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Everything posted by VABills

  1. Dems aren't bad. It's liberal that are off their rocker. Not all Dems are liberals.
  2. Wow shows you what Missouri think of Mckaskill. After Akin, shot himself, put both feet in mouth and pretty much committed political suicide and the race is still a dead heat. http://www.publicpol...e_MO_830925.pdf The other thing interesting is that the majority of those polled were women.
  3. Was Condi the African American lady who said for the first time in her life she was proud of America?
  4. All welfare is good. Tax the rich even if they have no ncome. Tax their savings and money under their mattresses.
  5. And what they did was wrong by any measure, but did the Camera women possibly do something to insight the whole incident?
  6. I didn't watch last night but was the mayor from Utah in chains?
  7. Didn't we just have a shooting over this same stupidity?
  8. Why not the president who make 10 times as much when they are in office, are going to make millions after they leave office.
  9. The economy is tough where are all the folks in his cabinet going to get jobs with unemployment over 8%.
  10. Why? When we have so many people out of work, needy, no insurance would we want to spend all this money going to mars. We need to cut all non-welfare spending to the bone and give it to the poor, black, illegal immigrants, elderly, and liberals.
  11. Looks like one already did. Of course all that money Obama shoveled their way didn't help.
  12. Probably make then show a valid ID being getting on the bus.
  13. So when Mitt was in charge of Olympics, it ran itself. He never hired a staff to feed, house, clean, secure village?
  14. You do know that as a US citizen you are required to pay taxes on money you earn regardless of the country it's earned in? You do get a deduction for any taxes you pay to the foreign country, but that's it. Nothing is tax free if you're a US citizen. Remember the little fiasco when all those facebook folks were renouncing US citizenship? It's because they then could bypass paying taxes. Lucky US citizens like you, me and Mitt pay. BTW, where is the outrage over the Obamas having over 1 million in foreign investments? Did you actually read Obamas tax return? He is just like Mitt. Plenty of money in Caymans and elsewhere. Who cares, the good old US guvment collects their dime regardless.
  15. I thought Bush was to blame for everything after 1999.
  16. BY LAW, publicly traded companies are required to maximize return to the investors. They cannot just do what is socially correct. They are in the business of making money and the people in Washington have regulations which mandate that. So if someone doesn't like BAIN, they can go thank the government for making the business that way.
  17. It's called a charitible deduction. You can give them as well and write it off on your taxes. That way you can reduce your tax bill. Not a new concept, been around for years.
  18. Trent has looked a whole lot better than anyone on our roster this preseason.
  19. Technically the guy in office is a white Obama as well.
  20. Understood. But most (not all) big businesses are publicly traded. We need those (and small) to do well for current job growth and future retirement planning. Unless we all want to be on welfare until we collect social security.
  21. I equate Big Business with publicly traded. Which equates to companies with stock that mom, dad, teachers, unions, etc.... have their retirement funds invested in. We want them maximizing returns and being profitable for two reasons. Obviously for retirement money. But two, the more profitable they are the bigger they become, meaning more jobs. So it's win, win, short term and long term for 98% of America.
  22. Just as one of the consequences is STD's such as AIDs. Of course the woman can just go down to the local clinic and get rid of that as well. Oh wait she can't. Of course, I always like the argument that why call abortions legal only before the baby is born. I think until they are self sufficient say around 12-14, then they killed should be able to be aborted by the mom whenever she wants.
  23. Well he maybe assuming in Texas they are the same thing.
  24. The top 5 posters on this board have more posts than the rest of the posters. I think we should distribute their posts so everyone has an equal balance. It's not about whether they earned that post count or not, it's about ensuring everyone has an equal number of posts.
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