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Everything posted by VABills

  1. What???? Wie, finished 2nd earlier on the LPGA this year, and has won the women's Amateur Public Links Championship. She also was leading the OPen going into the final day. Pressal is ranked higher but she is 2 years older. She also has only won she minor amateur events. You might have the wrong person mixed up woth Anna Kornikova.
  2. Actually it's more like GWB = Stalin. After all the libs are comparing gulags to Gitmo. I guess way overstating something is to get attention. I am guessing their mom had them on the teet until they were teenagers and are now suffering from lack of attention.
  3. That's not even 10% of each car. How much of the cost goes to the even white shirted guys who do nothing but plan, buy other comapnies and sit in air conditioned offices doing nothing make?
  4. Way to be avoid answering. I should have done that.
  5. And what do you consider to be a "good" band. Of course all the millions of people who see these bands and buy there music have no clue on what is good. It only counts as good if you say so? Way to be a hypocrite.
  6. Are you implying people are trying to tear down Tiger because he is black? That's sad if that is true, because he is truely a great golfer. Hell he yells and screams, get PO'ed like I do on the course. I looked at it as being human. I sure wouldn't someone clicking a camera 10 feet from me when I am in a backswing, and I would expect my caddy to take care of that as well, so I can control my emotions on the course.
  7. It's the old tear down the ones on top syndrom. There are so many rumors and innuendoes about Tiger, etc... that get started because he is on top.
  8. What the hell? Yesterday we had someone compare breaking into file cabinets with killing 30 million Russians and Jews. Seems like people have an issue with economy of scale.
  9. I expect stupidity out of him. You should hold yourself to a higher standard.
  10. Okay moron, you want me to start again?
  11. Saab purchase made sense to get the engineering. Just like Ford buying Volvo. The problem has been integrating those technologies because the union workers wil not let it in, without renegociating the training and new techniques.
  12. And how many times has a government arbitrator defined the contract because management and the union couldn't agree. More often then you think. Plus again, the union hold's management over the barrel because the management can't hire replacement workers at less cost because the union will kill or intimidate the workers and their families. Tell me that is legal, and that management can do a damn thing about it?
  13. So we as Americans can't appreciate someone else building better cars and cheaper? So the unions will be able to continue to rip us off, demand twice as much money, better benefits, to make shity cars, and that's okay with you and the rest of America, becuase we don't really want to have to work hard to get ahead. Wow, I don't believe that was the attitude that made our country strong. I also hope you don't teach your kids that attitude, or this country will be in trouble.
  14. And if the management didn't give in the all of the stupid demands the union walks and the car maker generates no income. Plus there is no real incentive to work hard at the plants as these folks in the union pretty much have guananteed contracts for the life of that agreement. If the contracts were more incentive driven, and make the employees get less pay for less work and more bonuses for good work, then maybe it would be a win win situation.
  15. No he was just taught a lesson by the unions. If you work hard and make the other folks around you look bad, you'll get fired. We don't want success, we want complacent people.
  16. This is typical of corporate America. The working see the bosses making more and blame them for the demise of the company, but take no pride in just doing their jobs, and working harder to get to the top. Rather then working harder, doing a few more hours of work to get ahead, they blame the CEO's and the Japanese for all their troubles.
  17. http://money.cnn.com/2005/06/27/Autos/bc.a....reut/index.htm
  18. Do you think I honestly believe that?
  19. Basically they came out yesterday, said they were doing so well that they may actually have to do things to harm their business to keep some of the American companies in business. So American car makers are being run into the ground over all the union perks, and now a foreign company may have to raise prices and do other things other things to allow them to "catch their breath". Isn't it great that a well run company now has to damage itself just so it doesn't destroy any competition?
  20. Yeah sorry. But his wife and kids have been raping and suing each other to get more and more, I lost track of who was who. Thanks for correcting that.
  21. I guess Sams wife and other kid can now have fun going after the rest of his money, that they have been trying to steal for years.
  22. Well I didn't write those reviews. All the words are spelled correctly.
  23. What kind of mice? Because certain mice are bigger and others are smaller.
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