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Everything posted by VABills

  1. Did I say that?
  2. He is 5-8, but to be fair to him the first was on a horrible Indy colts team that was 0-9 in 1997. At Cleveland he was 5-7 and we know what a joke they have been for a while now.
  3. I was going to be a little crueler, but this is the new and kinder board so I kept it nice. Oh yeah aren't you the board witch as well?
  4. So it's your fault. If you were doing something other then watching TV and listening to these guys at the opns center the problem would be fixed.
  5. Says the board flirt.
  6. Actually I could be wrong. But according to this article he could. Of course that would override what northcom and DOJ sites say: http://www.masnet.org/articleinterest.asp?id=724 However, other then a few blogs and "stories" there seems to be no ability even under a state of emergency unless for WMD for DOD to act, unless congress passes a law or changes the constitution to override the 10th amendment.
  7. I stand corrected.
  8. Says the man with oversized bulbous head and pasty white complexion, who gets slapped around by kittens.
  9. Yeah I know what you did cuke boy.
  10. Yeah you said that. Giver only, no receive and no wrap arounds. Selfish bastard.
  11. I only tried the first. I'll leave the second to you and your friends.
  12. I think he had me confused with you or beerball.
  13. And from Northcom: http://www.northcom.mil/index.cfm?fuseacti...ets&factsheet=5 The United States Congress has enacted a number of exceptions to the PCA that allow the military, in certain situations, to assist civilian law enforcement agencies in enforcing the laws of the U.S. The most common example is counterdrug assistance (Title 10 USC, Sections 371-381). Other examples include: The Insurrection Act (Title 10 USC, Sections 331-335). This act allows the president to use U.S. military personnel at the request of a state legislature or governor to suppress insurrections. It also allows the president to use federal troops to enforce federal laws when rebellion against the authority of the U.S. makes it impracticable to enforce the laws of the U.S. Assistance in the case of crimes involving nuclear materials (Title 18 USC, Section 831). This statute permits DoD personnel to assist the Justice Department in enforcing prohibitions regarding nuclear materials, when the attorney general and the secretary of defense jointly determine that an “emergency situation” exists that poses a serious threat to U.S. interests and is beyond the capability of civilian law enforcement agencies. Emergency situations involving chemical or biological weapons of mass destruction (Title 10 USC, Section 382). When the attorney general and the secretary of defense jointly determine that an “emergency situation” exists that poses a serious threat to U.S. interests and is beyond the capability of civilian law enforcement agencies. DoD personnel may assist the Justice Department in enforcing prohibitions regarding biological or chemical weapons of mass destruction.
  14. http://www.dojgov.net/posse_comitatus_act.htm
  15. Only a constitutional override or an act of congress can permit US troops to perform enforcement activity on US soil. The President I don't believe can do so even under a state of emergency. It requires a law to be passed through congress for approval of use.
  16. But I don't want to be like you. Can I change my guess, LA?
  17. Much better to be a female loving dwarf then a pole smoker.
  18. The military is not allowed to perform law enforcement on US soil without a change in law. This falls under law enforement and therefore the CINC cannot give that order.
  19. What are you talking about? It was a major insult to me. fag
  20. I thick it's just DoD. Remember though there is Arkansas guard helping out as well. I assume they fall under DoD control.
  21. That might cause the wall to start crashing again.
  22. Except the military is now saying they will not participate in forced evacs. It isn't their job and they aren't doing it.
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