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Everything posted by VABills

  1. Everywhere, unthinking mobs of “independent thinkers” wield tired clichés like cudgels, pummeling those who dare question “enlightened” dogma. If “violence never solved anything,” cops wouldn’t have guns and slaves may never have been freed. If it’s better that 10 guilty men go free to spare one innocent, why not free 100 or 1,000,000? Clichés begin arguments, they don’t settle them.
  2. Who cares about the friggen cat on the right. Just another worthless vermin.
  3. Yes it is. And CTM may even be right about it being a boy. But the whole leg structure and ankles are a kids. Trust me if you had children you would know.
  4. You been hanging out with Michael Jackson? That looks like a little kid.
  5. So a zen master is going to teach a bunch of hoodlums to try to win. And did someone say the Lakers were on the verge of winning it all? HAHAHA. NBA sucks
  6. Overall probably Verba, but Verba sucks. Williams at least showed something the last half of last year that Verba never showed.
  7. LJ Shelton. Cleveland still possibly needs a back and we can now get LJ for 950K. Travis for LJ. Get'er done TD.
  8. Andre Reed - Someone who can go across the middle and be depended upon to catch the ball. Jim Kelly - Duh. Obvious reason.
  9. You would be in jail or dead by now.
  10. Another reason Kirk was gay. He let furry little creatures that purr on his ship. Pichard would never allow that.
  11. Does everyone in LA hunker down with Fabio?
  12. Maybe she is banging another girl.
  13. You say that like you actually have any? In fact you might have one, but then it would not be plural.
  14. Did he really? Damn Ed, I am so disappointed in you. You truely are a horrible person.
  15. That's better. Seal don't squeal as much. Just to hear that hissing and spitting makes it better.
  16. Was she from North Carolina? I have it on good authority that women from NC really like to receive it orally, and if you don't you won't make them happy.
  17. You're so cute when your angry. Go gaffe a baby seal, you'll feel much better.
  18. Stay out of it before you get hurt.
  19. You know I have been thinking the same thing most of the day.
  20. Don't get started or I'll shove one of those reiki needles up your ass.
  21. Maybe but there are smokers and sex offenders. One should not be oppressed because they are either if they have served their time in the case of the Sex Offender. However, if one does the act of sex offending, or smoking where not permitted they should pay the approriate penalty. Obviously, one being more serious and should be punished more harshly, but both are illegal.
  22. Damn you must be a corporate CEO. Steal money, get caught, get promoted and get more money. What a deal.
  23. What???? From what you read it sounds like can and did ban them. Of course just like any other criminal once they have served their time they are allowed the same rights. Hence if they need public housing assistance it must be given. Smoking is an action. But just like a sex offender a smoker should be able to get public assitance. They just can't smoke in the rental unit, just like the sex offender can't commit sex crimes in there.
  24. Are you still there? I thought they fired you for embezzlement.
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