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Everything posted by VABills

  1. Of course, every once in a while, you still can't resist and you still do it.
  2. I guess NG's boss tbone went home for the holidays.
  3. Let's see who is right here. A professional chef, or a bloody baboon. Damn don't you have that off switch installed in your brain.
  4. Well that happens when you go to a good Catholic school. You learn things about math, and science. You formulate the best trajectory to hit the target. Of course we had the full wall urinals (4 feet high) not the little bowl types.
  5. Probably closer to 12 or 14 feet.
  6. Yeah, well I used to be able to piss from across the school bathroom and hit the urinal.
  7. I have some of those. But I really wished I could have finished last in my class at one of the top 200 out of 201 schools in the state of Indiana. that would have meant so much more to me.
  8. Yeah except about 200 schools in the state alone receive these awards each year. Hell is there even more then 200 schools in the whole state? http://ideanet.doe.state.in.us/reed/newsr/...fourstar00.html
  9. Don't can me a dwarf, I'll have to kill yuh. Don't call me Francis, if you do, I'll kill yah. If you make fun of my retardia, I'll kill yah. If you don;t think everyone on the Cardinals don't go to the HOF, I'll kill yah.
  10. Don't pick on Dr Seuss, he was born the same day as me.
  11. Well I think tatertot has to revise his record book. You have easily out distanced my say !@#$ yesterday by a very large margin.
  12. Actually only 19 for about 2 days. When you and your goathearder got in my sh--, I joined the bandwagon. I was too busy to mess with you, but of course just like a retarded bull you and you buddy had to jump into something that I wasn't within 200 miles of. So it is only 20 for 1 day now. Just want to make sure you have your facts straight skippy.
  13. "Are we to believe that boiling water soaks into a noodles slower in Indiana kitchens than in any other place on the face of the earth? Or perhaps the laws of physics cease to exist on Indiana stoves! Were they magic noodles?"
  14. Yup, just like unscrewing a pickle jar.
  15. Are you sure he should be playing with fire?
  16. Or people looking for a snack when drunk, after goosing the Queen. Right Nick?
  17. Don't fight with the retards, you'll both look stupid and only he likes it. Good night tatertot. Go drink some pickle juice maybe it will help you with your constipation.
  18. See I thought they were the pickle juice clan.
  19. I marinaded it for 2 days. Basically some garlic, olive oil, oregano, basil, and a little lemon juice. But we like gravy on ours. And I agree I don't put gravy on any beef except london broil.
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