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Everything posted by VABills

  1. Yeah yeah yeah. I really wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but other than the one really nice pass and a couple runs, he was always behind the receiver, not seeing receivers and generally didn't look like he was seeing the field. He really looked pretty horrible last night. Anyone blaming the receivers really doesn't know what they were watching.
  2. Hardy stays. He made some good grabs and as was mentioned my the OP several were thrown behind him. He also stepped up and blocked on one of the WR screens.
  3. Just watched the game. Other than the one pass to Jackson that was on the money and zipped, and a couple of runs. Brohm looks terrible. Passes were off the mark, slow to get there and he was delaying throwing even after receivers made cuts and were wide open. Any dropped balls were because they were weak and allowed the defender to get in or behind the receiver slightly. He had several that he just threw out of bounds. The INT was a late throw and behind Foschi. Foschi should have had it, but it was not a good throw at all. Brohm and Born are about the same level at this point and Brown has a much better arm. Brohm was terrible beyond a couple plays. No field awareness at all, and just doesn't comprehend the game in front of him. He didn't look like that two weeks ago, but against Detroit last night, he was aweful.
  4. I haven't seen the Bengals game yet, but in the first two Moats just seemed a little slower and slower to react than I expected. It seemed like he came from a D1AA school based on that. However, I've seen the kid play twice live and when he played DE at JMU he looked like he was shot out of a cannon on every play. He was pretty big compared to the competition, but he was just so much quicker than the other players on the field. If he can translate and understand NFL football, he'll be a good one.
  5. Sorry guys, I meant to put a smilie in there.
  6. 11 games, 6 interceptions, 0 TD's and a 5 yard per pass average means Brohm sucks.
  7. Chan would have been OC and Cowher HC.
  8. It's not Brohm that did it. Brohm is not a good QB, but what gets my hair standing up is idiots like AD who really haven't got a clue and bash Fitz and Edwards when they are throwing TDs and throwing for 10 yards a pass. Saying they ssuck, have no future etc... but Brohm is out there with 6 int's never throwing a TD and averaging 5 yards per pass. But Brohm is so great and has so much potential that he's never shown, ever. the problem isn't Brohm because well he sucks and will be gone maybe by Tuesday, but the problem is rather the idiot fans like ice, AD, you to a points, etc.. who just can't STFU and spew vialness and lies.
  9. This pile and a bucket of viagra couldn't get me excited about it.
  10. Yet they did offer to activate him, just not for what the Bills were offering. So if they had done that they would have had to cut someone. So it doesn't quite match up with what you say.
  11. From that article. Edwards' play in 2009 reignited the dreaded quarterback debate: Should the Bills start him, Fitzpatrick, Brohm — or dump all of them? The trio entered camp ranked in that order, and Gailey says, "No one has done anything extremely good or extremely bad to change the position, but that could change. So it looks like Brohm is 3. Hmmm. if they are only keeping 3, and Brown is likely one of them, what does that mean?
  12. All the time but not when I read all this crap about a 3rd string QB being our savior after he couldn't even make a team where he had good coaching and consistency for 2 seasons.
  13. And yet Brohm had that same coaching for two years and did nothing with it. But hey he's our savior right?
  14. How long before he starts pulling a Jason peters?
  15. But if it was all the QBs as you say, we will see it regardless.
  16. They maybe 10th and actually that's a little lower than I thought, but they also have probably the cheapest seats in the NFL. SO revenue overall will be lower.
  17. I'll keep an eye out for it then.
  18. I'll keep it simple, my point is maybe the call is 10 yards and then turn left. However, the play may allow the WR to break off and turn at 7 yards if it looks like the safety is coming over. So the Wr is breaking at 7 as he reads the safety cove, but the QB doesn't see it that way and is waiting to throw at 10 yards. If so it will appear the QB is waiting until he breaks until he throws but it actually is a WR mistake/mis-read. It could be a coaching issue as the WR coach is giving the WR's something to key on for the Safety support that is different from what the OC and the QB's are reading. Pro football is a lot of reads and adapting to the defense. They are not like pee-wee football where you always run exactly what was called there are usually at least 3 progressions allowed in a route and the WR and Qb are reading it different. that's why when folks blame a Qb for a bad throw or INT at least half the time it isn't his fault but rather a mis-read with what the WR is doing.
  19. Isn't it a Saturday game? How are they going to show it on NFL network 16 hours before it is played?
  20. That's my point though, if all the QB's are doing it, they are reading something different than the receivers. I suspect they are breaking off their routes early and that's what's causing it. Maybe a WR coach thing or a different preogression read from the QB's. If it was one QB, I'd say QB's but all 3/4 means they are on a different page. BTW, thanks for the report, and I don't doubt what you see but sometimes we as fans don't always understand what we see. Coaches and players look at the game differently.
  21. And you call yourself a fan. You will give up on a team after the coaches determine he is the best QB? If the other 3 can't win the job what does it tell you about them. The fan boys around here who think a guy who can't even beat out a 7th rounder for the starting role in GB, is still third on the depth chart in Buffalo, never thrown a TD in any preseason or regular season game, deserves the starting role. You're crazy if you think they are going to hand the keys over to the worst QB on the squad. The only hope Brohm provides is that he gets cut in the early group so folks like you can get over your fantasy that the weak armed, never been, wanna be QB is out of the picture.
  22. The timing and late throws may not be the QB's. The receivers maybe coming out of their cuts early, breaking them off a couple of yards short of where they should thus forcing the late throws. if it was one, then I'd say okay, but since it was more than one it was the receivers who were reading and breaking off and all the Qbs reading something different.
  23. He was throwing 5-8 yard patterns. kind of hard not to get the ball there. he didn't throw anything well beyond 10 yards at all.
  24. Wrong. The knock on brohm has always been a weak arm. Only since then we found out he is wmentally weak and has accuracy issues.
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