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Everything posted by VABills

  1. But Fitz is really smart. He's working with a great coach who is working on his mechanics. It's like golf they say it takes 10,000 repetitions to learn a new swing. Just give him time.
  2. Fitz can throw a couple INTs for TD, to help.
  3. Why isn't Jackson active? He can't be worse than this ****.
  4. But it's all the defenses fault according to many here. QB and coach has us going 3 and out most series and they expect the defense to not be tired. The moral on defense has to be low knowing that they can't evensit and catch their breath in between series, because these idiots on O can't get a first down.
  5. Bad News Bills Defense. Coming to your local TV for the next 10 weeks.
  6. Freddy looks pissed. Fitz, he's going to shiv you in the lockerroom at halftime.
  7. Better score 40 in the first half. Never know how much the D will give up the second half of the game.
  8. Take it to PPP. **** most of the players in the NFL can barely speak English, do you really believe more than 1% really !@#$ing understand that ****?
  9. About !@#$ing time. Cut Williams and Anderson, keep Kelsay in there.
  10. What? When did handicapped people not get the right to vote? I also believe retards have the ability to vote as well. Hell if this place is any indication, I believe they do it all the time.
  11. Too be fair to Obama, the unemployment rate would be lower. But all the criminals in Illinois prisons are collecting unemployment. No I am not kidding.
  12. To be fair if Romney and Ryan didn't make an issue of it, the media would brush it under the rug, to ensure it wasn't an issue for the messiah.
  13. Just like Obama and Mitt's five sons, they can say it as often as they want, doesn't make it true.
  14. We have electronic voting up north. We just zap votes if we don't like them with our secret wi-fi attached monitor.
  15. Yeah because going three and out and turning the ball over all day doesn't demoralize the defense and make them give up.
  16. Amateur. I am sitting at my panda skin leather chair, at my brazillian rosewood desk, on my brazillian cheery wood floor like most .1%ers.
  17. You folks are aware that all that gear is sold every week and the money is donated to American Cancer Society. Hell they could do it for 17 weeks, IMHO.
  18. yes - I believe most states have them.
  19. Shut up and crawl back in a hole.
  20. We suck at QB and this guy can't even get on the active roster for a weekend. WTF
  21. You're either an idiot or only listen to what they tell you, which makes you an idiot. Al Armendariz after he was making speeches that the EPA would be shutting it down, and there have been calls for Lisa Jackson to be forced out as well. Armendariz was forced to resign after he did shut down some wells for no cause. http://thehill.com/blogs/e2-wire/e2-wire/224515-epa-official-resigns-over-crucify-comments http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204026804577098112387490158.html http://www.theintelligencer.net/page/content.detail/id/553390/EPA-Is-Bashed-Over-Fracking.html?nav=515
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