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Everything posted by VABills

  1. It's the old tear down the big guy mentality. Judaism isn't a major player anymore. Hilter had a lot to do with that. So now it's time to tear down Catholics ,Mormons, etc....
  2. Why don't you google it? There are people a lot smarter than me who have spent a lot of years writing and putting this into common language for all to hear.
  3. How did I reject Vatican II? What it says there is what I said. That one can be saved through either ignorance or a desire to seek God.
  4. No I posted first. You may have been cross dressing.
  5. I already covered that. Go throw sh-- elsewhere.
  6. Members of the Society of Jesus are Catholic. What are you saying that a Jesuit is not a Catholic. Where did you go to Sunday school? In fact they are the largest religious order in the Catholic Church.
  7. Okay, I honestly thought it was more of a "trial and purging" by fire, and some still choose not to go through the pain and suffering and are expelled.
  8. No I don't. I neither judged you nor said I don't think anything bad about you or your situation. I can try to understand but never truely will. No I am not an idiot when it comes to this, but I do know what the Church teaches. And trust me they do not look at your daughter as anything less then a gift from God. Trust me on that, I know that for a fact.
  9. Not true, I don't think, but I don't know everything. The are sent there to be purged of there sins. They will then be judged. I believe most who go to purgatory go to Heaven. However, in order to even go to purgatory one must have at least lived Christlike, if not in the faith. It is believed that one reduces or eliminates their time in purgatory by receiving the graces of God, via the sacraments.
  10. No the problem with IVF is how it works. There are several issues, the first being if boths the eggs and sperm come from annonymous donors you could potentially wind up with a child who is the joining of a brother and sister. Highly unlikely but could happen. Second the Church looks on the Eryn as a creation of God. Always has, and always will. To think otherwise is wrong. The Catholic Church has always said that the creation of a baby in a marraige is right even if scientific means are used. Finally the real problem with IVF is that usually multiple eggs are fertalized and only the most viable one implanted with the others destroyed. Anyway you look at it that was a life and the other babies were killed. Another fact you may or may not be aware of is that some doctors actually implant multiple fertalized eggs in the uterus and several months into the pregnancy figures out which one is doing the best and aborts the other. BTW a lot of people are not aware of that final paragraph and the Catholic Church recognizes that and understands that a lot of people get IVF without full knowledge.
  11. No child is "illegal". Do you think this sh-- up as you go or you been hanging out with BF a little too much lately.
  12. But he doesn't and the Catholic faith doesn't profess that. While some pretestant religions do the Catholic faith says that those who use other forms of faith or are ignorant of the Church can be saved but first must enter Purgatory.
  13. How many times are you going to ask the same exact question?
  14. Never said it was easy.
  15. Children are never condemned. However, every Christian faith does say that you have to accept Jesus or you are condemned. But this also applies to those who have reach the age of reasoning. Has nothing to do either with saying the right thing. Actions speak louder.
  16. It's maggot, BTW.
  17. Guess you'll be calling in sick tommorrow. The fate of our countries rest in your hands and your off having a good time. Where are you priorities?
  18. Are they sure it was Ohio and not Indiana. This sounds like someone else, maybe running to the music store to get the new NIN album.
  19. Pearl Jam, yes. Sorry about that. No never heard of the others.
  20. Im' early 40's and only have heard of Nirvana, radiohead and prince. And no I don't own any of the albums but you would think someone in the late 30's or early 40's would own or at least heard of some of the albums from the last 20 years.
  21. Cindy, I apologize. However, you still keep in touch with her? Do you pull an Ed, get drunk on her lawn and cry for her to come back to you?
  22. It was actually one book that has been split in three. Yeah and everyone knows that the Hobbit was such a big box office hit when it was made.
  23. If I have I have been to reconilation and been absolved.
  24. Then why rant when someone moves something overseas. They are growing the world economy.
  25. Well there are two issues with it. One being the one I mentioned that those "contraceptives" that do not block ovation and only prevent the fertalized egg from embedding is considered murder. The other one and part of the teaching is that once it becomes common blace that man will use and abuse the woman for his own pleasure and will lose the unity of the both that is supposed to exist when one has sex. Meaning there will be no emotions to the act, making it worthless.
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