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Everything posted by VABills

  1. According to this camp report Shelton is detroying everyone. http://thebrownsboard.com/groupee/forums/a...24/m/7841057822
  2. Honest answer, probably US Scare. I mean air.
  3. But that's not Richmond. Long ways from it. Now, IMHO, other than Cheesecake Factory, The best Restaurant in Richmond are in Williamsburg or Fredericksburg.
  4. So basically she got to know you like those of us around here.
  5. The probablem is the sub shop at WAWA and the local pulled pig BBQ are the best restaurants in Richmond.
  6. USMC.mil CNN.com Fox.com Friends in the service mostly Army and Marine buddies.
  7. Neil Diamond in concert in DC next Wednesday. How about a spa day gift certificate, then dinner at the finest place in Richmond. Ooops sorry forgot Richmond, okay scratch that, no fine restaurants. Almost forgot, you can take her for some fine subs at the local Wawa.
  8. Oh I live here, trust me I know what a pain in the ass it can be. But metro is a pain as well.
  9. You know, one thing lost on everyone. He is traveling overnight, gonna have bags and likely some work stuff for the meeting. Do you really believe that the metro/marc is really conducive to carrying bags on it. Plus with the added security around he is likely to get a lot of extra looks and who knows whatelse riding around DC metro with a bunch of bags. But whatever.
  10. 295 - Baltimore Washington Parkway. Rent a car.
  11. Are you talking to me? Are ... you.... talking to me?
  12. You know of the 7-7 drills I have seen he has been pretty solid with the feet. This was the first one where he was back there dancing a little. And for those of you wondering he is dancing. It is even more pronounced in the 11-11 drills. Please pay attention anyone at camp. He just doesn't look comfortable at all in the pocket.
  13. Denver has some pretty healthy ones. I believe the thin air makes them breath harder and increases their ahem..... lung capacity.
  14. He is also 6 feet tall not 5'6" in platform shoes.
  15. Are you implying this is Bush's fault? Damn that didn't take long. It's Bushs fault the plane crashed, it's Bushs fault this lady is a B word and it's Bushs fault it was raining and the passengers had to get wet trying to flee. Wow, that pretty much goes up there with some of the more stupid things I have seen implied.
  16. I have never heard someone compare eating food to a child.
  17. Well at leas we know why Trey doesn't like snapping the ball real well. Kind of hard to concentrate with the Qb groping.
  18. Coy's a big boy and fast. I wouldn't bring him into to this, he could hurt you.
  19. The airplane was on the fire, I understand, but that does not mean that the hostess should not smile and be polite. The Americans of the north have no manner. holy merde!!!
  20. Actually I hope he does. Be nice to get his perspective.
  21. Maybe JP was hoping for a reach around if he complimented Brett.
  22. And she made me leave my potato salad in the burning airplane.
  23. But hey she would have been warm and dry in the airplane.
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