Looking at a breakdown of who votes for who and doing some basic metrics, here is who votes for who:
15% of the country is African American and they vote at a 95% clip Dem
10% of the country is LBGT, and they vote 90% Dem
15% of the country is poor/welfare/food stamps and they vote 90% Dem
I realize there is some carry over from one of the groups to the other but for simple metric that's basically 35-40% of the country
1% of the country is "rich", they vote roughy 90% repub.
So basically, 41% of the country is pretty much handpicked who they are voting for and most are a core group that the vaste majority of the country doesn't fall into. The rest are normal hardworking middle class Americans like you and me. Why would I want to at least for national elections get lost into a party of folks who's sole purpose in life is to continue to do nothing but target a group of people that I have nothing in common with and really have huge chunks of our money going to just so thay can continue to voe for a party. Why can't we all just be Americans and equal and not have a few core special interest groups dictacting our yearly federal budget? The Dem platform is more about social issues and equality issue which are pretty much negligable in todays society or more state rights issues, and should be vetted at that level.