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Everything posted by VABills

  1. Doesn't matter, public building, not permitted in the building. Just like if you lend someone your car and they get caught with drugs, police get to keep your car. And Darin, how is my stance stupifying? Please explain. The owners of the property have to ensure these people have a safe encironment to live in, but if they want to trash the place it's okay. Trust me, a tenant can pretty much destroy a place, yet the owner has to fix it. How's that for you? And trust me it is pretty incredible what someof these folks do.
  2. Okay honest answer. For any house getting public subsidies, it is under government control. As such the federal government either directly or through contract services actually go out and are required to inspect the place once per year, in addition they are required to audit the owner once per year. This is to protect the tenant and ensure the mob is not doing government business. That said, while you don't send teams out to check for butts, these teams already are going out to inspect for problems the owner has to fix, they can easily note if they see cigarette butts inside the appartment. If so the tenant is given a warning, and booted the second time, no more government handout. No extra effort on the inspection teams, and easy to extract that info from the system where it is maintained. I know a little about that subject.
  3. See Kirk was gay. He liked holding those pointy ears. Picard could have cared less if Riker died. Then he could have had the counseler.
  4. If the nose don't fit, you must acquit.
  5. People from Florida? Hey, that'sa good idea, I hadn't thought about it. Might cut down on some of the problems.
  6. Again so glad to see that people can have an opinion other than yours. While some of us are not so elequent with the English language, some of us actually have opinions beyond what a media source or political party tells us. I know I am a rare breed in that matter, but accept it any how.
  7. computer use in Florida.
  8. No but if you are poor and need public money, then all the government is doing is subsidizing your smoking habit.
  9. Okay let me address the Public housing issue. The people in there are getting rental assistance because they are poor. Secondly it is a public building. On the second issue smoking already should be banned based on that reason alone. Secondly if you are poor and can't afford housing why should you be permitted to smoke if you obviously can't afford rent let alone cigarettes.
  10. So you say smoking should banned also. Or are you saying we should have public jerk off bars. Was that Gum I just stepped in.
  11. The Government runs retirement funds for their employees. The invest the money in stocks. These stocks can be on such companies as Chili's, etc.... Does this explain it to you?
  12. I see today is hypocrite day. I didn't know that. Seems you bunch me the Wicked Witch of the Left and it's okay. I bunch you with a bunch of retarded militia turds and you get upset.
  13. Maybe she is pregnant, and her hormones are in an uproar. She doesn't know it yet and will come back in 2 weeks and tell you the good news.
  14. Sure, I actually have opinions that don't meet with a political party, take what I feel is good and fair, whether it be a repub, dem, libertarian or whatever cause and you are going to bunch be with a mouthpiece. Thanks. It's so nice to actually be able to form an a set of opinions on something without being a mouthpiece. Let me know when you stop being a mouthpiece for the libertation/constitution party.
  15. I actually send my daughter to daycamp in the summer to a county north of here where there is a little more to do and a little more diversity just for this reason. They deal a little more with the gang issues, and other normal teen issues, along with it being a much rougher group of teens to deal with. She actually got in a fight with a couple of girls got her butt kicked but she earned a lot of respect from most of the kids becuase she didn't back down and actually hit back. The counselers while they had to write her up were very happy to see it and said in confidence it was great for her.
  16. Oh this from the guy who gets sh-- on by women all the time. He just doesn't talk about it a lot.
  17. We're doomed or is that billsfanone'd ?
  18. Of course they make more. They also pay the fines and go to jail when they !@#$ up. Rewarded for taking the chances and penalized when they miss. I don't see the company mailclerk or receptionist going to jail, when the CEO screws up. Nor do I see them paying multi-million dollar penalties to stock holders when they take extreeme risks.
  19. You been hanging around Dupont Circle lately?
  20. Perhaps it's because these animals are coddled and not really punished by society any longer. They know that they will probably be out of jail in 3-5 years or less no matter how bad the crime. If we started truely punishing the crime there would be less of these idiots on the street and for those considering it a few more thoughts before they carried through.
  21. I've been married way too long.
  22. Yeah but Gyna was 2000 years old or something. She really was looking for someone to satisfy her. As far as the borg queen, what are you talking about. She had 10 billion borg gang bangs in between each takeover. She had millions if not billions of aliens in the collective.
  23. Yeah but the same goes for colleges and cheerleaders. You would think they should have good looking cheerleaders. But damn with those plain brown outfits and the girls that St Bonaventure has you would think they are getting the cows from the field in Olean to cheer. No wonder the coach and AD got in trouble.
  24. What if the shareholder is a government fund. Government would have to divest from all of those companies, driving stock prices down. Besides that isn't a private ownership. If they want to they should buy back all the stock and become a none publicly traded company.
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