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Everything posted by VABills

  1. Good thing we don't have a liberal court, or people might have the fredom to display things at their workplace if they want, and people wouldn't get ousted from their homes so big business could make more money building a mall.
  2. I agree and stated earlier that Green Mile and 6th Sense were good movies. Toy Story was good, never saw TS 2. Blair Witch, I could not watch the whole thing it was so bad. Star War I, was much better then the last two and was okay. The acting was IMHO much better. The last two have just been aweful acting. American Beauty, was not very good. It was just a little too far out, and strange for my tastes. Also, not a Kevin Spacey fan.
  3. Because I find the pundits to be wrong on a lot of occassions. What they think is bad, I on occassion find good, and vice versa. Actually to be fair, I thought Kidman actually did a half decent job in the role. But the rest of the acting was horrible, the plt was bad, etc... Besides the wife wanted to go, so sometimes one must do as the other half wants.
  4. From that 109 best website. If you want steak: http://www.10best.com/Boston/Restaurants/S...uses/index.html
  5. The N is next to the B. !@#$ the rest of the spelling.
  6. I believe they would be very effective in the kill. After all that would feed the Nanook clan for a while.
  7. Actually history has shown Nixon to be one of the better presidents ever.
  8. http://www.buffalobillsproshop.com/main_de...ersey%2058%2D60
  9. It's one letter off dipshit.
  10. No, but the movie showed people "just getting shot" with their arms and legs flying down the beach.
  11. Guess you didn't read, that is what this guy implied. I have no clue, because I don't have a musical bone in my body.
  12. Didn't see it, I'll wait for the video.
  13. How the hell do you know what color I am. I could be black, white, asian, Natice American, Indian, Arab, for all you know. I could also be married to a black, white, asian, indian, etc... woman. For all you know, which is nothing you could be barking up a wrong tree. I believe through hard work everyone gets ahead corporation and individuals, regardless of color of their skin. But you are a bigot no matter the color of yours.
  14. Well people don't know good TV either. I guess if it isn't American Idol, Lost, etc... then it doesn't matter.
  15. No, where is it. And why are you shitting on my thread.
  16. Neither, someone who works hard to get what I earn, and expect others to do the same and not use others to further their cause becuase they want to skirt the law to get ahead. I believe hard work makes everyone better. Wouldn't you agree tgreg99?
  17. Thanks for an intelligent reply after the last two chimps had to chime in with stupidity.
  18. It was on when I flipped the TV on. I like the Kelly Thigeman (sp??) that is on there. I am thinking shower scene with her.
  19. No they don't going flying. Have you seen it in real life, I have. It wasn't realistic.
  20. I agree. But I was up there this year. Took a cab basically 7 miles from the convention center to a little place just North of the city. Cost me 30 going and 25 coming back. for 7 friggen miles. Actually use the tram (what is it called), if you can. Real cheap way to get around.
  21. Wow, your last 4 posts are completely inane and you're judging me based on an avatar. An avatar that slams a union that is meant only to protect in the high profile cases and ones that they deam hurt only the down trodden, regardless of the affect on real liberties or the rule of law and the constitution.
  22. No offense but cabs in Boston are a rip off. Unless you are getting reimbursed they are way too expensive.
  23. I was watching Peter Jacobson and friends on TV early this morning on Golf Channel. That had some "famous" guitar maker on there. Well the format is they talk a little about golf, as well as the professions of each of the guests. He said something to the effect that what we as "civilians" see in guitar player is wrong. We have no clue what makes a great guitar player. He said the ones that everyone lists in the top 100 are terrible and could not compare with the real greats. He pretty much implied that most people would not appreciate it and the bands would not be able to handle good players. Did anyone see this? I really think he was taking a mjor jab at the Van Halens, Eric Claptons, etc... of the world.
  24. We already had this discussion, I am always right.
  25. That was easy. If they show up like that, my arguement will be easy to prove. Of course we have our friends from Western Mass and Indiana to also help make a very compelling argument.
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