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Everything posted by VABills

  1. I am sure the parents who named there kids Ronald Joseph were thinking the same thing a few years ago.
  2. But if you could have gone out back and blown away a squirral or groundhog right afterwards, you would have forgotten all about it and felt much better.
  3. You like how I worded that huh? I was wondering if someone would catch that.
  4. Little sensitive aren't we? Plus I am sure that if they ran a POLL on Miami it probably would do something similar using Wicky.
  5. What's a birkenstocks?
  6. How is that a shot? It is a poll that aks how the Bills are going to do, and if they would do better with a good QB instead of Losman.
  7. 2 year old in SC missing. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,159613,00.html I know some of you won't care because it is a little white girl. But say a few prayers that she is found safe and alive.
  8. No what he is saying it to make it quick. This way it isn't cruel. Torture is probably not good especially if they are religious animals. Until you kill them make sure you don't do anything like rip up their version of the Bible, force them to stand on their hindlegs for long periods of time, or make them listen to Britney Spears music. That would be wrong. Just make sure the little bastard is killed in a quick quiet manner, and do not transport them elsewhere before you do so.
  9. But the shots are a pain in the ass.
  10. Yeah all those chemicals make them taste bad. Bad corporations. Don't they know that animals are supposed to taste good.
  11. 1.5-2 hours. But I have an anti-Ed device installed on my vehicles and house. Is this for your bare naked ladies concert? Why don't you go to concerts closer to home? You seem to travel to them? BTW, have you considered taking your GF and hoping on a cheap airline and going to a future concert elsewhere? Might be cheaper then a ticket agent.
  12. No. Don't you have some money to go embezzle? Or to post something so it gets deleted? Oh heck maybe even do something horrible.
  13. So I take it you didn't drive to another state at midnight to get a copy of something you had already illegally downloaded to your computer.
  14. The guy never knows for sure.
  15. I didn't do it.
  16. I am sure it involves raising taxes, paying for a multi-million dollar committee and undo expenses on corporations, or huge civil fines to help pay for some entitlement program to help said governer, senator, etc.. get reelected by the hot pocket crowd.
  17. Animals have the following rights: 1. You have the right to taste good. If you give up that right, you need to stay away from people. 2. You have the right not to crap on my lawn. If you give up that right, you are subject to punishments that will remain unnamed. 3. You have the right to be interesting, colorful or otherwise beautiful so that people can enjoy watching you. If you give up that right, don't expect me to be interested in you. 4. You have the right to try to survive. If you give up that right you'll probably die. 5. You have the right to be useful, like in the ability to provide leather, food, down, medical research, entertainment or other functions that lead to the advancement and sustenance of humanity. If you give up that right I don't really know what will happen, but it's still probably a good idea to stay away from people.
  18. 1.5 hours on an average day. I thought a lot of Bills fans got together at the PUB on Plank road already.
  19. I usually am.
  20. No a coffee maker with a cutoff valve.
  21. Old Ralph was smart in his day, but it doesn't apply anymore. I have a theory. I believe that when God created mankind, he allowed for so much intelligence to be split among the population. So in the older days of earth the people were very smart, and progressed quite nicely, albeit slowly. As the world became more populated the IQ was split among more and more people. Well with the population boom over the last 100 years, the IQ pool has really been thinned out to where there are only a few of us who have an IQ higher than a toaster. Which is why I pretty much think the way I do.
  22. Why yes I am.
  23. Which is why I pretty much hate everyone.
  24. Animals do have rights. They have the right to be there for our amusement. They have the right to taste good when butchered and cooked properly.
  25. She's just sticking up for her husband.
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