonderful liberal states and bring them further into the tax dumper.
  22. This is a lot more constitutional (states rights) than the liberals demanding that everyone buy a product every year, unless you're union , poor, illegal, then they give it to you for free.
  23. Barry blew it up so he could have cause to go back on his allowing of drilling.
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