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Everything posted by VABills

  1. Yes, I was actually thinking about this last night. I believe they are using those tactics. I believe if pushed they could probably turn this Sheehan women into their own little bomber if they wanted. Especially since her own loved ones, children and husband are all telling her to STFU and drop it and that she is wrong. Someone has obviously brainwashed and convinced her of a lot of things, and she is following the script to the tee.
  2. So the fact that this women already talked with Bush last year and had several hours at that time means nothing. You guys honestly believe she isn't being pumped and pushed by the Dean machine to be the pathetic thing that she has become. I know see and understand how Al Qeada is able to recruit and make terrorists. Seems the Democrats are learning some new techniques. Using and abusing those that feel anger and slighted after a loss. What a bunch of hypocritical polical bull sh--.
  3. No I don't really think the offense was all that in the second half. I think a lot of it was Mcgahee coming in and grasping things and helping out in the blocking. Notice that with Travis out the sack total plummeted. In addition Evans started getting it. But I still think the Oline had major issues and the defense and St's were still the most important piece to that cog. I think you folks under estimate how many games Henry really lost for us, because we basically were playing with 10 guys on offense most of the time. That one change IMHO made the offense much better. And if it wasnt for the injury I am not sure MM would hav been able to make that change.
  4. Wow, what did we get for him? I hadn't heard that. I am sure that your other facts are just as accurrate. Fag
  5. No but do you honestly believe if he did, that anyone here would give him any credit?
  6. Plus about 12 quarters last preseason and about 5 quarters during the regular season.
  7. So when DB, throws for 3500+ yards, 27 TDs and less then 15 INTs, Dallas makes the playoffs, it will still be despite Drew, and Drew sucked, but the rest of the team made up for his failings.
  8. JM was 6 inches taller and 30 punds heavier, could get off the line and catch. His problem was he could figure out how to adjust routes or even run the right route.
  9. Who was the other receiver a few years back that you guys were pining over and then he got cut because basically he sucked? I think its great that you look for the long shots and root for them, but With Moulds, Evans, Parrish, Aiken, Smith and probably Reed thats 6 receivers. Plus with our return guys being Parrish, Clements, Mcgee, and Burns or Gates as the other back guy on KO's, Haddad will not make the team. It's a nice story and makes it interesting since he is a local college kid.
  10. I agree that half time adjustments where great. What I said was in game, and by that I meant 4th quarter. Seems like we really we always were doing stupid things in the 4th quarter and not adjusting as needed.
  11. Haddad isnt making the team, unless Roscoe goes on IR. He had 3 catches the other night, the longest being the tip off the ball that should have been intercepted. In fact, either he or Aiken ran a wrong route there because they were within a couple yards of each other and had 4 defenders wrongly around the ball.
  12. Well.......... I am neither too high nor too low on him. He seems to have a very likable personality and seems to have been able to help recruit some good "named" coaches. He also seems to be able to control the locker room problems and ensure problems like the Travis whining and issues with Drew, the oline and with the defense stay in the locker room and not in the news media. So for all of those I like him, because he seems to have that respect. However, it is very obvious to me at least that he also is over his head at times both in day to day coaching and even on game day. He seems to be unable to adjust well during the games, very obvious against Jacksonville, Oakland, and especially Pittsburgh last year. I wonder if some of the "respect" doesn't get in the way of either over riding his on field coodinators to resolve game time bad play calling or he just is stunned and is a deer in headlights. His handling of player concerns and injuries also bothers me. He doesn't seem open to either giving a true status or any status. Which IMHO is unfair to the fans in at least having an idea of whats going on and what to expect. Thirdly, while he is supposed to be an offensive expert, he seems to be outmatched and unable to really prepare this guys as quickly as I expect. I was very disappointed in the offensive line play the other day and with MM and Mcnally I would have expected a much better showing. I know it;s only the first game, but Indy doesn't have a good defense and they had 7 starters not even play a down, makes me wonder. The center of our line looked horrid in my opinion and really has me questioning our coaching. In addition with all the praise he has garnered on Losman, I was expecting somewhat of a polished QB, not perfect, but a little bit refined, and IMHO, Losman other than the short field TD after the INT, didn't show me anything. So to be honest other than the locker room handling and apparant respect of his coaches and players, I do not feel MM is doing a good job to this point. Now I will say, I am impressed with what Grey has done with the defense and the Bobby April with the STers. And I know MM gets some of that credit, but he is supposed to be the offensive genius and Grey and April, according to MM last year were give a long leash to do things on their own so MM could work a lot with the O. So I believe Grey has earned a lot more respect from me than he had under Williams.
  13. You you want only opinions that agree with yours? Or do you want an honest opinion?
  14. Poojer what did you do? http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/08/16/computer....y.ap/index.html My favorite line:
  15. And why does one deserve special treatment and a second chance to vent to the president when there are 299,999,999 other people who have never even had a first chance.
  16. And if he does it with one, everyone else will do the same thing. Lemming mentality. As far as it goes she has had her 15 minutes, now get off the stage. Of course you're wrong, since she already met with Bush back at Ft Lewis, but she feels it was satisfying so she wants more time. Sheehan, 48, and other grieving military families met with Bush in June 2004 at Fort Lewis (search), near Seattle, two months after her son's death. But she says the meeting was unsatisfactory, and it came before reports surfaced about faulty pre-war intelligence, which enraged her.
  17. ‘‘But whether it be here or in Washington or anywhere else, there's somebody who has got something to say to the president, that's part of the job,'' Bush said on the ranch. ‘‘And I think it's important for me to be thoughtful and sensitive to those who have got something to say.'' The rest of the quote from your story. Basically everyone wants a private audience with the president. Hell I would love it, but guess what there are 300 million people or so in this country and if he sat down and listen to each and every moron whining about something, he would never do his job, or have nay privacy and time to himself. He will not nor should be held hostage to every liberal nutcase who wants attention, just like Dean should not have to listen to every Rich in Ohio nutcase that wants 20 minutes of his time.
  18. You mean your former fiance? After pulling that crap, her as would be on the stoop. Priorities are Bills first and formost.
  19. Well through my glasses I seem to have seen things differently then most folks here. I honestly didn't like what I saw at all from the entire offense.
  20. So your saying if someone sees something different they shouldn't say anything, because it doesn't meet with your agenda, nor does it show the Bills not winning every Super Bowl.
  21. Mindless babble is all you have. No it's hard to add anything of substance to your typical ranting and raving. Rich, just like Debbie is the mouthpiece for Dean you are the mouth piece for all that is bad in the republican party. Grow a pair and think for yourself instead of just spouting the party line.
  22. Actually that is an old tax credit for large truck like vehicles. Been on the book for year, and was meant for small businesses to use it to buy delivery trucks. Just someone figured out that Humvees and Suburbans weighed so much that they too qualified, if you owned your own business. So not a new law, just another use for an existing one was figured out.
  23. Who's ouir big three?
  24. No, No, NO, you have it all wrong. It is Bushs fault that they bought an SUV during the Clinton era, and now they have to pay the gas prices because Bush invaded Iraq. Don't you know Haliburton is behind it all so that George can own all the oil in the world and make billions.
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