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Everything posted by VABills

  1. In his defense, he said "or". So really you just need to know someone who served in Iraq? Plus could have been some Iraqis who served in the Iraq-Iran war in attendance.
  2. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/10/18/pennsylvania-councilman-1-jailed-after-stealing-romney-campaign-signs/?test=latestnews
  3. This from a "credible" source since it's from liberal media. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-250_162-57535581/obama-to-jon-stewart-benghazi-deaths-not-optimal/?tag=AverageHero;leadHed Seriously is this idiot that out of touch that he says crap like this? What would have been optimal, that everyone be killed? That only the SEALS be killled? Tell me sir, what is optimal?
  4. You don't even know the difference between an entity and a table. I wouldn't approve your **** either.
  5. Romney at least has some from a trade perspective, since he was with Bain negociating moving all those jobs overseas.
  6. This too where he is praised by the post for his hiring of women. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/she-the-people/wp/2012/10/17/in-quasi-defense-of-mitts-binders-sort-of/?hpid=z2
  7. And Obama can't tell the difference between terrorism and a few angry protesters. (hint: terrorism is when your ambassador is killed by a hit squad).
  8. He and T Jackson will be in street clothes just watching.
  9. Nothing to do with muppets. But this Administration has no issue with wasting .002% here and .003% there. Lot's of little !@#$ups and soon it become 10% very quickly of wasted CITIZENS money.
  10. So does Barry get briefed on fake bombs being sold to an idiot, but not on the Ambassador getting killed? Besides it's not terrorism unless Barry says it is. Terror is not terrorism.
  11. She has a face?
  12. It's the lowest crossing border in 40 years, because there are no jobs.
  13. Barry just said that it's a mistake to have Washington decide healthcare issues. What? Didn't he cram that piece of crap obamacare through in Washington?
  14. Thats not what he said
  15. Didn't a woman moderate last week?
  16. Romney already did that with some 12 year old girl, according to the AP picture.
  17. I think my interpretation is more interesting. Could you imagine him up there debating while on acid?
  18. But it's only like .003% of the budget so it doesn't really count.
  19. Say what you mean, mean what you say. You said he had a substance problem. That means drugs.
  20. Barry is on drugs?
  21. I am ready for Vince Ferragamo.
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