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Everything posted by VABills

  1. No he didn't fall down. They went on a 2 hour bike ride, and he kept his balance. My point was, I have seen him falling off his bike and the Segway, on the front of CNN, plus him chocking on a pretzel over the last few years. The way the media reports, makes you think those are major events, yet things like what is actually happening on Russian, Chechnia negociations, or NK / SK negociations are barely discussed and rarely on the front page.
  2. But Bush was caught falling down on his bike with Lance Armstrong, picking his nose, avoiding a second meeting with a depressed mom, all this while wearing a flightsuit. Those are much more important facts.
  3. Wrong stupid. Read the friggen thread. The originator wanted to go on and say if Losman had two more completions then he would have thrown 64%. My point was for every completion there was also a push on a pass that should have been incomplete. Therefore Losmans stats are what they are. Overall I haven't seen the game, so I honestly don't know how he did, or how he looked tonight. I hope he looked better then last game, because he didn't look good then.
  4. I heard it was a BJ from a barney doll that really lit his fire.
  5. I am asking the question. Everyone wants to add stats, well you could just as easily take away stats, was my point. Of course when it is played on TV later this week I'll watch it and let you know. But if someone wants to give an honest answer now that would be great.
  6. But then just as important, how many bad throws, tipped balls, etc... were caught by the receivers that proabably should have been dropped, or interecepted?
  7. This has been covered quite a bit in the national news since last month. Not sure if you are trying to be funny, sarcastic or stupid, but it's really been an every day coverage. It has bounced on and off CNN's front page. Of course I haven't seen to much of the blond haired girl lately, seems they got tired of her. But that's probably because they now have a sick, stupid women who is saying bad things about Bush, so the media has to make sure she is front and center on their war against conservatism.
  8. Oh you wouldn't kick him out of bed if you had the chance.
  9. If Robbins hangs around there, Moore could get shot in the groin again.
  10. You guys are all missing it. I don't think a third party could win no matter his/her cash. I think the only way to make it happen is to have a well liked sitting president switch to a 3rd party right before the election. It would keep a lot of his "original" party votes, plus some of the other party and the "middle of the road" folks would probably swing towards him.
  11. Don't worry folks, forces have shut her up for now. Seems someone doesn't seem to like her message and the angels have been sent to take care of the situation. I feel sorry for her family, but she is doing nothing be being a mouthpiece and spreading hatred. edit: I wonder if Casey didn't go to ask the power that be to shut her down. This was the most expeditious way.
  12. Didn't work for the celeb with billions to burn in Ross Perot. It would take a sitting president who is has high poll numbers to switch parties to a 3rd party right before the election.
  13. Springs and shocks are probably shot with all that bouncing and jumping he did. Jeez I hope JP has a heavy duty truck or something so he doesn't run his car.
  14. Nope that must be that leagues rules. Here is the rule: 7.13- (Tee Ball/Minors/Majors only) When a pitcher is in contact with the pitcher's plate and in possession of the ball and the catcher is in the catcher's box ready to receive delivery of ball, base runners shall not leave their bases until the ball has been delivered and has reached the batter. The violation by one base runner shall affect all other base runners - (a)when a base runner leaves the base before the pitched ball has reached the batter and the batter does not hit the ball, the runner is permitted to continue, If splay is made on the runner and the runner is out, the out stands, If said runner reaches safely the base to which the runner is advancing, that runner must be returned to the base occupied before the pitch was made, and no out results; (b)when a base runner leaves the base before the pitched ball has reached the batter and the batter hits the ball, the base runner or runners are permitted to continue, If a play is made and the runner or runners are put out, the out or outs will stand, If not put out, the runner or runners must return to the original base or bases or to the unoccupied base nearest the one that was left; In no event shall the batter advance beyond first base on a single or error, second base on a double or third base on a triple. The umpire-in-chief shall determine the base value of the hit ball. ©when any base runner leaves the base before the pitched ball has reached the batter and the batter bunts or hits a ball within the infield, no run shall be allowed to score If three runners were on the bases and the batter reaches first base safely, each runner shall advance to the base beyond the one they occupied at the start of the play except the runner who occupied third base, which runner shall be removed from the base without a run being scored.
  15. Okay who stole FFS account. A man of few words he is not.
  16. We all know about you and the rumors flying here. I choose not to listen to those rumor. I believe there is no doubt they are true.
  17. Yeah let' not do racial profiling. Let's just shoot everyone with tan skin and get it over with.
  18. I usually take a crap in the bathroom or shower, sometimes both, but I rarely fall in there. I have fallen on my front steps before.
  19. Yes you can steal in little league and yes you can get a balk called. In LL, you just have to wait until the ball passes over home plate. Most/all LL's in the country follow the same rules. This is why most coaches put a decent catcher in there because you could steal left and right on him. I actually umped for a year and pretty much the only way to get a balk in LL is if the picture goes through the wind up and then throws to a bag with the runner on trying to get him leaning and he falls off. The runner would be safe and given a base with the balk call. Again very rare in LL but yes it can happen.
  20. Actually if you research it a little more Rich, the military is the one being prtected. Seems they were spying on US citizens both here and abroad which is a major no-no for the military. Lot's of mid-level and senior level brass will have their ass handed to them when all is said and done. As far as Billy boy and his in action on the knowledge, it was determined legally since the data was illegally gotten that they could not act. I don't agree with the decision, but understand it.
  21. Damn he can afford to have his socks and underwear drycleaned?
  22. I believe JP has been speaking up for Drew because he too think Drew has pretty eyes. So CL you have competition for his affections.
  23. BF goes away, NJ Sue goes away and then AD goes away, coincidence I think not. Either they were the seals or maybe all three are one and the same person. The google searching, ratatta eating, seal clubing eskimo.
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