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Everything posted by VABills

  1. It's actually a very good option. It's what they do for keracontonus (sp??) as well. I did a little research on this recently.
  2. It's the way I like it, my wife likes it, and my daughter likes it. You have a problem with that?
  3. Yeah, don't listen to Rod Woodson, he doesn't know anything about football. Except maybe he is one of the greatest to ever play the game, and geez he made a huge living reading Qb's. I hope he is wrong, but he sure knows more than the average bear.
  4. Actually I was joking. I actually went and cooked dinner. London broil, homemade gravy, mixed veggies (corn, broc, carrots, and baby corn), and red beasn and rice. Then I took my daughter and her friend to Brusters for 1/2 priced banana splits. Much better than a movie. Oh and I cooked all of that in less than 45 minutes. How does it take so long to cook noodles? Do noodles in Indiana absorb water that much slower than the rest of the world? * "Are we to believe that boiling water soaks into a noodles slower in Indiana kitchens than in any other place on the face of the earth? Or perhaps the laws of physics cease to exist on Indiana stoves! Were they magic noodles?"
  5. Oh I'm not. Maybe I'll watch a really good movie tonight like Seed of Chuckie. After all did it win an Academy Award?
  6. They got to you too? Invasion of the bodysnatchers by the communists and anarchists.
  7. At the one near me, they run monthly question and answer, demos on the surgery. They pick one name from the hat each month and that person get a free surgery. I am sure they do a great job too.
  8. Oh I know, but dammit if I am going to get !@#$ed with I want to at least do something to deserve it. I've been so busy I have not had time to mess with pickle boy or the goat herder.
  9. Seems like he would make a better DE with that swim move he has.
  10. However if you do it, come down this way. Dr. Mark Whitten, Rockville, Md. He is the guy who did Tiger Woods surgery. I think if a guy making 50 million per year trusts him, he might do an okay job for you. Probably worth the 20 in gas, and 10 in hotel fees for a night. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_..._53/ai_86204880
  11. Don't !@#$ with your eyes.
  12. Wow, that's so brave. Now that you have one of your goats friends trying to help you. Watch it you might burn your figures getting the noodles out of the pan Brandon. You still didn't answer the question though, can you use pickles instead of pickle juice. If so what kind? If not what kind of pickle juice? If dill, does it matter if kosher or not?
  13. What the difference between Buckey/Juliann/JeffGordon? Sounds pretty much like the same person to me.
  14. I am not the chef. I was asking the question. You tell me what would go best.
  15. Well I stayed out of this, but BF since your goat !@#$er showed up saying I was picking on you, I might as well. Instead of pickle juice can you chop up pickles and use it instead?
  16. What did I tell you? And why you call me out for for saying that?
  17. Oh sure you !@#$ing with his sheared goat the last 2 days, and he starts in on me. Thanks ****.
  18. Hey stupid you have a flag avatar, so !@#$ing what?
  19. Shut up NG, or I'll sick your boss on you.
  20. Show me where I bashed BF in the last 2 days? Sorry, but I've been a little busy to get involved in retard bashing. Of course little boy, there are those just a tad bit more crude and rude then me. You may want to piss up a different rope. Show me a thread where I even responded to TL? I didn't show up anywhere. Talk about stalking, and showing up were someone else is. Looking in the mirror. What a !@#$ing tard.
  21. I wasn't being funny. You are acting like BF and you're a stalker. I find no humor in either, and frankly I would get a life very quickly if I were you.
  22. So are tater and BF related or is the similarity coincidental?
  23. Oh look I have a stalker. Cool. Must be the tards are out from school.
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