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Everything posted by VABills

  1. It's a Wonderful Life Real Genius Miracle on 34th Street Mr. Smith goes to Washington Kelly's Heroes 6th Sense Tora Tora Tora Mash Boys of Company C Sands of Iwo Jima
  2. About 30 hours, while you wait to get bailed out in towns along the Penn-NY border. Or in Maryland.
  3. The route they give you is the quickest. Just watch for state police as you get around Pittsburgh. Depending on where you are actually going there are quicker ways. If southtowns/Jamestown then 219 up through Altoona area is quicker. If Batavia/Rochester, then 15 is probably quicker.
  4. No just good. I will of course tithe 10% to the Church.
  5. No Presbyterian, seems they wanted to start being more Catholic. Just ask Grossman.
  6. Shut up Ed.
  7. Sorry but I already have US Patent Office Rights. I'll sell them for 20 million. Nice to have friends in other agencies.
  8. The missing 11 year old Boy Scout was just found alive.
  9. Moving on up. Poor Wheazzy. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2005/bask...ex.html?cnn=yes Oh sorry wrong guy. St. Peters basketball player found dead in his dorm room. Yes his name was George Jefferson.
  10. I agree. I already sent the idea to a friend at PTO. He said he will lock down the idea in my name and I'll have a patent by Friday.
  11. That's really never been an issue with Travis. He always has been in shape, and stayed so.
  12. So you're a Catholic wanna be?
  13. Get all the 13 year old girls that you want? Especially if you are a church elder?
  14. 3 times per day, 7 days a week. Wouldn't you rub yourself raw.
  15. I have actually had the discussion with our pastor when I was an altar boy. I asked about the friends of mine that were not Catholic and what would happen. Told him I didn't think it was fair. He basically said the nun who said it was full of crap and that God will look at people as being good or not, and accept them based on that. I knew long before the answer to the question. But yes there are a lot of morons who believe that only through their religion can you go to heaven. There are versions of babtists who believe all Catholics will go to hell, because they haven't been bad enough to have been born again into the Church. They say one must have done agregously wrong and repented in order to be accepted into the eyes of the Lord. We have a couple of those at work. So I guess in their eyes, if I haven't murdered, raped a dog, or something along those lines then I can't be saved. I always want to ask what they did that was so bad they they are sure they are "saved".
  16. Because I was just spouting sh-- at first, and then decided to give real teachings. The problem is a lot of folks believe what I aid at first to be true about the Catholic faith and it isn't . I was really just playing to the stereotype. Again, if you want facts, that vaatican website has a lot of the answers and the Church is not as bad as one would have you believe.
  17. That's what I said.
  18. Someone hit a nerve this morning Ken?
  19. Bingo. The Church is not as black and white, cut and dry as "some" make it out to be. Those are the ones who make it difficult to be part of the community of the Church. The Church really wants people there, and no not just to get your money. I truely believe most in the Church accept everyone, with very few hard and fast rules.
  20. That really is the truth. The Catholic Church has been over the years very accepting of different cultures, ideas, etc... At times too tolerant of some activities. But it is a very diverse organization.
  21. Cat got your "tongue" ?
  22. No just one idiot did. Oh and the Church teachings are so vast, to be honest very few folks know the entire spectrum and teachings. Me, I can't even always remember the 10 Commandments, let alone the Humane Vitae.
  23. http://www.vatican.va/phome_en.htm I am sure if you look sthrough here, you will find that and many more answers.
  24. It's obviously not my opinion.
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