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Everything posted by VABills

  1. To counter, and I am not saying I know the answers, or even if they will be an issue: No valid LT option. A poor 2nd corner No depth at LB Questions in the center of the D line Continued questions on the end of the Dline and now our best Dlineman is gone No healthy TE's Mcgahee is still questionable as far as long term health Coaches got their lunch handed to them the last game of the year. They obviously didn't learn a lot during their first year.
  2. Wow, who the !@#$ are you? You have no clue what you are talking about. If you knew me, you would know that to be farthest from the truth, but seeing as you have already judged me, and shown yourself to be a bigot that will never happen. Good for you, so glad that you have an open mind and opinion of others.
  3. I agree, but only one of them and only with a prescription.
  4. In my opinion it went way over the top. People getting shot and arms and legs flying down the beach. Ever seen someone get shot, I have twice, there arm or leg didn't go flying off. I cannot get beyond that bad "shock and awe" tactic to help sell a movie.
  5. I am a realist too, and I know that herion is slightly worse than marijuana. I maybe stubborn, but not stupid. Marijuana serves no purpose other than to relax, and remove some controls from people. Is it any worse than alchohol probably not in the long run, but there is not real control over it's manufacture and much more difficult to ascertain if one is under the influence when driving like you can with alchohol.
  6. Don't you have a peta girl to kidnap?
  7. I am still waiting for the list of those 22 states. In fact not a single state or federal government forces any minimum sentence for simple possession.
  8. What's you point. mandaory minimum is not the rule. MMS is is the minimum. Look again. The possesion one for federal government is 1 year max with no minimum. Nowhere in the federal guideline is there a MMS for life. Possession Any amount (first offense) misdemeanor 1 year $1,000 Any amount (second offense) misdemeanor 15 days MMS* $2,500 Any amount (subsequent offense) misdemeanor or felony 90 days MMS* - 3 years $5,000 *Mandatory minimum sentence. Possession of marijuana is punishable by up to one year in jail and a minimum fine of $1,000 for a first conviction. For a second conviction, the penalties increase to a 15-day mandatory minimum sentence with a maximum of two years in prison and a fine of up to $2,500. Subsequent convictions carry a 90-day mandatory minimum sentence and a maximum of up to three years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000.
  9. That's a maximu fine, and courts rarely impose maximums if you have not had prior convictions. And you know that.
  10. Check the link out in my message above. There is no state or even federal government that mandates any jail sentence for simple possesion.
  11. Actually on the federal it's 5 years minumum for first offense and ten for second. But only if caught with 100 kg (220 pounds). Below that the feds don't get involved unless you are convicted at the same time as something else. I would like to see which states have a mandatory sentence for simple possession (under 1 ounce) where the sentence is a mandatory 1 year. In fact, everything I read says almost all states count it as a misdemeanor and has $1000 fine and or 1 year as the maxiumum penalty with no minimum. In fact here is a good list: http://www.legaljoint.net/state_info/FEDER...&state=13&mmj=2 federal only mandates 15 day minimum for sencond offense, and 90 days for third.
  12. Well for 4 years we did that in a lot of passing situations. With Travis on the field that is.
  13. Go to Abe and Louies. Great steakhouse. Watch yourself in NE though. I had the idiots in the airport pull me because I had a Bills shirt on when I left town. The supervisor asked why I was selected, because he felt I didn't the profile. They said, I had a Bills shirt on. When the super was pissed and shouting obsenities at them in the airport. Needless to say, I got some apologies real quick and was quickly passed through.
  14. When was the last time anyone arrested with marijuana and not doing anything else got more then a small fine or slap on the wrist? You know damn well they do not prosecute and throw you in jail for years for just a small amount of marijuana. As others have said, why have rehab if it isn't addicting? To me your arguement is too much of a conspiracy theory. Darin I have a lot of respect for you, and you know that, but you are sounding like a certain person from Washington State.
  15. How does anyone makle any money from not legallizing beyond the drug dealers? Are you say the government is taking millions from them to keep it illegal? Or the military and DEA just so they can get shot at trying to keep it from coming in country?
  16. I am not wrong. Secondly, I am just asking how you can deam him injury prone, when he has been in the league 2 years and only started one?
  17. Kendall is not a run blocker. He is a pass and zone blocker whose job it was to seal off, not pancake people. Yes he did that well, but that is not our scheme. We tend to be straight ahead blocking now and pushing guys off the line, so Willis can pick a hole and go with it. When Travis was the starter Kendall might have been better as he could seal a hole better and since Travis is unable to adjust Kendall may have been better. On the second one, no he isn't. I am not enamored with Gandy, but Verba sucks, plain and simple. He is a terrible LT and was nearly tarred and feather when they threw him out of Green bay. The fact that Cleveland paid him beyond league minimum is frightening, and shows how bad Cleveland was at eveluating talent.
  18. Okay, so he can't play a complete game consistantly, I will give you that, but my point is Brown is a better starting back. Having a good backup to take some of the carries off him will be good, just as it would for most backs in the league. But my point is Brown is a much better overall back then Travis, period. A far as your second statement, I tried, but just wasn't able to come up with something so I left it alone.
  19. I don't know. I gave you a fact from the NIH, why don't you find a fact to back your opinion? Or are you just going to be limmingish like AD and state opinions with nothing to back it up.
  20. And my common sense agrees with what I say. Common sense says that devoid of anything to prove it wrong it must be fact. For you to sit there and say otherwise without some supporting evidence is more lemmingish. You follow, just because. At least my stance is grounded on research.
  21. Hershel Walker ran too high, and while not the greatest back in history, he was pretty damn good. But Brown is a good back, and I don't see how one off season broken hand and missing 4 games last year qualifies him as injury prone. Travis missed more with injury last year and is constantly dinged, so to compare Brown to Travis and say Brown is injury prone but Travis isn't more so is stupid.
  22. But other then opinions, there is no real facts to support your opinion. Whether you want to trust government reasearch or not they are realistically the only "facts" available.
  23. In your opinion. Damn, opinions are rampant around here today. When did facts become null and void.
  24. I agree SPR was much better than the other two you mentioned, but they were bad on multiple levels.
  25. On the highway, if you slow down to 3 MPH you are likely to cause a major accident in a state that has more then 30 people, unlike Alaska.
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