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Everything posted by VABills

  1. This just goes to show you that Mcnally sucks. We're doomed.
  2. The Marines don't brain wash as much as they tear you down and make you start thinking on your own. It's actually quite a big deal that they down't want drones, but rather people who think outside the box and come up with creative solutions. If you're a mindless lemming who also follows orders and subject to "brain washing" you will fail in the Corps.
  3. http://www.screenhead.com/funny/FIGHTINGMACHINE.jpg
  4. He caught Brett Favre walking on the side of the road with cut off shorts, no shirt and a red hat and so enamored he lost control.
  5. Darwin would not be pleased.
  6. It's organization. Damn you can't even friggen cut and paste. Oh and the best scene was: Charlie Hinton: Hey man, how did it go in there? Max: I missed. Charlie Hinton: Missed, what does that mean? Max: I missed.
  7. Word of advice hire someone else to chop your firewood. Otherwise I sense a Monte Python and the Holy Grail scene.
  8. Of course you get your chili complete with pasta as well.
  9. But first cut the red wire.
  10. Did it growl? And if you would have had Peter auto flusher that would not have been a problem.
  11. You forgot the Cards are the best francise in the history of organized sports.
  12. Actually I think he watched the movie Anchorman one too many times.
  13. You know that's exactly what I told my coworker when we saw that this morning.
  14. ??? Wow, you have some issues. You been hanging with people from Indiana lately.
  15. What are you going to dump a beer on my head, point me out at the bar, and feed me warm potato salad off the hood of a car? Or to you just want me to kill myself?
  16. Hey it's better then watching the march of the king penguin masterbaters.
  17. He thinks he is ROb Dougan, whoever that is?
  18. ????? What????
  19. He was confused from sniffing tbones , err.... Bigfoots penis.
  20. What's Glenlibbet? I have a couple bottles of Glenlivet at home. And if it is a scotch WTF would you put pepper in it?
  21. Hey come on admit it, even you laughed at that.
  22. A little hostile NG. Less caffine is what you need.
  23. Is Bigfoot your petname for t-bone? That's so cute.
  24. Let's issue #32 instead. That number has brought a lot of popularity to Buffalo.
  25. I hear there is a good recipe for pasta retarda (sp???) as well.
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