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Everything posted by VABills

  1. When they can start getting 40-50 mpg in a van/SUV that I can haul kids around in, and if need be pull a trailer or a boat, etc... let me know. Sure not every needs that but who are you to tell me I can't. I pay extra taxes if it costs more then 30K, I pay higher fuel costs, plus a tax surcharge if it doesn't get enough MPG. Good luck with your little VW/hybrid in a snow storm, or major flooding, or hauling wood back to heat your house to save on heating fuel, or going camping with the boy scouts, family.
  2. For you probably Dulles, by a lot.
  3. Don't go oogling my girlfriend now.
  4. I agree. I believe we have some military bases being closed, some of them Navy with ports. Pretty easy in and out. Nice locations for refineries.
  5. Why do we allow ourself to get caught short? Let''s just drill the puppy and get us a nice surplus and home supply of oil.
  6. It wasn't one of Sosa corked/BB bats was it?
  7. Yeah 30 million over the cap had nothing to do with cutting these players. I am sure the league would have changed the rules just for us.
  8. Not sure who a hobbit is, and yeah fawning over 15 year olds is so Travis Henry like. Now, the Sharipova (sp??) now that she is 18, is hot.
  9. I believe this goes in the category with American Idol, Survivor and Retatta recipes. As in "Who Cares Forum" .
  10. I could be wrong, but I think that's why he is a dad now.
  11. Ours where 2.45 -2.49 last night. Today 2.49 - 2.53. Sucks.
  12. Never saw the whole movie. I know another, less then popular choice but I thought it was lame.
  13. Better then the seven legged frog they caught in lake anna down here a couple years back. But the Nuke plant had nothing to do with thatl.
  14. Didn't Gump do shrimp in the gulf?
  15. Ummmm. You think they are fishing after a hurricane rolls through. No they let the crap settle for a few days. And yes I know some sport fishing is done afterwards and is supposed to be good. But after typhoon in Asia, you don't eat anything from the sea for a couple of days.
  16. Got get those evil enemies that don't return their books on time, or God forbid, they talk in the library. Or worse write notes in the books and the evil Bushites want to see the chicken scratch. Way to keep our country safe from these terrorists.
  17. Okay Mr. Clean, WTF do you plan on doing with several billions of gallons of water with toxins in them?
  18. Into the gulf. The levels of toxins should be low enough that the shear quantity of water in the gulf will offset it. It's not like anyone is drinking or going swimming in that water anytime soon.
  19. He's making more money and made more money knowing football then you did. Much as I hate the boys, Emmitts okay.
  20. They brought generators in to run the pumps. But until they gets the holes dammed up, that's no good.
  21. You were a librarian.
  22. Where's the cliff notes? You said all messages in the future would have them?
  23. Hey beer is righteous. No need to let it go to waste.
  24. But I bet all the pickle juice is gone.
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